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"What's happening?" Jisung asks as he plops down next to Felix, completely ignoring Hyunjin on his left side. Though he couldn't continue ignoring the latter as he placed his hand on his thigh. "Take your hand off." Jisung coldly uttered. Hyunjin acted as he hadn't heard it and said, "Good morning pup." Jisung rolled his eyes and turned back his attention to Felix.

After Jisung's attention was back on him, Felix replied to Jisung's question. "Apparently we are having a new student." Jisung's raised one eyebrow, "really? And that's what got everyone muttering like a celebrity is visiting the institute?" Felix rolled his eyes, "Yeah. Oh wait, I think it's mainly because the other is from your highschool which I don't remember the name of and I heard that the other is one year older than us because he doubled a grade. And I think it's because we were not suppose to be having a new student and he's not even a scholarship. Well at least that's what I've heard." Jisung did not listen to the rest of Felix's words as his mind was stuck on the part of the other being from his school and doubling a grade. "It can't be him. No no. It can't. Appa and Hyung took care of him. So no. Please no. Please let it be anyone but him." Jisung started having a panic attack.

"Pup. Pup? Pup!" Hyunjin immediately embraced Jisung in his arms when he noticed the other's panicking state. "Jisung? Jisung! Are you okay??" Felix asked frantically, "I'm going to call the teacher." And with that he ran off the classroom. "Shh, it's okay pup. Breathe. Breathe with me. Okay? Breath in, breath out. Breathe in, breathe out. Breathe in, breathe out. It's okay pup. Listen to my voice and continue breathing with me." Jisung listened to Hyunjin's voice and slowly calmed down.

At the same time, Felix came accompanied by the teacher. The teacher asked Jisung some questions and even asked him if he wished to go to his house to which the latter said no. After the teacher left, Felix immediately latched himself onto Jisung and immediately fretted over the said boy. Jisung just smiled and soothed his friend's worries. He turned his head to look at Hyunjin to see the latter already looking at him with a worried look. Jisung battled with himself but in the end he gave the older a small smile and mouthed thank you and immediately turned his attention to the still worried Felix. He missed the way Hyunjin's eyes brightened.

"WHAT? OH MY GOD JISUNG, ARE YOU OKAY NOW?" Seungmin screamed as Felix finished telling him about the previous situation. "Yes, I am. Don't worry." Jisung soothed Seungmin though he couldn't stop remembering how safe he felt once he was inside Hyunjin's embrace and how Hyunjin's voice had immediately stopped his voice inside his head. "Sung." Minho's voice snapped Jisung out of his tranced state. He looked over at Minho and his eyebrows furrowed at the other's scared and worried look. "What's wrong Min?" Minho shook his head and Jisung understood that it was something that he would say when they were alone.

"And you guys won't believe it but Hyunjin managed to calm Jisung down. Hyunjin!" Felix exclaimed making Seungmin and Minho's eyes widen. Minho immediately looked at Jisung with a soft look in his eyes causing the latter to roll his eyes. "Oh my god! That's- that's nice? Yeah, that's nice. All that matters is that he helped you." Seungmin said, turning to Jisung and hugging him. 

"I heard my name." Hyunjin's voice came from behind them. The group turned around and saw Hyunjin accompanied by his friends. Jeongin's eyes were fixed on Seungmin causing the latter to roll his eyes. Changbin was looking anywhere else except at Felix who was staring at him meanwhile Chan was just observing the situation with an amused look on his face.

Hyunjin walked closer to Jisung and put an arm around his shoulder causing the latter to roll his eyes. (A/N: the amount of eye rolls. Istg.) "Yeah yeah. So?" Jisung asked in an annoyed tone. Hyunjin just chuckled. Jeongin was immediately by the side of Seungmin with an arm wrapped around the latter's waist. Seungmin attempted to get the hand off but after failing multiple times, he gave up.

Changbin raised an eyebrow at Felix. "You do know it's bad manners to keep staring at someone, right?" Felix chuckled deeply, shocking Changbin, "Oh I know but blame my eyes, they don't just seem to want to stop staring at you." "Okay? What the fuck ?" Changbin thought to himself.

Chan, well, Chan just stood there. "So?" He was startled by a voice next to him. He turned to look at who it was and saw that it was Minho. "Uhh, so?" He asked back in a confused tone. Minho just smiled at him.

"Jisung." A voice called out. The moment Jisung heard that voice, his face paled as his blood ran cold. Minho was immediately by his side with an angry look on his face as he looked at the person. The others were confused at their behaviour.

"We meet again."


Author's note:

And the plot thickens.

Who do you think this new character is? Well all I can say is you guys are going to hate them.

Oh I love cliffhangers.

See you next time!!

And when my hair starts turning grey,
He'll say I'm like the fine wine better with age.


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