Ä Märtyr's Missiön1

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                                                                      VERENÄ CITy 

                                                                      VERENÄ CITy 

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                              Chapter Three :

I had to change fully into the school's mundane uniform well i couldn't help it as the Holly water was potent enough to outcharm any drying spells i performed, as instructed I meet the horde of today's mission squad in some small classroom, then descended the steps when i entered and swiftly took a seat, there i find Verrulio and his S-two classmates along with my tenth division from earlier, afterward, our assigned leader exhaled " Eccelenté now that all of us are here we shall begin, soldiers prepare yourselves as our today given order is to catch an F rank Damelie " explains the youngest Sekessian who's a two-class formidable Baptizer so i hear " The nightmarish Ayahuasga Infernal Insect has been recently reported downtown causing extreme damages on humans, the Circle needs us to neutralize the unwanted raucous as soon as possible, we all know it nourishes its resources from greedy persons  now it already spread its poison on merchants & even killed the Mayor's son, we're going to be in woeful troubles if we don't capture it " then another of his girls comrades continues " Of course we are not crazed enough to figure his next victims but during bright day light this vile butterfly has one major weakness , with enchanted mirrors it can reflect his hidden Diable red staring sleer giving us much of open opportunities to recognize it & stitch a plan to ensnare it " i could feel Verrulio's sheer spiked excitement a mile radius away from me ,these creature is apparently revitilzed in eating people's rapacities thriving on such unpure human energy that it poison them torturingly to death ,the mission is simple : search the Damelie then baptize it 'easy cheesy ' even the soldiers seems relieved that they thankfully aren't going to chase deadly unscathed horrid monster that will pretty much out slaughter them open ,after that the squad leader reveal to us the secret weapon we are going to utilise in order to trap it & which eventually will kill the avarice sucker insect ,so the upgraded soldiers present us each our portion from sacks filled with special plant that is renowned to be of high deadly efficacity on the creature 

_" The Ayahuasca Vine is our empowering savior of the day: one swish sprinkle of this & Tadaa burns the creature to dust, you shall have them on you at all times if you're out of stock you must warn us immediately as these are our only ward of protection against it then if you all well understood our assignment, Soldiers Up we have a mission to accomplish "

We install ourselves in the special school cross-emblemed vehicle of a large chalk-painted Brougham carriage that can cradle eight of us inside leaving the rest on the upfront seats that guide the dutiful horses to where our mission destination is...

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We install ourselves in the special school cross-emblemed vehicle of a large chalk-painted Brougham carriage that can cradle eight of us inside leaving the rest on the upfront seats that guide the dutiful horses to where our mission destination is, none other than Verenä the beautiful enchanting City of ancient Gods & ensorcelled oddities, a coastline historical town with its ruined arched stony mansions & yore ionic columns. prestigious remains of an ancient eerie battle between Armenia's Gods that had almost destroyed the world, furthermore with the spinning wheels of time it turned into a large populated modern city where highly profitable businesses and factories are made. As the horses gallop crushingly they dive into the dangerous steep that will lead us into a thick obscure forest known as the grave of soules " Tomba Delle Anime " the very reason our village has been called Saint Oscurro as the fang of scary woodland thoroughly encircles its entrance and of course, these part of the cliff are not protected by the greying mist which only means that it could be the lure of many dangerous flying Damelies ready to attack us in any waking moment, even upskilled soldiers do not dare to dwell too much on the T.D.A clawing territory.

          After a long route, we finally step out from the claustrophobic carriage with a breezy swoop of air filling anew our poor scorched lungs i sort myself out from my uniformed comrades and then inspect the brimming boisterous street we end up stopping into and oh it's not far from the city's marketplace, suddenly a snowy owl appears flying discreetly toward our young leader & takes swiftly the message that the Monastery sent, he turns almost directly to informs us they have received a new victim coordinates so we had to inspect the crime place which is luckily not so far from here, a soldier calls for some errand boy to park the carriage somewhere less apparent as we do not want to signal our arrival to immortal enemies. twenty minutes later our snappish intrigued heads contemplate the accursed Headen's Inn building after a tense hesitating second we saunter in cautiously ,when my foot brushes the entrance doorframe I relax to find the interior completely devoided of life and a bit messed up but when I approach my soul find itself bristling the most at the gruesome crime scene left on the cruel floor , a infernal mural depiction of torture with the victim's body swallowed in pure attrocious poison , drenched in red siphoned veins of some deadly drug that gives us horrid unpleasant chills , that plumpy  blond of before from my tenth division retch almost immediately who would blame her as we're woefully surveying a horrible corpse with intense deranged rackteering , I break cold shivering sweat when my eyes stares at the deepened anguish of the disfigured victim with crazed dried big hole in his mouth's place , my heart itched gravely to sympathise with his suffering ,some soldier cry in pure fear & unforgiving hatred " is this what the Ayahuasga does to its hosts ? " the leader then in intense seriousness confirms " Yes the inevitable red empty stares ,poisonous veins definitly its wretched doing " it makes us still like ice pulled dices weary in intense darkened atmosphere even Vurulio seems to be cautiously weighed in as we roam around the souless corse then Persephone steps in to taunt our frenzied battle of reason when she neatly declares " We can't let it torment another innocent soul  he must have family worse children we can't accept that as we are their Ilamas soldiers its our job to baptize it at all cost & save the corrupt from people's souls ,them being greedy doesn't define them any less than deserving humans " she gets afterward appraised by another S-two class soldier "  I am definitly in agreement with her as this is Salazzar Frior the Inn's owner in his late forties known for his self-indulgent gambling habit it was inevitable for the insect to host his thirst on his body but as far as the reports go he was good man & loving parent , it sadens me that he now has left his three daughters orphaned " it surely intensifies the churning depressing mood into more boiling enlivened one  as another shouts in encouragement " Surely we can capture it & turn it in to mere dusting ashes ,right Lykké " ah that's his name then the little blond Sekkessian soldier of only eighteen in which he gives his advances " Alright Soldiers enough of wasted time we came here to accomplish the damned mission & to hell's doors breaching we're going to prove them that we are of so deserving an upgrading ,Ilamas Soldiers " he shouts in encouraging volume in which we harmonize our yells in unison " Ilamas Soldiers " leaving us in more livid awakening to smash this motherfucker right pardon this nerve bursting annoying Damelie insect .

_Well then I suggest we get ourselves separated " as Persephone lifts up her inky eyebrow we all eye her expectantly as we know now the playing button of hide & seek will be clicked on loop signaling that today's mission is on the verge of starting.

              Hi I hope you enjoyed this chapter stay tuned to keep up the adventure .

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