Muffins and small talk

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'What is it?' Chuuya asked me, looking over to where I was standing.
'Don't play dumb with me, everyone can realise something is off with you (y/n)' He said raising his voice.

I sighed, turning around from where I stood, walking over to the king size bed located in the middle of the room.
I looked down. 'I- I'm trans'
Closing my eyes I waited for a response.
'Yeah ok, your point is?'
'So you don't care, like I thought you would hate me or something'
'Nice of you to think I'd hate you for something so simple' he replied sarcastically, pulling me in for a hug.

We stayed like this for a while. Staying in his arms was comforting, it felt like a dog trying to give you a big bear hug. I could smell cinnamon on his clothes from the muffins we made earlier and I could hear the sound of his slow and steady breaths.

After a while he parted, 'so, uh.. (y/n)'
He paused, unable to form words
'Does this mean things will change?'
'What do you mean?' I asked confused, looking at him blankly.
'I mean if you want to be a boy won't you want to look like one, I mean how are you supposed to do that?'
I laughed gently before looking back up at him, 'yes things will change regarding, this' I say gesturing towards my body. 'But that's fine. We can start now and work on it as time goes on.'

He smiled once again, agreeing with what I just said before laying down pulling me over with him for us to cuddle on the bed.


'So chu, would you like some very burnt muffins?'
I shoved a tray in Chuuya's face while he was watching tv, blocking the perfect view of his favourite character.
Staring at me angrily he told me to move but was just met with a blank tv screen.
'What the hell man?'
'Come onnn. Try one. Just one.'

Reluctantly picking up a muffin he took a bite before standing up and rushing off to the bin.
'Tastes perfectly fine to me.'
'Why you-'

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2022 ⏰

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