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                                                             The Cursed Damelie Tale :   

                                                                         ACT ONE :

                                                              The Häyükä YITCH : 

  VERENÄ is probably one of the most beautiful coastline cities in All of Armenia with its crystalline-like rocky coves ,ancient rich temples ,and quaint stony ruins .However ,our story doesn't start there . Instead , it starts at the highest peak of a big gray jutted tongue cliff. There exists a tiny village -Saint Oscurrö -shadowed itself by some unnatural greying smoking mist making it impossible to detect and almost invisible to the Veranians below them.This indigenous current is already known naturally amongst the throng for decencies now, but if only they knew how the nastiest devils smirked devilishly at night knowing the dirty hidden trick behind it.

     SAINT-OSCURO is a small mortal village but also the hidden den of the Sacred witches' coven -the holy waters streghes -in case you didn't recognize them they are the creatures of lights and healing  goodnesses and blessed fortunes, daughters of fresh earth and purest moon incense, there lives 7 venerated true- blessed blood families out of twenty-seven remaining  somewhere else in Armeniä, the Lagrimas, Kalosyni, Parentiaes, Castiares, Vareaes, Astinisi, and finally the Cekessians the most powerful of them all, in other words, they all coexists with the humans disguised  as one of their kinds, for the obvious reason that is for their protection, indeed as they are made of the purest Luscicarae as it was a blessing it also was their damnation, making them the easiest prey for the damned be dark streghes which chose the awful Los osCurto arti a path screeching horrendous curses and maledictions, a wretched portal accursed by our dear goddess herself , and not forgetting those despicable Damelies :the diables creatures of the night stirring our world when coated in black , it is said that when midnight accurs they reappear from their gloomylaids ready to cause chaos and mayhem ,selling and bargaining with the human fools ,and when we get in their way , curtains be damned ,it is why for centuries a special Monastry were build for us to be truly trained and upskilled , a kind of magical school for enhancing and harnessing our powers to became a Ilamas Soldier part of the Circle league of the Silvers light : breakers of the infernal chains and protectors of the world .

                                   The Diaries of seven years old girl : 

          When I came back from that ramshackle awful place called " school" for the mortals in my age, I was in a very crotchety mood I just had missed the sacramental ceremony in our Chalk blessed moon monastery: a ritual so pure and unbelievably fantastical that it is said it was hard bearing even for the other streghes of our kinds, light beams so powerfully that could shatter demons for a whole day, obviously, it's only visible to us but still isn't it wonderful but alas I've missed it all, and dart it all Verullio had witnessed it because he'd had the sanity of sneaking out of school, only a fool would have missed the birthday ceremony of its own older sister Fiorenza who reached twelve today and stayed instead at a human worn out mausoleum.

I sigh inwardly at the chastizing words my mother warned me about  the other day, she apparently accused me of using my magic on the mortals with precariously  ill-deeds intentions which was absolutely ridiculous I just had charmed Valessia to become my friend along with her popular group of girls and tiny little invocation to humiliate Demelso whom was terrible bully , she didn't even try to understand of the manny children I've saved from his wrong ill-deeds doings unfortunately not only she scorned me but also punished me by staying at home for whole week aka that i will not hang out with my new recruits girlfriends after school and obliged me to recite an enchantment to became the obsequious girl needed to be : attending fully classes and to not use my powers unless at home , i felt like bird ensnared inside of  cage , i hated it ,i felt like worthless martalis and worst of it all is my intolerable  cousin gloating with what he'd seen today , making my teeth grating with jealousy , i am now inside of martalis like library meant to dislead our neighbors from any suspicions , the room was small flanked from the floor to the ceiling with diverse shelves meant to cage yet another numerous books , my tiny slippers brushed the smooth plum floorlengh carpet ,next to the tuffted chair is an only custom shaped window with  matched lavender curtains,  the very reading nest of our dear grandNonna ,she's strangely very eerie and old very old ,a fact  i am not against , on the contrary i like that side of her being so supernaturally patronizing so flawlessly cut to be so powerful .That is what the Lumbre is supposed to be the Lumbres are the head cheffs of the league circle and to the whole Manstrel moon kissed Coven , she is meant to be vigorously ruling alongside with the other six leaders of the  true bloods Ilamas households they say they're the pillars of all the protection foggy wards hovering around our village , Cultiana also mended that during the Cerulian holliday dawn they fuel the monastry with wispy tang of their magic ,flourishing it with thriving essence of pure glintering lights , making it the most protected place ever in Armenia from the deadly Damelies although it is said that spelling their name was considered down right a curse ; the reason we so accustomized into calling them :the wicked or the cursed .

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