Chapter 2

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Kurapika's p.o.v.

Kurapika sighed. It was the 25th, and he had cleaned his apartment many times that day. He was stressed. Someone he barely knew was coming over and going to fuck him. Kurapika started pacing around his living room.

They had both confirmed neither had an STD, which barely relieved Kurapika.


Kurapika walked to his door and checked the keyhole. He smiled when he saw Leorio standing there. He wondered what the backpack was for.

Kurapika opened the door and smiled nervously.

"Come in."

"Thank you. I brought some stuff in hopes to help you relax," Leorio said.

Kurapika felt his heart drop. He kept smiling.

"Like what?"

"Chocolate-covered strawberries. The chocolate releases oxytocin, which is the feel-good chemical. It also gets released during sex. The strawberries are because they help keep blood flowing," Leorio explained, pulling a box of strawberries out.

Kurapika relaxed. The man was just using food, no drugs.

He led Leorio to his living room. Leorio sat down on the shitty couch and placed the strawberry box on the coffee table. Kurapika sat next to him.

"Want one?" Leorio asked, holding out a strawberry.

Kurapika nodded and took the strawberry. He bit into it, bits of chocolate flaking off. The strawberry was sweet, and the chocolate was bitter. It was a perfect combination.


Kurapika nodded and finished his strawberry.

"Did you bring anything else?" Kurapika asked.

"I brought lube, a condom, hygienic wipes and a change of clothes. Most of that might or might not get used depending on your comfort level," Leorio said.

"Thank you,"

Leorio laughed and ate a strawberry.

"So uh... do you want to ease your way into sex?" Leorio asked, scratching the back of his head.

"I think that would be nice," Kurapika said.

Leorio snorted. They then looked at Kurapika, an emotion in his eye Kurapika didn't immediately recognise. He then realised it was lust.

"Can I kiss you?" Leorio asked, gently grabbing Kurapika's jaw. He blushed and nodded. He closed his eyes.

The kiss was gentle at first. Leorio initiated the first move. Kurapika only tried to keep up. He felt Leorio pull him closer. He didn't oblige.

Kurapika pulled away to catch his breath. He was glad he put his contacts in.

Kurapika didn't have much time to recover as he was pulled into another kiss. He let out a moan when Leorio squeezed his ass.

Kurapika pressed his thighs together. He felt heat pool in his lower stomach.

Leorio pulled away. Kurapika's eyes fluttered open. He was confused when Leorio stood up. Did he not want to continue? Kurapika turned to face him.

"Do you want to keep going?" Leorio asked.

Kurapika nodded, his words caught in his throat.

"Good, tell me or push me away if you want me to stop," Leorio responded, sinking to his knees.

Leorio gently lifted Kurapika's shirt to show his stomach. The man placed kisses and felt hickeys along it, making Kurapika squirm and pant.

"Lift your hips for me."

Kurapika listened and sucked in a breath when the air hit his groin.

He gasped as Leorio's mouth fit over him. Kurapika's hips bucked into the man's mouth. Kurapika whimpered when they swiped over his opening.

Leorio started swiping his tongue faster and faster, causing Kurapika to writhe. He grabbed the back of Leorio's head and pressed it closer to him.

He threw his head back and let out a cry when Leorio dipped their tongue in him.

Leorio pulled away, making Kurapika groan.

They then wrapped their lips around his T-dick and prodded a finger in him. Kurapika jolted at the touch. He whimpered as Leorio gently swirled his tongue around his T-dick.

Leorio massaged his insides and then added another finger. Leorio was moving slowly.

Kurapika thrust his hips down, hoping Leorio would get the message.

Leorio sped up. Kurapika let out a moan as Leorio sucked harder. The man was thrusting his fingers in and out of Kurapika.

A knot formed in Kurapika's stomach. It was an unfamiliar feeling.

Leorio started going faster and harder, which earned him a steady string of moans from Kurapika.

Eventually, a wave of heat overcame Kurapika as he cried out. He felt his legs violently tremble. He was breathing heavily.

He groaned when Leorio removed himself from between his legs.

"How was it?" Leorio asked.

Kurapika gave Leorio a thumbs up.

"Can you talk at the moment?"

Kurapika shook his head tiredly.


Kurapika opened his eyes when he heard a crinkling noise. He watched curiously when Leorio pulled out a wipe.

Kurapika flinched when the wipe touched him. It was cold and wet, which was uncomfortable.

"Sorry, it's cold," Leorio muttered.

Kurapika tapped the top of Leorio's head. He looked up.

"What about you?" Kurapika tiredly signed.

Leorio stood up to reveal his dick limply hanging and leaking a white liquid. Kurapika's face went red. If they were to ever have sex, how would it fit? It was so big.

Leorio pulled his pants up and zipped his zipper.

"I'll get you some clean clothes. Where's your room?"

"Down the hall, to the right," Kurapika signed.

Leorio nodded and walked off.

Kurapika closed his legs and took a deep breath. He regretted wearing his binder, but he would absolutely make that "mistake" again.

Kurapika curled up and grabbed the blanket draped over the couch. He used it to cover himself until Leorio walked back out.

"Hello," Leorio called. Kurapika lifted his head and rested his chin on the arm of the couch. Leorio had a pair of boxers and shorts. He handed them to Kurapika and then turned around.

Kurapika slipped the clothes on and clapped, trying to let Leorio know he was done.

Leorio turned around.

"Do you want me to stay?" Leorio asked.

Kurapika shook his head.

"Alright. See you again?"

Kurapika nodded.

Leorio smiled.

Kurapika smiled back.

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