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Jisung looked at everyone present in the living room. Even his parents were here. He turned his head to look at the person next to him. Hyunjin. 'No. Stop. Stop it Jisung. You can't. You absolutely can't. It's not worth it. You already paid the price of loving someone. Don't be foolish again. He does not love you. He's just like him. Stop.'

Jisung snapped out of his ruminations when he noticed a hand waving infront of his face. He focused on the owner of the hand and saw that it was his brother, Brian.

"Jisung, I believe it's time for you to know the truth." Brian says making Jisung furrow his eyebrows. Brian looked at Minho who nodded.

"What truth?" Jisung asked. Brian coughed, "Wait a minute. They're coming. After they're here. We'll explain everything."

The others looked at each other. Confusion clear in their eyes. Felix stared at Jisung. Eyes softening when he saw the confusion in the other boy's eyes. He turned his attention to Minho. Minho gave him a nod. Understanding the underlying meaning. He sighed, 'I guess, it's really time. Sungie can finally know his true self and maybe after knowing, he'll stop running away from Hyunjin and forget about what happened and him. Does that mean I'll have to come clean too? Well since I'm also part of this, I guess yes.'

*Beep Beep*

The monitor beeped. "It should be them." Brian says as he stands up and walked to the door. He opened and it and sighed in relief upon seeing the people. "Thank God, Please do come in were just waiting for you." He says and steps aside.

Jisung looked at the door and watched the people enter. In total, ten people came. Jisung frowned because he swear one of them look really familiar to him but he can't pinpoint why exactly.

It was quite clear that the eight of the ten were really closed while the other two was closed. The eight people all had a kind of powerful aura. Though Jisung can't help but notice that one of them seemed to be protected by the seven other's, the said person was in the middle of them.

He had a pair of attractive feline like eyes under straight eyebrows. He also had a mole on his left eye with plump lips. He was so beautiful than Jisung had to blink a few times. Next to him was a sharp featured man. He had dangerous aura. His left arm was wrapped around the other's waist. On right side of the beautiful man was another ethereal man. His features were, well only one word could best describe him, ethereal. Next to the ethereal man was a handsomely cute one with doe like eyes, plump lips, cute bottom nose and slightly chubby cheeks. On the right side of the Sharp-featured man was a taller male. He was very, and when I say very ;it means ver, attractive. He had a pair of long eyes under straight eyebrows and plump lips. And the cherry in top was his high cheekbones that anyone would sell a kidney for.. Next to him, was a shorter male. He was, maybe a bit shorter than the beautiful male which was in the center of them. He was, well, very attractive to say the least. Next to him was two tall males. They were about the same height and both of them were equally handsome.

The two other males were equally attractive. One was shorter than the other. The shorter one was especially attractive with clear eyes under slightly thick and straight eyebrow, a high bridge nose and pink plumb lips. The taller one was, well, attractively hot.

Hyunjin noticed that Jisung was still staring at the visitors and frowned. He placed his hand on the other and squeezed making the quokka-like boy turned his head towards him. Satisfied, Hyunjin gave the latter a smile. Jisung look towards his hand on his thighs and back to the owner of the hand, signalling the other to take gus hands off. Hyunjin played dumb causing the latter to roll his eyes and forcefully taking his hands off his thigh.

"I know you're confused but everything will be explain in a while." Brian says, addressing to Jisung. Then he turned his attention to his father, then to the newcomers. "Please take a seat." All of them took a seat on the large sofa.

"Hello Jisung. It's a pleasure to do your acquaintances. Let us start by introducing ourselves. I'll start; I'm Hongjoong." The white haired male who was slightly shorter than the beautiful male started.

Jisung, though confused as to whatever thee fucketh is going on, nods his head.

"I'm Wooyoung. It's nice to finally meet you." The beautiful male says. A beautiful male with a beautiful name and a beautiful voice. 'Wow', Jisung thought to himself.

"Hello, Nice to meet you. I'm San." The Sharp-featured male introduced himself.

"Yeosang." The ethereal male says in a cold voice. Jisung noted to himself that this one ain't one for talks.

"Hi, my name's Jongho. I've heard a lot about you." The handsomely cute guy says. Jisung finds himself smiling a bit.

"Hello. Pleased to do your acquaintances. I'm Seonghwa." The insanely attractive guy says. He was so elegant. His voice so soothing. He had a  motherly smile on his face. (A/N: Mommy Hwa.)

"Hello, I'm Mingi." Another deep voice guy. One of the handsome taller males introduced himself.

"And I'm Yunho." The other handsome male introduced himself.

Jisung nodded at all of them and turned his head towards the other two visitors.

"Now that they are done with their introductions. I believe it's our turn, us it not?" The shorter male says and continues, "I'm Jackson Wang." (A/N: From China.)

"And I'm Mark." The taller one says.

Once they were done, Jisung and the others introduced themselves though Jisung can't help but noticed that Minho and Felix seems to be quite close to them. Jisung frowned though Jackson's next words made him frowned more.

"You are an Angel Han Jisung."


Author's note:

I'm sorry for once again leaving it to that.

And I CANNOT NOT ADD JACKSON. LIKE.  Can you imagine not adding Jackson to a FF? I can't

It's MarkSon Y'all!! And As you may have seen or noticed, Wooyoung is my bias. I mean- Wooyoung is a literal angel and ball of sunshine so-

Angel? Jisung is an angel? What? I mean he defo is but like literally? What are they playing?

The final truth about Jisung's true self will be in the next chapter and oohoo, it seems as if Felix knows something?

Though not his past. I need to make Jisung trust Hyunjin and be comfortable with Hyunjin first.

I'm thinking of changing the prologue and summary of the book since, well, we're already chapter 30.

Hmm, maybe I'll do that.

Anyways, how was it?
Don't forget to Vote and comment.



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You will forever be the greatest gift,
I've received on this road.


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