C4: Just A Bad Sister

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I wake up in a pile of broken glass. I look around and it's my living room. I struggle to get up but some broken glass is in me. "Asashi?" I say while looking around the destroyed house. I walk up the stairs strongly holding onto the rails. I walk into my little brother's room and knocks on the closet three times slowly. Asashi opens it up and he's all beaten up and bleeding. I look at him in shock and kneel down. "Oh no, Asashi are you okay?" I ask while putting my hands on his bleeding cheeks. "You have glass in you, sissy." he says while looking at my tearful eyes. Someone rings the doorbell. I walk down with my brother by my side and look out the hole in the door. It's the host club. "You can just go to school without me!" I yell so they can hear me from the other side.

"We'll wait out here for you!" Tamaki yells out. Fuck. "Okay it's going to be a bit so better be patient!" I yell while taking Asashi towards the bathroom. I grab a rag and puts it in water making in wet, I wring it out and dabs it on his wounds. He winces and I pull off. "Are you okay?" I ask with a tear rolling down my face. "It's okay, mommy didn't mean it." he says and I look at him with sadness in my eyes. I continue wiping the blood away. I put a little concealer on his bruises and he walks out the bathroom. I then look into the mirror to see my cuts on my face. I wipe my face and puts concealer on the cuts. I look at my arms with some glass pieces in them. I slowly start to remove the glass pieces. I wince and scream slightly in pain. I put on a jacket hiding my wounds.

I walk out the front door and look at the hosts all sitting and standing there. "What took you so long?" Kaoru asks. "Had to clean a mess in the kitchen." I lie hoping they won't notice. The twins grab my arms and we walk to the limo. I pull out my phone and messages my brother, 'I'm sorry I was late, little brother. I hope you can forgive me.' Kaoru and Hikaru pull on my jacket sleeves. "Why are you wearing a jacket?" they ask. I push their hands off and say, "Because I'm cold." everyone looks at me in confusion. "It's really hot in here, Misa-chan." Honey says.

I walk into 1-A and sit in my desk. I slowly fall in and out of sleep trying to stay awake. I fall asleep on my book. "Misaki?! Misaki, wake up!" the teacher yells and I suddenly wake up. "Misaki? Are you okay?" the teacher asks. I rub my eyes and yawns. "Yeah I'm fine ma." I say and then look around at the laughing students except for the twins and Haruhi looking at me with wide eyes. I grab my books and asks, "May I go to the bathroom?" the teacher nods as I walk out the classroom.

I walk into the bathroom and splashes my face with water removing my concealer. I hear the bell ring and I walk out to the rest of my classes. I finally walk into the host club rubbing my eyes. "Are you okay, Misaki?" Haruhi asks. "Yeah just a bit tired." I reply. "You can have a nap with me, Misa-chan!" Honey says and drags me to his napping bed. I sit down next to the napping Honey and bring out my phone. I read 'It's okay sissy' I smile and lay down finally going to sleep.

I wake up with an arm around me, I look at Honey who is basically cuddling next to me. I blush and play on my phone. "Hey it's time to wake up!" Tamaki walks in and stops. Honey wakes up and immediately takes his arm off of me and blushes. "I'm sorry Misa-chan, I didn't mean to-" he says and I put a finger up to his lips. "It's okay." I say and stand up. Tamaki analyzes my face and puts his hand on my chin and drags it to the right and to the left. "Are you cut up?" he asks seriously. I look into his purple eyes. "No." I say looking away. He gets closer and asks slowly, "Who did this?" His face close to mine. I slightly blush and smile. "Just fell on my face." I say. Kyoya walks in and says sarcastically, "Daddy shouldn't try to kiss his daughter."

Tamaki blushes and pulls off of me. "That's not what I was uh doing." he stutters and walks out. Kyoya hands me a maid outfit and I look at him in confusion. "This is your new outfit." he says as I take it. "A maid outfit?" I ask him in major confusion. "You now clean and make us tea or food." he says as he walks out. I can't believe this. I walk towards the clothing room. I take off my clothes and layer concealer on my cuts on my arms. I put on the maid outfit and looks at myself in the mirror with disappointment. "I can't believe this." I say under my breath. A particular autumn haired male walks into my clothing stall. "Well don't you look nice." Hikaru says as he blushes.

I look down at the outfit. "Eh I feel stupid." I say kind of sadly. He wraps his arms around my waist and puts his chin on my left shoulder. "I think you look amazing." he says. I blush and smiles. "Well I like the material." I say rubbing the white skirt. He hugs me tightly. "I like the material as well." he says.

We walk out into the host club. "So Misaki will you please make us some tea?" Kyoya asks. I look at him in complete dismay and sighs. "Sure." I say while walking over to make some tea. "Stupid rich people." I say under my breath as I make some tea. "Hey now." Mori says while standing next to me and I look at him with a forced smile. "Sorry." I say and look back to the tea cups. I pour the tea into the tea cups and put them on the tray. "Need any help?" Mori asks. I grab the tray and hands it to him. "Yeah thanks, Mori." I smile and pick up another tray.

I am at the counters while I watch all the hosts flirt or "please" their clients. Haruhi sits down and smiles. "No clients?" she asks. "No, not today." I reply. "Tea?" I say holding up a tea cup with tea in it. She takes it and sips it. "Thanks." she says and looks at me. "So what's going on at home?" she asks. I look at her with wide eyes. "Nothing." I say and look away. "Your face is cut up, you have concealer on your arms and you fell asleep in class today." Haruhi says. I look at her with wide eyes and then smile. "Just got hurt last night, nothing to worry about." I lie and start cleaning a cup. She grabs my wrist and I drop the cup making it break into little pieces. She rubs my arm and I wince in pain. "What's going on, Misaki?" she says and releases my arm. "You have cuts all over you, are you safe?" she asks. "Yeah, I'm safe." I say. "Are you sure?" she asks and I nod.


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