Chapter 2: Hell

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Goddamn I hate acting like a douche to people, but I can tell that neither one of these two would react to much else right now. After I left the brother's room, (Carter, I think his name was?)  I went to check on his sister, like I said I would. She had been hurt less than her brother, so healed much quicker. I had already explained some of the situation to her when she first woke up, and when I walked in she gave me a secretive grin and turned back to the nurse she was arguing with. "But nurse, I feel fiiiinnnnneeee!" Holly said, and I could already tell that she had been saying this for a while, because the nurse said "Well, if you are fine, then get up and walk!" The nurse had a tinge of annoyance and sarcasm in her voice and I tried not to laugh at her reaction when Holly climbed out of the hospital bed and walked around the room completely without wobbling. The nurse quickly said "Well....I'm sorry young girl...but we have to get permission grom your legal guardian begore we can release you from the hospital." She then turned to me and asked "Excuse me, when did you get here and who are you?" Making my voice sound a bit deeper, I said "Nurse, I have been here for the past five minutes, and I am disgusted at how you have been treating my daughter, forcing her to do exercises that she probably isn' t even recovered enough for! You should be ashamed of yourself. Now, why don't you do your job for once and go get the paper work for me to release my children from the hospital?" As the nurse stood there, shocked, I said "Well? Are going to do your job or not? Or should I have a talk with the head of the hospital?" She made a noise like a startled mouse and ran out of the room. "You are so full of shit, you know that?" Holly said with a smirk on her face. "I can't believe she actually thought you were my parent, you look even younger than I do!" I laughed at that. That nurse definitely wasn' t too bright if she didn't notice that. Holly got up and started walking closer to me, appearing to look at something behind me, or maybe around me. "You're glowing do you do that?" I sighed. Like I knew why I shined like a fucking glowstick. I mean, I guess it has something to do with power, but other than that, I have no clue. When I told Holly this, she started pouting. Luckily, before she could ask more questions, the nurse came running back in and nearly ran into the wall on the other side of the room. She looked around, then walked to me slowly with the papers and held them out for me. I looked at the signature that was already there from the records and copied it flawlessly. Forging signatures had become child's play to me over the years that I had been hunting creatures in this timeline. Wait....I haven't said my real name yet, have I? Well guess what, I don't have one. People I know just call me Hell. Its not like I chose it, but I grew popular in my ruined timeline, since I managed to kill more monsters in three days than anyone else had in three hundred years. Well, my full "name" is Hellraiser, but Hell is shorter. I told this all to Holly on our way to check on Carter. Unsurprisingly,  I had fallen asleep for a lot of the time after the nurse left again, and the two hours had elapsed when Holly woke me up and said "Carter is waiting for us."

When we got to Carter's room, he was walking around easily, and already grabbing his stuff to leave. "I heard that you got us permission to leave this place. For that, you get my respect. But for my trust, you better tell me what the hell is going on." Carter said this when he had all his stuff together, and Holly laughed a little when her brother said "hell". He gave her a confused look and I said "I'll let your sister explain it after we get to my base. There, I can get you two the fuck out of here and to where you will be tested and trained for abilities." Carter continuously asked questions, the whole goddamn way out the hospital. When we finally got out, I said "Goddamn would you calm the fuck down? I'm tryna save your ass here!" Carter responded with "But we need to find Jack!" "Goddamit, Holly call Jack before I turn your brother into a grease stain," I said in irritation. After a long stare off between me and Carter, which I eventually won, Holly hung up with Jack and said "He said he would meet us at your base." Carter, looking startled, said "Wait, why did you tell her so much while you don't answer any of my questions?" I responded by saying "Because you ask too many questions for anyone else to talk." He looked rightfully ashamed, and I brought them to a subway, which dumped us off near my base. I ran to the door and unlocked the door, pushing the other two in when Jack walked up and checked the address. He looked at me and said "Wow, she wasn't joking. Your eyes are bright green and you glow the same color...that is like some shit out of a comic. Thanks for saving our asses in the forest dude!" He held out his hand, and after a minute, I shook it. I don't get why people make such a big deal out of my appearance. Its not that unnatural, right? I mean, brown hair, green eyes, and sometimes slightly glowing like a glow in the dark sticker? He pulled his hand away with a wince. "Dude, you shocked the shit out of me! That had to be some sort of power residue, right?" I looked at him sideways and said "I have no goddamn clue, to be honest." I thought telling him this would make him a little less enthusiastic, but he seemed to excited by the mystery. I led him into the building and locked the door. Holly was telling Carter what she knew so far, and Carter wasn't trusting a damn word she said. Once the story was done, and Jack and Carter looked equally ready to run from who they thought was a lunatic, I walked up to a button on the floor in the room and stepped on it. A portal appeared, the edges blue and the inside black as night. All three of them looked at it in awe as I said "If you don't trust me, you will see on the other side of this that you have no idea about what true or false even means." Almost simultaneously, they asked "What is on the other side?" I looked each of them in their eyes and said "My world. The other timeline..."

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