Just How Many Powers Do You Have!?

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"Whoa! Watch it!" He yelled looking over his shoulder at the five men giving chase. An arrow had zoomed past his head swiping a few strands of his red hair. He continued to run, gasping as he looked ahead just in time for his face to smack in to a low hanging branch. He span under it landing hard on his back, "uhhh shiiiiit..." He took a moment to catch his breath then sat up wincing, "that's gonna leave a mark", he flinched as two of the men had caught up and pinned him to the floor. Another two of the hunters aimed a loaded bow at him. The final man, their leader, drew his sword and placed the tip of it on the boys chest, "I bet you thought you could get away Yune", he told him with a smug smile. Yune sighed glancing up at him, "well I wouldn't have run otherwise". "And why did you run? You know what we have to do to freaks Yune, we catch you, we maim you and sell your powerful parts". Yune glanced down at his own crotch, "not my powerful part!" He joked. The man ignored his comment, "you're one of the lucky ones, since your entire body has magic because you can stretch your limbs. Point is there's no running from hunters, they're everywhere. If my group doesn't catch you then another will and they may not be so willing to forgive you running away like this, they'd kill you and sell you to a scientist". Yune watched him as he put his sword away, "you said they", he mentioned gaining the leaders attention, "you said they're everywhere, not we". "Tie him up", he told his men again ignoring Yune's comment. The two holding Yune down began wrapping rope around his wrists, "tighter, no mistakes this time". Yune grunted as they pulled the ropes so tight it slightly burned his skin, he raised a brow as the lead hunter came down to his level, "I know this isn't the life you asked for, but we all play our parts-" "What you as the powerless and us as the powerful?" "No, we're the cats, you are the mouse", he said bluntly making Yune's eyes widen sightly. "Dark. Hey what's your name by the way?" He decided to ask. The leader frowned, "you want to know my name? It's Reki Kyan". Yune nodded, "why did you want to know?" "Just wanted to know the name of the man who will change the words views of us Extraordinaries", Yune smiled at him as a look of surprise was now painted on his face. "You-" he straightened, "you are a fool. Get him up men, our client in Forendale awaits". Yune held in a gasp as two of the hunters roughly pulled him up and began to drag him along.

Reki led Yune and the hunters into the bustling town of Forendale, stony paths ran along the ground to the markets, many houses were lined at the sides spread out in an orderly fashion. Yune looked around sniffing the food stalls as he walked by. The owner of one stall gasped and backed up as Yune's head hovered over the meat balls she had sizzling. "Ow!" He moaned as Reki batted his head with the back of his hand, "what was that for!?" Reki shook his head and turned to the lady, "I apologize miss, the freak won't bother you further", he shoved Yune away from the stall then muttered, "you can't just stick your face in other people's food. Honestly are all of you freaks this rude?" "Oh, I'm sorry I was just smelling it, where I come from being so interested in other peoples food is a compliment, it just means you like their cooking". Reki stared at him with curiosity, "where exactly do you come from I've never heard of such a thing?" Yune just smiled so he sighed, "well anyway, here it's frowned upon so don't do it". "Roger that... hey I'm hungry. You got anything to eat?" Reki glared at him in disbelief, "what part of 'you're a prisoner' don't you get?" "I promise I'll be a good prisoner if you get me some food..." Reki exhaled rolling his eyes, "fine", he walked back to the stall, "hello miss, I'll have a meat roll please". She nodded and put four cooked meatballs into a bun then placed it onto a paper plate and passed it to him. He gave her two silver coins, "keep the change". "Thank you kind sir!" the woman replied. Reki shoved the food into Yune's tied hands, "there, no more running". "Yes sir! Thank you sir!" He began scoffing it down. One of the other hunters nudged Reki, "sir are you sure that was a good idea? He needs to be weak, his spirit broken..." Reki faced him as he continued, "I'm just saying, you trusting a freak like that, it almost makes you look like a sympathizer". "How dare you! Are you questioning my