Jon is a Freak!?

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"There all clean, are you satisfied?" Ingrid asked. Zeffo raised a brow, "why're you asking me, you should be happier now that you don't smell like ass". Ingrid shrugged, "I guess I am just eager to finish our mission, I know about Yune and his ability to gain friends, by the time we reach him he'll probably have a small army..." Ingrid, that's stupid". "Maybe but I know first hand. He has a way with words, feeding peoples ego making them believe that he wants to be friends, but ultimately using them to serve his purpose". Zeffo frowned at him, "you didn't tell me you knew him personally Ingrid. Did you pretend not to know about the red darkness?" Ingrid looked at him with a blank expression, "I knew him when we were younger... but I did not know about the red darkness or at least I didn't know that essence of evil had a name..." "What happened between you two?" Ingrid sighed, "he killed my friend, or perhaps I felt of her as more than that... it does not matter now..." Zeffo patted his shoulder, "let's go catch the bastard, I wouldn't mind hurting him a lot before we bring him back", he left the room. Ingrid stood up, "finally", he said, a flash of purple in his eyes.

"Finally", Kaede said to herself, "I will see you soon, my darling..." She walked to the castle entrance ready to teleport away, awaiting the moment Ingrid and Zeffo run into Yune.

Reki gasped as something brushed his shoulder while he was hiding in a tree near the Mercy Guild. He turned seeing nothing, "Hinata. Is that you?" He groaned. He heard a slight snigger before a pair of eyes appeared beside him, "sorry I couldn't help it". Reki sighed shaking his head, "honestly, this is serious stop behaving like a child". He felt a pinch on his arm, "ouch what was that for!?" "Learn to have a little fun grandpa". Reki released another sigh then watched as the guard left his post, "there, now's our chance!" He said dropping from the tree then sneaking towards the guild. He crept inside, holding in a surprised sound and tensing as another guard was nearby. The guard whimpered as his hood was suddenly thrown over his face, Reki snuck past him and hid inside a small dark room. The invisible Hinata followed. "Did you have fun?" Reki asked with a slight grin. "Yes actually". "Yune would be proud". "Don't act like you're not smiling right now, I'm invisible not blind and it's not that dark in here". "Shit, someone's coming!" Hinata quickly pressed herself against Reki. They both closed their eyes as a guard walked past. When he left, they stayed there for a moment, "he didn't see me..." "I must've made you invisible when I touched you..." Hinata guessed. Reki looked down at her eyes, "Thank you..." He cleared his throat and quickly looked up. She separated from him blushing silently, "lucky you can't see me..." She muttered under her breath. "Sorry, I didn't hear you". "Uh, it was nothing. Shall we?" She looked out of the door, "It's clear", he joined her, "so whereabouts are we headed?" "To the grand hall, nothing in there but a chair for the biggest ego in the guild". "I'm confused are you talking about yourself or Jon?" "Jon of course", he fumed, "I still can't believe it. He has little to no strength, can't swordfight his way out of a paper bag yet he had the balls to stab me the damn weasel!" She noticed him becoming angrier so she touched his shoulder making him look at her. Her eyes showed how concerned and sorry she felt for him, "hey but things haven't been so bad since then have they, I mean you met Yune-" "And you..." he added then cleared his throat, "I guess you're right I didn't really have friends before..." "HALT!" Someone yelled from behind, Hinata quickly closed her eyes so she was completely invisible while Reki faced the ones who had found them. "Well, well, well", it was Jon and a few guards, "what have we here? Reki Kyan back from the dead. Were you sneaking your way in here to kill me?" Reki glared at him then drew his sword, "just returning the favor Jon", he glanced at his former guards, "this is between us, this is my guild and I won't-" "You're guild?" Jon laughed, "no, the moment you became a sympathizer you betrayed MY guild, it doesn't belong to you anymore, right men?" The hunters drew their swords, "oh and I changed our name, we don't want to give mercy to those freaks, we want to kill them, so