Chapter Eight - Slightly

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I lay on my side, bathed in the moonlight, the grass tickiling my cheeks.

Why would he kiss me?

The memories spin in my brain. The way that when he pulled away, he looked at me before frowning slightly, coughed into the back of his hand, before putting his palm between my shoulder blades and leading me down to the ground.

And I know this is completely barbaric but I cannot help saying this and my hands sweat as I do and gulit swells in my chest and I feel foolish and silly but-


But I want more.

Is that bad?

Of course it is, stupid girl.

Is it really so bad?

I mean, come now, it was just one kiss...

Yes but you want another you slut!

But it is bad because it might have only been one kiss but you want more now, don't you? And I can't exactly go up to him and say "Peter, I don't know why you kissed me but I want you to kiss me again, if you don't mind." because that is completely disrespectful and unlady-like and I don't know where he is.

Because when we hit the ground he looked at me for a second, no emotion, no happiness, and stormed off somewhere and I couldn't shout to him because I didn't want to damage any of the fairies ears.

And now it's night time and I'm lying next to the fairy king's daisy all by myself. I'm shaking because I'm scared for him. I never know where he might've gotten to and now I'm feeling incredibly selfish because Bethany is somewhere all alone with a tribe of vicious natives and I'm not even that cold but I'm still shaking.

Oh you stupid girl!

I toss and I turn and I toss and I turn but I still cannot sleep because now I'm sweating all over but I cannot leave because I don't want to upset another man or in this case a fairy but he is still a man.

I burry my face into the soil and cry because sometimes that's the only answer.

No, stop being so childish. I get up, the sash still tight around my waist to my disappointment. I wipe my eyes because no good adventure story starts with a crying heroine.

Most start with a hero, not a heroine.

How on earth am I going to find them both?! I'm just a spolit posh girl with no survival skills, I'm not like Bethany! I'm not smart!

No, buck up you silly girl. I adjust the sash so it sits more comfortably, and make my way towards the forest.

All the colours of light are folded up in the closed daisies, which glow like lanterns under the star-studded sky. I take care where I tred.

One light floats on the skirts of the forest, his light bright silver. He wears a little helmet and has a bare torso, like the king. On his back is a sheath of arrows and a bow.

When I approach, he stops flying around. I look at him cautiously, not wanting to upset yet another man. He stands with his hands on his hips, shaking his head, tapping his foot in mid-air. I take another step closer.

Fast as a bullet he draws and fires a tiny arrow into my forearm and sleep washes over me quick and unexpectedly.

I begin to stir. The sun beats down on me through the grass. How long have I been out?

I get up so I'm on my elbows. Yes, I'm still in the fairy garden.  

"Wendy!" Peter whispers from behind. I jump in surprise, and turn round to see him laughing with another boy who is a hand-span taller than him.  

Peter offers me his hand and pulls me up. I give him a harsh look, he deserves it for running away. "This is Slightly."

"Princess!" He bows deeply, shaking with laughter. Slightly is lanky with pale skin and warm blue eyes. His blonde hair crosses his forehead in controlled waves. He is really quite dashing.

"Enough. What's the real joke is your name, come on, 'Slightly'!" I say lamely. This only causes the boys to laugh even harder. Idiots.

Oh my! I'm so sorry!

Idiots! I can't say that!

But they are, even so.

"Come on, Wendy-girl, lets get out of here." All of a sudden Peter seems so smooth and cool. Probably trying to impress this Slightly.

"Where?" I ask, slightly put down by their bullying and disrespectful behaviour to a lady. Not like Aiden, he would treat me nicely.

No no! Aiden was terrible.

Get the bastard out of my head!

"Move on. We can't stay here forever." But before we go, I see Jordina and Katie, so I whisper a word of thanks to them, and they hand me a small leather pouch both of them struggle to carry. I tie it to my sash.

Peter and Slightly walk five paces ahead of me, laughing and joking all the way. I'm just the foolish girl in a ripped wedding dress to them. As I make my way through the thick bushes and vines, I cannot help myself thinking about the kiss yet again...


Hello! Hope you're enjoying it so far, just wanted at apologise for the swearing, and slut was a word back then, as for bastard, well, Aiden is a bastard, no doubt. Please comment! Xx

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