loyalty to the Mercy Guild!? I'm your damn leader!" "N-no of course not..." "Good! Then keep your mouth shut and your opinions to yourself, If I ever want your advice I'll ask for it", Reki stormed over to Yune, the apprentice hunter glared after him. "Are you quite finished?" Reki ordered. Yune chewed the last bit then nodded, "yeah, thanks Reki, you're a nice guy really, aren't you?" Reki tensed looking at his men who watched him carefully. Yune gasped as he was thrown to the ground, "now let's get something straight, I'm not your friend nor do I sympathize with you or your situation, you are a freak! Your role in life is small, you are to be captured and sold, that is all. Do not speak to me and ask for nothing further or you'll be losing a limb!" He kicked him in the side. Yune coughed going onto his hands and knees to draw breath, "got it boy?" Yune kept his eyes down as he said, "you want me to answer? You just told me not to speak to you", he smiled even after another frustrated kick to the stomach. Reki shook his head, "men take him to our client, I'll be along shortly". "Yes sir", the apprentice replied suddenly pleased, he grabbed Yune and yanked him to his feet. Yune was shoved forward, the apprentice took the lead tugging the rope around Yune's wrists to cause him pain. Reki glared as they started to walk away from him. When they were a distance away, he sighed sadly. "Excuse me", a woman said after accidentally barging him. "Uh, no excuse-" Reki frowned seeing a flash of orange in the woman's eyes as she pulled her jacket hood down further to hide her face, "hold on", he called watching her shove her way through the crowd. He instead rushed towards his client's place by cutting around the houses where there were less people. He barged through the door of his clients home where he saw only the apprentice hunter and the prisoner Yune standing before the man who wanted to buy the extraordinary. "Um pardon my rudeness, I thought someone was-" "Ah Reki Kyan, I was wondering when the leader of the Mercy Guild was going to join us, did something catch your eye in the markets?" "Something like that... I apologize for my tardiness Sengat", he approached with a look to his apprentice, "where are the others?" "I hope you don't mind, I said they were done for the day since we're already here and the freak is in custody", he shrugged but seemed to shrink under Reki's stone cold glare. "Is something the matter?" Sengat asked. Reki glanced at Yune who had been ignoring the conversation, too interested in the items around them that were pinned to the walls, "uh no", he replied then focused on Sengat, "I thought someone was headed this way to help the extraordinary, I was counting on the other hunters being here, but my apprentice Jon decided to dismiss them on his own authority". "I see..." "Uh Sengat was it? I have a question", Yune began. Reki flinched as Jon punched Yune in the gut making him fall to one knee. "You have no right to speak to him freak!" "Calm down", Reki ordered. Sengat looked at Yune, "let him asked his question, no doubt it has something to do with my wall art?" Sengat replied. Yune coughed then took a breath standing up after a look to Jon, "yeah... those ears, their like Fuanna ears aren't they?" "My dear extraordinary, they aren't just like them, they are Fuanna ears. I normally send hunters to collect parts for me, I'm quite surprised to see a specimen such as you, you are the first living being I'm paying for after all". Yune looked appalled, "and you call us freaks? You are the real monsters! Fuanna are pacifist creatures! They would never harm anyone even at the cost of their own lives!" Reki slapped a hand on his mouth, "hold your tongue, like I told you before, that is the freaks role in life". "No", they glanced towards the door seeing a woman standing there wearing a hooded cape. Reki and Jon moved to protect the client and his prisoner. The woman removed her cape, revealing her furious orange eyes and long black hair in a ponytail. She wore black gloves and a vest, her muscly arms now on full display. She had red trousers and black trainers, "we are extraordinary, and we will no longer stand by while you destroy our people! I have the ability to crush bones with my bare hands, if you don't release the special one, I will kill the three of you". "The special one...?" Reki muttered, Jon drew his sword snapping his leader out of his confusion and making him bring out his own blade. Yune looked at the woman, "aw man, Reki take it