now we're the Butcher Guild". Reki shook his head, "you truly are rotten to the core..." he said looking at the number of people against him and the invisible Hinata, he lowered his voice, "this looks bad... you better get out of here..." "I'm not leaving you", Hinata whispered back. Jon stared at Reki with a menacing smile, "so what now Reki? Do you hope to take on these men by yourself?" "You're such a coward Jon, you could never do anything without someone there to wipe your nose, you whelp!" Hinata nudged him, "what are you doing?" "Trust me..." Jon drew his sword, "how dare you!? What stabbing you once wasn't enough for you!?" "Ha! So high and mighty. While I was distracted you stabbed me, bravo. But you didn't finish the job. Typical Jon, never able to finish, what are you going to do? Have one of your new lacky's here do it for you as usual? Or perhaps you can simply grow a pair and kill me yourself, if you have the skill to do so", Reki grinned, he could tell he was riling Jon up, "I just need an opening..." He whispered to Hinata, "can you do anything?" Hinata looked around seeing chandeliers above them, "I can drop the lights on your word", she replied. Reki's eyes flicked up for a split second then he smiled at Jon, "marvelous, the great Jon can't even muster words now, let's go fish lips, you and I, one on one. Unless, you're too chicken that is". Jon took a step closer, "men, you are dismissed". The hunters looked at him with confusion as he took off his new shiny gold cape, "leave us now!" Even Reki was slightly unnerved, "you- why would you dismiss them, are you really that big headed? You sword fight about as well as a grunt..." Making sure his men were out of the way, Jon put away his sword, "I won't be needing it", he mocked. Hinata felt her heart race, she rejoined Reki, "I don't like this Reki..." "Your friend can come out now, I've noticed her presence for the few minutes we've been standing here". She straightened opening her eyes in shock, "there you are!" Jon extended his arm out, it became beastly, growing claws and hair. "WATCH OUT!" Reki pulled her out of the way and leapt backwards accidentally dropping his sword. Hinata gasped as the claws swept past her face, just out of range. Reki coughed landing on his back feeling Hinata land on top of him, he jumped up pulling her up with him and holding her arm as Jon fully transformed. He became a massive dog like creature and breathed fire. Reki yanked Hinata behind a pillar, his leg catching some of the flames. "You trousers!" Hinata became visible helping to pat his leg putting the fire out, "are you burned?" Reki shook his head taking off his jacket and putting it over her arms, "I think I'm okay..." Hinata frowned, "so you had a Feral under your noses the whole time". "I've never seen one up close... no wonder he was so smug..." They both peered out watching as Jon stamped around breathing fire, "COME OUT, COME OUT WHEREVER YOU ARE!" He gave a booming laugh, "WHAT'S THE MATTER REKI? WHERE IS ALL THAT BRAVADO YOU HAD ONLY MOMENTS AGO? DON'T TELL ME YOU'VE PISSED YOUR PANTS AHAHAHA!" Reki gritted his teeth, "I am no coward! I will face him alone!" He fumed stepping away from the pillar. "AH THERE YOU ARE". Hinata gripped his arm pulling him into her breasts as searing flames blasted past the pillar, "what are you nuts!? Now is not the time to for that macho crap Reki!" "You're right... I apologize for my stupidity..." He muffled into her boobs, "now if you'd be so kind..." She released him noticing his bright red face then remembered all she had on was a jacket. Reki looked away slightly, "we need a plan", he said. "No we need a miracle.. dammit where's Yune when I need him!?" Reki looked at her then gently held her shoulders, "you'll be okay if you turn invisible". "What?" "Listen to me, no matter what happens, I'm glad I got to spend a little time with you, you're a really beautiful, kind Fuanna and I'm sorry", he kissed her cheek stunning her then rushed out to face Jon. "NO!" Hinata reached out too late to grab him. Jon looked down and spat a fireball. Reki gasped sliding for his sword as it zoomed over his head, he snatched up the blade then stabbed it into Jon's leg. He gave an almighty roar then swung his arm batting Reki away into a pillar opposite Hinata, "get up!" She yelled watching as he slowly got to his feet. He was winded glancing up as another flame came towards