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Jisung looked at the man infront of him and rolled his eyes. "I believe you already know my answer, but if you still want to hear it, then. No. My answer is No."

Hyunjin looked at the squirrel-like boy infront of him and smirked, then shook his head. "Tch,tch. How bold of you to think that I'd take 'NO' as an answer." With that, he pulled the squirrel-like boy to him by his waist.

Jisung rolled his eyes and attempted to pull the man's arms around his waist. But no matter how much he tried, he couldn't.

"Let me go! " Jisung exclaimed.

"Nuh-Uh pup. You thought you would say no and I'll just go? (A/N : oof, that rhymes.)

Jisung snickered. " Hwang Hyunjin. Let. Me. Go. " jisung gritted out.

"Oh no.... I'm so scared. " Hyunjin mocked as he picked Jisung up and throw the said boy on his shoulder like a sack of potato. "what the- let me down!" Jisung screeched. Hyunjin raised his hand and smacked it on Jisung's butt. "Keep it down pup. Stay quiet if you don't want another smack on your butt."

Jisung gritted his teeth but stayed quiet nonetheless. Seeing the smaller boy cooperate, Hyunjin smiled, and turned his head to the three close friends of Jisung. "You three are also coming with me." Minho frowned, Seungmin cursed under his breath while Felix's mouth faintly curved as his eyes stayed rooted on the shorter boy behind Hyunjin who was dressed in black from head to toe.

When they reached the castle, Hyunjin directly took Jisung to his chamber while his friends took Jisung's friend their shared private lounge.

The moment they reached Hyunjin's chamber, Jisung was put on Hyunjin's Sofa. The latter looked at the man who basically kidnapped him.

"Why are doing this? I get it that you want me to be your 'Queen' and 'Yours' but why me? There are lots of other people who would be more than willing to be yours, then why me?" Jisung asked the question he'd been wanting to know the answer of.

Hyunjin looked at the smaller boy.

It's true, he could have anyone. As long as he said, they'd come running to him. Then why him? Why a boy who seems to not want to have anything with him?

"I ;myself, don't know. I saw you and made eye contact with you. And the moment I did, I heard a voice telling me to make you mine. To mark you as mine. To give you all the happiness of the world. Not to let a single tear escape your beautiful midnight eyes. The thought of you belonging to someone else make me want to kill that someone. Make me want to chain you by my side. You may know that I've never taken interest in someone. Hell my parents have to hold small balls so that I could find someone I like. Amongst all the person who are dying to be mine, I want you, the person who seems to want nothing to have with me." Hyunjin at last responded.

If Jisung says that what Hyunjin just confessed to him did no make his heartbeat quicken, then he would be lying.

A part of his heart is telling him to give Hyunjin a chance while the other is telling him not to.

Jisung closed his eyes and thought. He had promised himself that he won't ever fall for someone again then why was his heartbeat quickening because of this man. He doesn't want to repeat the same mistake. The first time he opened up to someone, it left him a trauma which he still haven't gotten out of till this day.

"I'm sorry... " Jisung said so quietly that it was just above a whisper but Hyunjin still caught it. He frowned when he heard the smaller boy apologising. Just when he was about to question him about the said matter, be heard the smaller boy's voice again.

"I can't let myself make the same mistake again. Even though a part of me is telling me to give you a chance, I can't. And I'm not as pure as you might think I am. I have long been un-pured."
Jisung said, his tone was cold and emotionless but if you listened attentively, you would hear the sadness and self-disgust underneath it.

Before Hyunjin could answer or process what Jisung said, The said boy had already stood up from the sofa and reached the door. "May you find someone better for you, My prince." Jisung bowed, opened the door and stepped out.

The moment Jisung stepped out, the flashbacks came. Their dirty hands on him as the person he thought to be his 'lover' sat there, smoking, seeming to enjoy the 'show' in front of him. Jisung tried to scream, kick them off of him but he couldn't. His arms and legs was pinned by those disgusting men, he was gagged. Tears were streaming continuously down his face. He shook his head. He turned his head to look at his 'lover' pleading him with his eyes, to let him go.

Jisung snapped out of his frozen state when he felt something wet and warm streaming down his cheeks, he raised a hand to touch his cheeks just to find out that it was tears. He smiled mockingly at himself. 'He won't want me if he knew what kind of 'slut' I am.' Jisung thought as he look back at the close door and left.


Jisung looked at the sky which was adorned with stars and the bright full moon.

Jisung was currently on his roof. His parents were still working and had told him that they were going to spend the night at one of their hotels.

He gazed at the stars as he let his tears out. He thought about how naive he was to blindly trusting his words. Hating himself for not able to see through his lies. Hating himself for not taking Minho's warnings seriously.

"Will I ever get our of the darkness he left me with? " Jisung whispered in the night as he closed his eyes and surrendered himself to his nightmares.

And the first thing he heard in his nightmare was his voice.

"Are you ready doll?"


Author's note:


I'm backkkkk

I don't feel that well but meh.
Here's a double updateee.

Stay well and healthy everyone.

The moon will guide you in the dark with her light but will hide in the night just to be seen.


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