The Hunt is on...!

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Yune walked through the trees looking around, "I know I felt it around here somewhere..." he licked a finger raising a hand up. He froze suddenly as a girl with mid-length silver hair ran past him, his eyes widened as he noticed black cat-like ears on top of her head and a long black tail beginning at the end of her tailbone. She glanced back at his shocked expression with her bright blue catty eyes then tripped rolling a little before thumping into the base of a tree, stopping with a thud. Yune didn't budge, he knew why she was running. A hunter came sprinting in their direction, he went to run past but Yune stuck his arm out clotheslining him. "Oops, my bad I didn't see you there". Another hunter came up behind him and grabbed his arms pulling them behind his back, "you fool! I'll kill you for interfering!" Yune's arms stretched, his fists mashed the hunter in both sides of his head, "nobody likes someone shouting in their ears pal", the man dropped. Yune gasped as the girl screamed, the final hunter was upon her thrusting a sword down towards her. Yune stretched out his arm as he ran towards them, preventing her from being hurt, but his arm from the elbow was cut clean off in one swipe. The hunter backed away with pure surprise on his face, Yune skidded to a stop in front of him, "that hurt ya jackass!" He shouted. He punched the hunter in the face stretching his arm so far, he vanished from the area. "Well he won't be coming back any time soon, are you okay?" The cat girl shakily looked up at him then gasped with teary eyes noticing his bloody stump, "oh no, your arm... you shouldn't have helped me..." He looked down, "oh don't worry, it grows back, see", her eyes widened as his severed limb grew back in an instant. She fainted. Yune quickly crouched beside her, "whoops... I probably should've seen that coming..." he picked her up in his arms then turned around to see the first hunter he'd clotheslined was now standing in his way with a raised sword. "Dude I'm kinda busy". "That cat is our prize, we found her first, know your place freak!" Yune straightened glaring down at him, "I know my place just fine hunter scum, it's between you and this extraordinary". "Why you impudent little-!" "Enough talk, make a move or walk away". The hunter barely took a step towards them before Yune lifted his leg, it stretched kicking the man in the balls and blasting him into the air, "you think there's a guild called team rocket? Ha, ha, get it?" He chuckled then looked down at the unconscious girl, "oh right..." he rushed back towards the grasslands.

"How interesting", a hunter said as he stood by his fellow men, "what a truly disgraceful lot, falling to the likes of a mere child. Pathetic". Another shorter hunter with red eyes stood beside him, "come on Zeffo, don't be so cruel", he tilted his head with a blank expression, "after all, it's not their fault they were born so weak". Zeffo, the tall black eye colored man grinned, "you're always too soft Ingrid, make sure you're not that soft when we catch up to them". Ingrid looked at him as he continued, "we cannot afford to lose that creature, he has darkness inside him, and master said it's red in colour". "Red?" Ingrid's eyebrows shot up, "I've never heard of red darkness before". Zeffo had a troubled look in his eye, "I have, it's supposed to be a form of chaotic power triggered by emotion, it's almost uncontrollable". "That explains why the boy seems so cheerful even when fighting, his constantly battling himself inside..." Ingrid straightened his long white kimono, "well we should get going then". "Yes that's enough of a lead I suppose", Zeffo rolled up the sleeves of his black kimono then sped away from the scene faster than lightning. Ingrid was by his side they were both zooming towards the grasslands.

Reki gave a small gasp as he reached for a large bowl from the top cupboard in Hinata's kitchen, "you alright over there?" Hinata called as she chopped a few ingredients. "Yes, it's nothing", he replied then handed the bowl to her. "Thanks", she said glancing at the bandages before taking it, "you know you don't have to put on a brave face around me, if you need to sit for a moment, it's fine". Reki stared at her as she put the ingredients in the bowl and added sauce before mixing. "Um no I'm fine, just because I'm only human that doesn't mean that I'm weaker than you fre-" He tensed as she glared at him. She took a breath then slammed the bowl down shattering it to pieces. Reki flinched back as she stormed over to him, "I never once presumed you to be weaker just because you're cowardly, lowlife human! But you and your kind assume all of us extraordinaries are out to kill you or hurt you! And you call us freaks! What did we ever do to deserve that huh!? What did I do to you!? Reki stared up at her, she froze noticing his eyes had changed, he wasn't scared or angry, he seemed sympathetic and sad. "I-I'm sorry..." he replied, "you saved my life... and I'm still being an idiot..." she backed off a little then sighed, "yes, you are..." she walked to the kitchen side, "and you made me break my bowl", she added through gritted teeth. Reki smiled slightly, "I'll get you a new one". "Damn right you will..." The door burst open, Yune rushed in with the cat girl in his arms, "Yune", Reki said surprised. "Yune! I just knew you'd bring a stray... you always attract trouble!" Yune put the girl on the sofa, "sorry", he chuckled, "she was being attacked, I had no choice!" "Attacked?" Reki stepped forward taking in the girls appearance, "but she's just a girl..." Hinata glared at him, "you mean that matters to you?" "Of course it does... I mean... I understand now..." "What's he babbling about?" Yune asked. "Who knows...?" Hinata began checking the girl over. Yune gasped suddenly wide-eyed and tense, Reki looked at him, "are you alright? Did you get hurt?" He asked noticing the blood on his clothes. Yune sighed scratching the back of his head, "I'm good, you guys should stay in here though", he approached the door. "Wait", Reki called, "where are you going?" Hinata shook her head, "nothing but trouble", she muttered as Yune stepped out and shut the door behind him, "he was followed". Reki looked at her with concern, "you sound worried". "He was followed by hunters alright, but there's a guild out there that are extraordinaries just like us". Reki frowned at her, "what, no. That's impossible, our guilds would never have let that happen". "Freaks killing their own? You wouldn't have let that happen?" "No... I mean no... that's..." She looked at him expectantly but he didn't continue she shrugged, "have a look for yourself but be warned, if you're spotted, they'll kill you. They don't like to leave witnesses, especially not human ones". Reki gave a small nod and walked to the window staying to the side so nobody would notice him as he peered out. Yune was walking over to two men in kimonos. "So what's the deal? Are you after the cub I saved, or me?" Yune asked them. Zeffo grinned, "look at that Ingrid, I guess his already figured it out". "Yes Zeffo", Ingrid looked at Yune, "you already know we're after you for the red darkness don't you?" Yune remained silent. Zeffo laughed, "you must be shaking in your boots, having to return to Master must be scary for you, I bet your pissing in your pants as we speak, aye Yune?" "You should know you can't leave a guild without suffering the consequences of desertion Yune, and what's worse you thought you could leave with a power such as you have without permission". "You will become sludge in a test tube for the Half Breed guild, and you have no one to blame but yourself you traitorous scum". Yune smiled. "What are you smiling at?" Ingrid and Zeffo frowned as Yune began laughing. "What is wrong with you?" Ingrid questioned. Yune looked up at them, his usual grey eyes were now a pale yellow colour, "It's ridiculous! Master sends men in dresses to come after me, and only two at that! To face my powers, you'll need more than that". "You think you can beat us both? You don't even know what we can do!" Zeffo growled. Yune shrugged with a slightly insane look in his eyes, "it doesn't matter, Master told you I have darkness right?" "Red darkness, but we're strong enough to-" "Red?" Yune chuckled, "childsplay... red is only if I lose control", he grinned as Ingrid said, "you mean you have more than one darkness power?" "That's not possible!" Zeffo added. Yune shrugged again this time with a creepy wide-eyed smile, "only one way to find out!" He said excitedly then licked his lips. Zeffo and Ingrid rushed forward.

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