Chapter seven

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I'm late to school today. The whole drama with my mum kinda took a while. She told me she's having a baby. I still can't figure out how to recover from that. A baby!!

"Hey Anne" Ari called from behind. Looks like she's late too. We're both in the hallway. We have Mr han first period. Mr han teaches us Chinese. Don't ask me why we take Chinese. In a small town like this it's hard to find someone who speaks Spanish or French so we take Chinese! instead. I don't know a single word and Of course Ari is pretty much fluent in it. She also speaks French, Spanish and three other languages excluding English. Sigh. I turned back

"You're late too?" I asked

"Yess! Unbelievable right? I slept in." Ari answered

"This is just so funny. You never sleep in. Mrs goody pants" I said laughing

"Oh shush Anne. You sleep in like every other day. This is like my first time." Ari replied smiling

"Fine, fine, but still. It's still really funny." I said, still laughing

"Oh my God, see who's coming." Ari said adjusting her hair.

I scrunched up my face and shook my head when I saw Andrew keller coming from behind me. My expression soon changed when Harris keller appeared from behind Andrew. I was stunned.

"Hey girls." Andrew said

"hello" Harris said nonchalantly.

"Uhm could you give us directions to Mr han's class. Apparently we have chinese first period and we've managed to interrupt three classes already. They should just label the classes or something."

"Are you sure there's nothing else you want us to help with you?" Ari answered flirtatiously. Who flirts with strangers!

"God, Ari seriously! Uhm that's where we are going you could come with us." I said

"Okay, cool."

"What's your problem Anne, I was just being nice." Ari whispered in my ears as we led the way.

"You were being 'tooo' nice." I answered scoffingly.

"Tell me you don't think Andrew's hot." She whispered again.

"They are gonna hear you!" I said

"So what?" Ari said giggling. I sighed

"Fine, I don't think Andrew is all that but that harris on the other hand. Wow." I answered. I opened the door to mr han's class before Ari could reply but i could feel her stare burning a hole through my face.

"Halo girls........ oh and gentlemen, welcome to mr han chinese class. Sit down. sit down. You're late, but remember to come here on time for detention this afternoon." Mr han said in his horrible accent and with a smug smile on his face which made me remember why i hated Chinese teachers even if i knew just one.

"Crap!" I whispered to myself as i sat down beside Lily, the class president.

"Sorry." She said.

"Yeah, thanks." I replied.

"You two look certainly unfamiliar. You must be the new students. Welcome to chinese class. I'm Mr han. Chinese good language. Listen and speak. Now, Find seat."

"Okay. Uhhh Mr han? Does this mean we're off detention." Andrew asked. Who on earth does he think he is?!

"Not a chance fellas. Find yourselves seat now!" Serves you right Andrew!

Andrew sat down next to Ari leaving Harris to seat on the only empty seat left at the back of the class

Frederick was seated at the front. I tried to share a glance while I was trying to find a seat but he wouldn't look back. I could sense some tension. Chinese class lasted all of thirty minutes and I could not help but notice all the giggling coming from Ari. After Chinese class we had Maths class.

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