Sympathy For the Hero!?

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A white ball appeared a few miles away from the Mercy Guild, Reki fell out and Hinata landed on top of him, "UGH...!" Reki coughed, his face twisted in pain, "kindly get off madam!" He said through gritted teeth. Hinata looked down at him, "I can't! My body won't move..." "It-it must be the teleportation, we're not used to it... but you're crushing me!" "Say what! Are you saying I'm fat!?" She fumed then realized his contorted expression, "oh... I'm sorry..." she said now remembering his stomach wound, she somehow forced her body to move and slowly rolled off of him and onto her back, "ah... are you okay?" She asked. "Yes... thank you..." he took a few breaths then mentioned, "I wasn't calling you fat..." "Yeah, I know, let's drop it", she pulled her head up slightly, "well this doesn't look like any place I've seen, are we near the Mercy Guild?" Reki looked around finally being able to sit up, "the Mercy Guild is a few miles north from here". "A few miles! Wait then, you know what this place is?" "Yes, apologies but my mind lead us astray when Yune said... uh... a-hem". "Yeah I get it, that little shits gonna get it when I see him again", she stood up and stretched, "so where exactly are we then?" "The place I-" He cleared his throat, "the place I took my first girlfriend..." Hinata raised her brows, "why are you so embarrassed, it's a nice place, got plenty of good views". "Yes..." There was an awkward silence between them, then Hinata made a sound before saying, "so what happened?" Reki's eyes darted away, "I'd rather not discuss that subject". "Right, right sorry for asking...we've just met and... then I landed on top of you..." Reki nodded looking away slightly, "well, we're wasting daylight..." She held out a hand. He took it and was carefully pulled to his feet, "we should reach the guild by nightfall, it'll be easier to sneak around anyway". "Great, until then we should keep our eyes peeled", Reki watched as she put her hands together muttering something. Her body started to disappear, after a moment her eyes were bright orange and her body had completely vanished, "lead the way", she said noticing his stare. "Um one problem..." he mentioned. His eyes widened as her sleeves hovered to her hips, "what is it now?" "You're clothes aren't invisible..." "What!?" She glanced down, "oh that's just great!" "Your powers must not work on objects that aren't living material..." "Yeah thanks I kinda just figured that out", she took her shoes off then paused, "what do you think you're doing buster? Turn around!" Reki was astounded, "I can't even see you!" "I don't care ya pervert, I don't want you seeing my undies!" He shook his head turning around, "won't I be the one to carry your clothes anyway?" He gasped as a shoe hit his head, "hey! Ow!" "They'll be folded, and if I even see you peek at my underwear I'll smash you into oblivion, ya got that pal?" "Yes". "Good". He rolled his eyes then turned as she tapped his shoulder plonking the clothes and shoes into his hands, "and no smelling them either". "Just what kind of man do you think I am!?" "You're a man, that's all I need to know". Reki couldn't see her face but he could tell she was frowning, "look can we just go already, you're a woman I know I'm never going to win this argument..." He sighed. "Why you sexist pig!" "You started it!" "What are you five?" She shoved him slightly, so he shoved her back, only then realizing he had touched a tad lower than her shoulder. He tensed, "that was your-" "Uh huh..." "I thought you were shorter than that... I was going for your shoulder-" "It was my fault... I was being a bitch..." "I was being rude..." They're eyes met as Reki gulped. Now he could tell she was smiling, "let's get going before I explode from embarrassment". He chuckled, "and I as well..." He gave a nod then started walking.

Zeffo coughed as he could finally stand after being teleported by Cholin, "that little bitch, wait until I get my hands on her! I'll wring her tiny neck!" He realized he was back at the Half Breed Guild entrance, "she must've hit us with separate teleports, but still... Ingrid should've ended up here too", he looked around, "so where is he!?"

Ingrid stood up. He frowned looking around then gulped after noticing where he'd ended up. He was in a pitch black room in a dark castle he knew all too well, "interesting", he muttered then gasped as every candle in the room suddenly lit up. "Ingrid, my little pet", he looked up to see a woman in a long black dress showing off her cleavage, it had a slit from the side all the way to the bottom. Her hair was short and purple, her eyes the same colour as her hair, "I thought I told you never to return here", she said through her rose red lips. Ingrid tried to play it cool, "I assure you, it was not my intention to-" He tensed wide-eyed taking in a sharp breath as she shimmered appearing directly in front of him. He instantly lowered his head cowering before her. "You murdered my son! I swore I would never take revenge unless you returned!" She took a breath becoming chillingly calm, "yet here you are again as a constant reminder, did you come back to make an attempt on my life?" She asked amused. He didn't raise his head, his nerves were on edge, he was terrified of the woman in front of him, "no mistress... your power has no match...I was teleported here..." She sighed feeling a slight energy on him different than his own, "well it's true, I know you don't possess such abilities", she put her red nail on his chin making it bleed slightly as she forced him to look up into her eyes, "think of a place you want to go my pet". Ingrid adopted a concerned frown thinking she was about to kill him, "if I see you again, you will die", she smiled sweetly then made him flinch as she kissed him on the cheek, "sightseer", for a brief second his eyes flashed purple, "teleport". He shimmered then vanished.

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