from me, you don't wanna mess with Hinata". "And why is that?" "You mean it's not obvious!? She will kick. your. ass". He smiled as Reki glanced at him. Jon took a step towards Hinata, "what makes him so special freak?" Hinata's eyes narrowed, her brow furrowing with anger as he said the word 'freak'. "I'm not here to answer your questions cream puff, so get off your high horse and hand him over". Reki lowered his sword slightly, seeing this, Jon moved to stand behind Yune and placed his sword across his neck. "You want this red-haired freak?" "Jon, what are you doing!?" "You can meet him in the after-life!" "Jon NO!" Reki cried reaching for Jon as he dragged the sword across Yune's neck. Yune dropped to the ground, "what have you done, he was for the client you idiot! The guild will here about this, you'll be-!" He gasped as Jon stabbed him through the stomach. "Shut up Reki Kyan, I've had enough of your constant bitching you pathetic sympathizer!" Reki fell to the floor beside Yune as Jon pulled the sword out. Hinata shook her head in disgust, "so killing us is not enough, now you're murdering your own kind too? Disgraceful, what a true monster you are". Jon straightened after fully realizing what he had done. Sengat was already by the back door of the house, "I want no part in this..." he mentioned, then left. "And then there were two", Jon grinned with a maniacal look in his eyes, "you will taste my blade freak, your flesh will yield to the cold steel of my sword. I will cut you to pieces! Rip out your insides! While you still breath I will slowly-!" He gasped, forcefully shut up as a fist hit his face. The impact sent him flying towards the window which shattered as he went through landing on the outside. "Geez... he sure does go on doesn't he?" Yune chuckled shaking his hand, "think his still alive? I did hit him kinda hard". Hinata crossed her arms, "took you long enough, I was wondering when you would shut him up". she said facing Yune who was standing with a long outstretched arm. He straightened looking at her, "sorry Hinata, it took me a second to get out of the rope, they tied it tight you know". "Tight? You can literally stretch out of anything..." she muttered, then watched as he bent down to turn Reki onto his back. "H-how are you alive? I-I saw him slit your throat..." Reki asked holding his belly wound. Yune slightly frowned with concern, "let's just say that stretching my skin isn't my only power". "You have... more than one? T-the special one- I get it now..." "What are you doing?" Hinata questioned, "we need to go". "He needs help", Yune replied. "He tried to kill you". "No he didn't, he's my friend and I won't leave him here to die like this!" "Alright, cool your jets, I'll find a way for us to leave without being seen..." Hinata huffed walking to the back door and checking outside. Reki coughed, "hey hang in there buddy", Yune said cradling his head. "B-Before I die- I'd like to tell you I'm sorry... for what I did... if my hunters had questioned my loyalty- they would have killed me on the spot then killed you out of fear that you had somehow turned me...not that it mattered anyway..." "Hey I know you didn't mean it, and besides you didn't hurt me, no offence but you kinda kick like a girl", he smiled as Reki chuckled slightly. "T-Tell me... why... did you... call... me... your f-fri...end..." His eyes closed. Yune checked his pulse then gave an angry sigh looking towards the window. "Yune, the back way is clear". Yune nodded, "can you carry Reki? I'll watch out for anyone on the way to your house". She opened her mouth to protest at the destination but shook her head hoisting Reki up in her arms, "yes", she sighed. Yune looked at her then smiled slightly, "you know, it's lucky you have those muscles to bluff your way out of stuff. Crush their bones with your bare hands? I might have liked to see that", he snorted, "it's a good thing they couldn't tell you were a Fuanna". She raised a brow, "I learned a spell to hide my ears, hence the orange eyes..." They rushed out the back door heading down the alley, "it's been too long Yune, you're lucky I saw you when I did". "Nah I would've been alright", Yune replied, he glanced at Reki, "he wouldn't have let anything bad happen to me". "You seem to have a lot of faith in this man, have you known him long?" "No not really, I met him earlier". Hinata froze on the spot prompting him to glance back, "you coming?" He asked carrying on. Hinata gave a small sigh, "you're hopeless..." she muttered.

