Incurred Wrath of the Witch!

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When Cholin and Yune had reached the bottom of the stairs Yune let loose a sigh, "how on earth did they fit a giant down here?" Doku glanced back at him, "with certain spells one can make a giant smaller". They entered a wide-open dungeon to see Doku's younger sister, she was twenty-eight feet tall and tied down by massive chains. Her hair was long, pink and mostly to one side, she wore a short white dress, pink underwear and black boots. Yune tensed as the tall woman turned slightly moaning in pain, he averted his eyes as she opened her legs a little then he decided it best to rush to one of her hands, Cholin followed, "who would do this? Tie her down even though she's suffering... how barbaric..." The hunter sighed, "I'm not proud to say that I helped...I'm sorry..." "We need to get these off of her then I can get a better look", Yune stated. "Stand back buddeh, I've got this". Yune, Cholin and the hunter backed up. Doku raised an arm, "not to worry little sister, I'll have you out in no time!" He smashed a fist down breaking through the thick chain freeing one of her hands. "Holy moly..." Yune muttered. "So strong..." the hunter added. Doku broke the remaining three chains, "all done". "Great", Yune climbed onto the giants chest, "no peeking boy", Doku warned, he flinched as Cholin lightly slapped his armored arm, "his not like that!" "Hey Doku, what's her name by the way?" Yune asked ignoring his comment. Doku slapped his own forehead, "ah of course where are my manners!? She is called Shiemi and don't call her a giant, she may well squish you!" "Noted..." Yune took off his shoes then tossed them down near the others who watched as he carefully tiptoed across Shiemi's neck to her face. He stretched his arm to partly open her eyelid, "Doku, what color are her eyes?" "Well as blue as the sea of course- NO! As light as the sky- WAIT! I have it, white like icy snow and yet at the same time blue like a- like a..." DOKU! Focus man I don't need the whole blu, white palette just tell me the color of her eyes!" "Okay... icy blue best describe them". Yune frowned, the eye he had opened was shaded black, "who checked her over? Jon?" Doku's eyes widened, "I don't know... Why? Is something wrong!?" He began frantically biting his nails. "Not really, Shiemi isn't ill at all, she's just under a spell, someone cast darkness magic on her to keep her in a nightmare of sorts". "Jon?" Sandy asked. "No Ferals can't do that... someone else", Yune was deep in thought. "Will she be alright?" Doku asked concerned. Yune smiled, "I'll be honest because of her size this might be a little taxing, but I can dispel the magic no problem". "You sure? It won't cause her any harm will it?" "Not as far as I know", Yune looked down hearing Cholin yelp as Doku pulled her close, his nerves taking over. "Hey chill bud, I swear to you if I think I'm doing anything wrong or I feel like I'm putting her in more pain I'll pull away, alright? Just stay calm or you'll distract me". "Alright..." Doku released Cholin, "he can do it, I know he can", she said. The hunter crossed her fingers watching with anticipation. Yune took a deep breath, he held out his arms as he stood still on Shiemi's cheek. His eyes turned black. Doku tensed as Shiemi moved slightly, "come on..." Yune said straining, "you know I'm here..." her eyes opened but she was completely still. "What's happening...?" Doku muttered, Cholin couldn't answer, she didn't know if it was going well or not. Yune fell to one knee, "ugh... this spell is strong... wake up Shiemi. I can't draw the spell away unless you wake your giant ass up..." "Hmmm... Yune?" Shiemi groaned. "Wake up now!" Yune yelled. Shiemi's eyes turned blue, she snapped out of the spell and sat up fast, "WHOAAA!" Yune cried out as he was catapulted from her face. Doku gasped, "Shiemi! Catch him!" He shouted. "Huh?" She tilted her head to the side, "Oh!" She reached out a hand catching Yune then brought him to her face, "hey, I know you", she said sweetly. Yune was on her hand, his grey eyes looking up at her, "oh uh, actually you don't... to wake you out of the spell you were under I had to dig deep into your mind, so I saw a few of your memories and you saw a few of mine", he smiled sheepishly, "I see... but your-" "I'd rather you keep those to yourself", he said with a nod. Shiemi smiled, "I see, well then thank you. I guess I don't need to introduce myself", she tucked her hair behind her ear, "here lemme put you down". Yune was carefully let down beside the hunter, Cholin rushed to his side as he sat down and sighed putting on his shoes, "are you okay? You look a little drained..." "I'll be fine Cholin thanks". Shiemi noticed her brother standing with tears flowing from his eyes, "Doku! It's been ages hasn't it?" "Sh-Shiemi... my baby sister", he muttered. She picked him up then squashed him into her cheek, "uh! I missed you Shiemi". "I missed you too brother!" Yune stood blinking a few times before he glanced up, "uh... you okay there Doku? It looks like she's crushing you..." "Nope I am perfectly fine!" Shiemi put Doku down, "We grew up together, I've never even crushed him once!" She frowned. Yune raised his hands, "I'm sorry I didn't mean to offend you, it's nice to meet you. This is my friend Cholin and..." they all glanced at the hunter, "this is embarrassing, in all the excitement we never asked your name", the blue haired woman smiled. "No worries", she said, "my name is Sandy". "It's great to meet you all, thank you for your help but for some reason... I feel like there should be more of you?" Yune smiled, "you must've seen Hinata and Reki in my memories, they're just upstairs-" He cut off as a massive bang shook the guild. "What was that!?" Shiemi cried. Doku and Yune shared a look, "I'm going up", Yune rushed up the stairs. Doku glanced up at his sister, "Shiemi I know you've been through a terrible ordeal and the last thing I want to do is leave you but-" "I'll keep them both safe", she gave a knowing nod, "you help the guy who saved me". He hesitated, "go!" He snapped out of it and followed Yune up. Cholin and Sandy looked at Shiemi as she sighed, "man it's a shame I can't get out of here without making the ceiling fall on you, otherwise I could help with whatever is going on up there..." Cholin placed a hand on her leg then took Sandy's hand in hers, "what are you doing?" Sandy asked. Cholin gave a confident nod, "I have an idea".

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