him, it lit up his face, but he was barged out of the way before it could touch him. "Reki! Are you okay?" Cholin asked as she quickly pulled him into cover, Hinata raced across the hall to join them behind the other pillar. Reki was slightly dazed, "what happened? I thought for sure-" He winced as Hinata punched his arm, "you idiot! You would've died if they didn't turn up, don't you ever do that again!" She fumed. Reki gave a small nod then the three looked at the spot where Reki had been standing moments ago to see a man in gold armor that was now smoking. Yune was hanging from a chandelier and looked down at him, "whoa! That was a lot of fire! You good down there Doku?" Doku raised a brow looking up at Jon with his heroic grin as he squeezed a small flame on the end of his moustache it made a sizzle sound, "Not gonna lie buddeh I feel a little singed. Now it's my turn to pound the Feral, okay?" "Do your worst buddy", Yune glared down at what Jon had become, he quickly hang dropped as Jon swung for him and smashed the chandelier. As Yune landed the Ferals fist thrust towards him. Doku moved in front of him and caught Jon's huge hand, "Don't be so rude!" Doku squeezed his fist tightly as Jon tried to pull away, "we only popped in to say hello, and now... goodbye!" He threw Jon through the roof then brushed his hands together. "Now", he said facing Yune, "about my sister", he said with a grin while Hinata and Reki stared at him in disbelief. "You just... threw a Feral out of the building... like he weighed nothing..." Reki stated. Doku looked at the new faces, "no need to thank me, I just want my sister". Reki and Hinata looked at Yune, "I'll explain later", he shrugged then tensed facing the hunters as they rushed back in. He and Doku prepared to fight, "wait..." one of the hunters spoke stepping forward, "we don't want to fight. This whole time Jon was a Feral..." "You were watching?" Reki asked. The woman nodded, "he had us fooled... he was a monster..." Hinata narrowed her eyes, "and us?" The female hunter bowed her head, "you all saved us. Thank you". Hinata and Cholin blushed watching as the other hunters followed suit. Yune smiled, "hey, don't worry about it, people make mistakes". "Yes we have a lot to make up for", Reki mentioned stepping forward. "Sir, we'd really like it if you could retake your position, as leader of the Mercy Guild again", they all bowed again. Reki was shocked, he looked to Hinata who gave a nod, "I-I will. But you should know I came here with the intention of turning this guild into a sanctuary for the extraordinary". A hunter from the back frowned, "what but they are-!" "Honestly not as bad as you think they are, Yune here and his friend Hinata, they saved my life when Jon tried to kill me, and Cholin? She saved us from some extraordinaries that did want to cause us harm". Yune joined his side putting an arm over his shoulder, "the big dude is Doku, his the one who lobbed your fish lipped Feral outta the building". Doku put his hands on his hips with a cheeky grin, Reki smiled, "I literally told Jon he had fish lips". "Ah no way, great minds think alike!" "I'll stay to help you fix the roof if you like", Doku cut it, "but if you know where my sister is first I'd like to find her. Much appreciated". "Is your sister the giant?" The woman hunter asked. "She is indeed, although I do hope you don't call her that to her face, there'll be dire consequences". "This way", the hunter began leading Doku towards the stairs that led down. Yune patted Reki's shoulder, "me and Cholin are gonna head down with him, we need to finish our little mission since I said I'd help", he smiled, "you guys figure out what you're gonna do". "Sure thing", Hinata nodded. Yune held his breath as he looked at her, just realizing she was wearing nothing but a jacket, he glanced at Reki then at both of them. Hinata noticed said through gritted teeth, "don't even think about it". Yune exhaled trying to keep a straight face as Cholin joined him. She walked beside him then touched his hand as they approached the stairs, he looked down at her, "hmm? You need something?" "I just wondered..." she went shy and lowered her head, "never mind..." She gasped glancing up as Yune looked ahead with slight red cheeks as he'd taken her hand in his, she smiled bashfully. "Let's go", he said then led her down the steps.

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