One day later... Reki opened his eyes, a white ceiling came into focus, he frowned turning his head slightly. He realized he was in an unfamiliar small bedroom but couldn't recall how he got there. His eyes widened as he remembered Yune, he sat up then cried out placing a hand on his belly that had been dressed and bandaged. Yune rushed into the room, making Reki grimace as he stood backing away into a corner with his fists up slightly, "you're awake! How are you feeling?" Yune became concerned when he didn't answer and seemed confused and scared, "uh Reki...?" "What have you done!? Why-uh... why have you brought me here freak!?" Yune raised his hands and slowly retreated back, "whoa easy with the word freak, Hinata isn't really fond of it, quite frankly neither am I..." "What are you going to do to me? What do you want?" Yune frowned and approached, Reki tensed raising his fists again so he stopped, "hold on, you mean you don't remember what happened? Your so-called apprentice attacked you, he tried to kill us both. His name is Jon?" Reki blinked a few times then relaxed a little, "so you- you saved me?" "Of course man, I couldn't just leave you to die, we are friends after all". "But wait a minute... you died! I saw Jon slit your throat!" Yune gave a sheepish smile as he shrugged, "I got better?" Reki slouched, "fine don't tell me how you survived..." he limped to the bed and sat down, "we are not friends". Yune raised his brows, "come on don't be like that..." Reki stayed silent, "you'll warm up to me", Yune grinned. "NO! You don't get it!" Reki's outburst made him flinch, "I-I..." His voice softened, "you are not the first one I sold to a client. I would have left you there too... but you, you had to go and save me like some kind of hero... many others could've been like you. I basically killed them... your blood would have been on my hands..." Yune tilted his head, "you're stupid buddy you know that?" Reki glanced up at him, "what... stupid?" "You thought you were doing the right thing, protecting people. Even if you were wrong none of that matters now, you have a fresh start", he added a chuckle to lighten the mood. Reki sighed then held his belly, "so what now? Am I your prisoner?" Yune shook his head, "you still don't get it", he walked to the door, "you're free to go whenever you want, but I'd like it if you stayed a while, at least until you're better". "So you can brainwash me?" Yune stared at him, "that was a joke..." Reki added. Yune gave a slow nod, "riiiight maybe get some rest", he turned to walk away, "that way your jokes might reboot..." he muttered under his breath. Reki watched him leave then limped to the window and looked out to see Hinata collecting produce from the grasslands. He unintentionally gasped, seeing her eyes were now light brown in colour and her ears had changed shape. They were no longer small and round like human ears, they were long, slightly furry and pointed, "a Fuanna..." he muttered surprised, now realizing he had been tricked before. He opened the window holding in a pained cry as he climbed out. He walked a few steps towards her but paused feeling a stinging pain from his wound. He sat down on the spot then closed his eyes taking a few breaths eventually falling into slight meditation in the hot sun as the cool breeze eased his pain. Hinata turned and noticed him a few feet away and frowned, she was about to say something until she realized his peaceful expression. She breathed out lightly, "how can someone so calm and cute be such an ass?" She carried on working. Yune stepped out to join her, "hey Hinata, how's the harvest going?" She didn't look at him, "that's all you have to say?" "Ah sorry... thanks for bailing me out and helping my friend... I'll help you do dinner later how does that sound?" "Don't threaten me", she smiled slightly, "the harvest is going fine, and your welcome. You know your boyfriend climbed out the window, his been sitting there like a silent monk ever since". "Yeah I figured he would, I knew after seeing your real ears he'd be curious enough to stay". She blushed slightly then covered her ears, "what do my ears have to do with anything?" She fumed. "Relax, just try to be nice to him, okay? His not as bad as you think and his probably interested to get to know you". "If he wanted some chit chat, maybe he should've thought of that before maiming and selling my peoples corpses!" Yune sighed, "or you could hold a grudge and ignore him, it's up to you", he walked past her. "Hey where do you think you're going?" "Just out for a stroll, I felt something..." She raised a brow, "you felt something? I'm not happy with you leaving me here alone to babysit your 'friend' what if he tries to attack me, you know I don't fight Yune..." "He won't hurt you, I promise. Trust me his one of the good guys, he just needs a little guidance". "So what are you expecting me to do while you're gone?" "Whatever you want, I'll be back soon Hinata", he walked off into the forest of the grasslands fading into the many trees in the distance. "You better not let any trouble follow you!" Hinata called after him, he waved a hand back. Hinata glanced at Reki who still had his eyes closed, she picked up her basket and walked to him, "hey you". He flinched snapping out of his meditation then glanced up at her nervous, "um... yes...?" "You feel well enough to help me with lunch? You might as well do something useful since you're sleeping in my room, on my bed. You know I had to sleep on the sofa right? It's not as comfortable as it looks-" He started to stand, his face twisting in pain until he was on his feet, "I'll help", he cut in. She nodded, "Good, I'll show you to the kitchen then", he followed her inside.

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