C10: Just A Date

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Me and the hosts are walking looking around the stands buying, smelling touching everything. Rich people are so weird. Kyoya grabs my hand and pulls me into a restaurant. "What's this?" I ask and he smiles. "Our date." he says and we walk to the balcony and sit down. I look at the wonderful view. "Wow, this view is priceless." I say admiring the view. Sushi gets set on our plates and we start eating. "I've never tasted sushi so good." I say smiling at Kyoya who is slightly blushing. I stop eating and stare at him. "So what do you want?" I ask and he looks at me. "What do you mean?" he asks. "Well aren't you known for only doing things that benefit you?" I ask still looking into his brownish-grey eyes. "I'm not doing this to get something." he says looking off to the beautiful view. I pull out my phone and smile. "Let's take a picture so I can remember this day." I say and he looks at me blushing. We stand up and pose with peace signs with the gorgeous view behind us. We sit back down and dessert gets placed on a different plate in front of us. "Strawberry cake, my favorite." I say and start eating the wonderful smelling strawberry cake.

We stand up and sit on the rail of the balcony. I stare at him. "Got a little frosting on your cheek." I say while wiping off a little frosting on his cheek. He starts to get red in his cheeks. We stand up and start to walk towards where the rest of the group should be. "Thanks for that. It was beautiful." I say with a red tint on my cheeks. He scratches the back of his neck with a slight blush on his cheeks. "Yeah of course." he says. "Kyoya! Misaki!" Tamaki says while running towards us. "Where were you two?" he asks and we both smile.


"Kyoya! Misaki!" Tamaki says while running towards Kyoya and Misaki. "Where were you two?" he asks and they smile. Wait a minute. I put my hands in a fist and glare at them. They were on a date! I roll my eyes and grab Kaoru's arm, "Let's go." I say angrily. "What? Why?" he asks and I roll my eyes dragging him to our limo. "What's wrong with you?" he asks as we sit in the limo. I look out the window and stare at the other hosts. "Nothing." I annoyingly say. "Why don't you just tell her how you feel?" he asks. "I don't feel anything towards her! I officially hate both her and Kyoya!" I say rolling my eyes at the fact that my own twin brother just said that.


The twins run into the limo and drives off. I look at the other hosts and smile, "Well I got to get home." I say while walking away. Out of the hosts vision I grab the map and walk towards the nearest alley way. Since I'm here I'll just do it myself. I walk into the dark alley way and my phone buzzes. I pull it out and a text from Juniper says 'how was your date with glasses man?' I smile and reply with the photo I took at the date. 'AWH YOU TWO ARE SO ADORABLE' she replies and I start to text but then drop my phone. My body goes limp making me drop the map in my hands. My vision and hearing goes dark.

I wake up sitting on the ground with my hands cuffed to the wall and duct tape is on my mouth. What the? A bulky man comes walking into my view and kneels in front of me. "Why were you walking in our alley way?" he asks and rips off the duct tape. "Just searching." I respond and he looks at me with confusion. He points at my map. "Why'd you circle the alley ways of our gang!" he yells and I look at him in confusion. "Gang? Listen I only circled them because they are alley ways. I didn't know that a gang owns the alley ways." I say slightly confused. "You lie." he says and a man punches me leaving a cut on my lip and red spot where he punched me. The bulky man grabs me by my chin and faces my face towards him. "Why are you really here?" he slowly asks. "My mother has gone missing, she drinks and does drugs so I thought maybe she was in the alley ways of the market area." I truthfully respond. The man looks around at the other men in the room.

The bulky man leaves the room leaving the one man who punched me. He grabs some scissors and puts them in my face. "Hair or shirt?" he asks and I look at his serious face. "What?" I ask with confusion in my voice. "Cut hair or shirt?" he asks sounding like a caveman. "Shirt?" I say confused. He starts to cut through my white body suit revealing my white bra and my breasts. "Punch or touch?" he asks still sounding like a caveman. WHAT IS GOING ON. Honestly I would rather be punched than this caveman long haired male touch me. "Punch." I respond. He punches my face harder than before leaving probably more bleeding cuts on my face. The bulky man comes back forcing the caveman male out and sitting in front of me. "Are you rich?" he asks and I chuckle. "Most definitely not." I say with a slight smile. He holds out my phone pointing at the picture I took at our date. "Then who is this?" he asks pointing at Kyoya. "A friend." I respond. "You're friends with the son of Ootori?" he asks and I nod. "Then you're rich." he says and I chuckle. "That's not how it works." I say and he slaps me very toughly. "No laughing." he says and I get rid of my smile.

He walks away leaving me in the very dark room. I slowly fall asleep.


I sit on the couch typing some things in my laptop, I look at the time. She's late. I wait longer and longer until the girls run in squealing and running to their specific sections. I flirt with the girls who ran to my section. The host club ends and the girls leave out the door. I stand up and push up my glasses. "Where is Misaki?" I ask. "Wouldn't you like to know." Hikaru says under his breath. What's his problem? I pull out my phone and text Misaki 'you're late' I put my phone back in my pocket and sit down typing more in my laptop.


I wake up and try to wiggle out of my cuffs but nothings working. "There's no use." a woman's voice says and I stop and look around trying to find the woman. "I've been here for a long time and I've tried everything." the raspy voice says. "How can you just stop? You have to keep trying and trying." I say and she chuckles. "My daughter is just like you, really stubborn and persistent." she says and I widen my eyes. Wait a sec. "What's your name?" I ask. "Sora." she replies and I gasp. "Mom?" I say with tears in my eyes. "Misaki?" she asks. "What are you doing here?" she asks. "Trying to find you." I say as tears fall down my cheeks. "Oh Aki I'm so sorry for everything." she says sounding like she's about to cry. "We can get out of this and I will help you stop doing drugs and alcohol." I say confidently. "Ohh Aki, I'm so sorry." she says. "It's okay, it's okay. Everything is going to be okay." I say trying to reassure my mother.

The door opens and the bulky man walks over to me. "So you know Kyoya Ootori." he asks sitting down. "Yeah so what, everyone does." I say and he slaps my face and I wince. "Don't do that. How do you know him?" he asks. "From school." I say. "You go to Ouran?" he asks and I nod. "You said you weren't rich." he says confused. "Yeah and I'm not. I'm an honor student." I reply with a little sassiness in my voice. "Honor student?" he asks and I grin. "Yeah I was sent there because I'm smart." I say confidently. He breaks off my chains and stares at me. "Then you're useless." he says with a smirk. He stands me up and I freeze. "Wait." I say and he looks back at me. "Release her as well." I say and he looks at me. "She owes money." he says and I grab his wrist. "How much?" I ask and he aggressively pushes my hand off. "1,000." he says looking at my blue eyes. "I can give you 1,000 dollars." I say with a smile on my lips. "Alright." he says as he motions the other men over towards my mother.

The men bring out a short-haired blonde woman and stands next to me. "Your hair?" I ask and she smiles. "I chose hair." she says and I nod. They walk us out into a car a man drives us to our house. They walk us into our house and I walk over to where I keep my money. I pick up the jar and hands it towards the bulky man. "Last time I counted it, it was 1000 dollars." I say and he smirks. "You two are free." he says and walks out the door along with the other men. I hug my mother tightly and start to cry. "I missed you mom." I say tearfully. "Let's get clean." she says and I nod.


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