C12: Just A Girlfriend

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I put on a black skin-tight dress with a slit on my left thigh/leg. Showing off my curves and breasts. Is this too much? I put my long blonde hair into a long braid.

I walk into the classroom with a specific question in my head, 'do you want to go on a date with me, Hikaru?'. I sit down and fiddle with my thumbs. Wait what if he says no? I guess that'll give me my answer. "You look good." Haruhi says and I look at her and smile. "There a reason for that?" she asks and I look at Hikaru who is busy talking to Kaoru. I stare back at her and smile. "I'm going to ask Hikaru to go on a date with me and I'll see how it goes." I say and she smiles big. "Really! Did you finally make up your mind?!" she yells and everyone including the twins stare at us in confusion. I put my finger on her lips. "No I haven't, just seeing who is the better at that aspect of dating." I whisper and she smirks. "Hikaru has one and Kyoya has three." Haruhi reminds me. "I think it's because Hikaru is more reserved of his emotions." I whisper. "Is that a point towards Hikaru?" she asks. "Haruhi! You're being way too loud!" I yell and everyone looks at me in confusion and she laughs. "Speak for yourself." she says and we both laugh.

I walk into the host club and sit down next to the other hosts. "You look so pretty, Misa-chan." Honey says and I slightly blush. "Thanks Honey." I say. "Is there a reason why you are so dressed up?" Tamaki asks with a slight blush. Haruhi grabs me by the arm. "Just playing dress up!" she says and winks at me. "Are you going to tell him now or after?" she whispers. "After." I whisper back. I walk towards my section and sit down sipping my tea. I watch Hikaru do his brotherly acts with his brother. What an interesting sight. I look away and towards Tamaki who are calling his clients princesses and I sigh in a little disgust. I rest my chin on my palm and look in the inside of my teacup. Maybe I shouldn't ask him. Someone sits next to me. "Are you okay?" he asks me and I look up at him. "Oh I'm sorry, do you have an appointment with me?" I ask. "No I just saw you and wanted to make sure you're okay." he says with concern in his eyes.

I slightly blush. "Yeah I'm okay, just thinking." I say and force a chuckle. "What are you thinking?" he asks. "No it's okay." I say and he pats me on the shoulder. "No its okay, you should let out some stress." he says and I widen my eyes and I sigh. "Well I want to ask someone out but I'm stressing out what his answer will be." I say looking off to the side. "You're gorgeous I doubt he will say no but if he does he is missing out on so many things." he says and I blush and look at him with wide eyes. "I think it will be okay, you got this!" he says. "Can I hug you?"  I ask and he nods. I hug him and pats his back. "Thank you." I say and we release each-other. "You can do this." he says and begins to walk away.

The girls finally leave and I have been sitting in that same chair since the beginning of the host club. I stand up, my legs turning to slime. I stretch my legs and start walking towards Hikaru fixing my hair and my dress. "Hey." Tamaki says and slightly scream looking at him. "Hi." I say and divert my attention from his purple eyes onto Hikaru. Haruhi grabs me by the arm away from Tamaki. "We got to talk, sorry senpai." she says and pushes me towards the couch Hikaru and Kaoru are sitting on. "You got this." she says and I force a smile out and she gives me a thumbs up. I tap Hikaru on the shoulder and he looks up at me a slight blush rises to his cheeks. I  smile. "Can we talk?" I ask and he stands up. "Of course." he says and I grab his hand and push him towards the bathrooms. He starts to unbutton his jacket but I stop him and he looks up at me with confusion. "Not that. I wanted to talk about well ask something." I stutter out my words and fiddle my fingers. "Okay um however you respond I hope there won't be any awkward feelings after I ask this question." I again stutter out my words. He looks at me with confusion. Why is it so hard to just ask a question. "Okay" I say and clear my throat. "Will you go on a date with me?" my words confidently slide out of my mouth.

His eyes widen, his eyebrows go up and his cheeks immediately go red. Complete silence around the air, no one moving, no one speaking. My eyes widen. Oh no. Complete and utter silence. This is not good.  I sweat-drop and smile. "Sorry, sorry, stupid question. I mean yeah, stupid." I say walking towards the door but he grabs my wrist and pulls me into a passionate kiss. Holding my wrist and my hip. My eyes widen and a red tint goes to my cheeks. He removes his lips from mine still holding onto me. "Yes I will go on a date with you." he says and I smile.

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