~*Chapter 32: Liam*~

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Things must be ok with Harry because him and Niall came in the door giggling like maniacs. Louis was walking behind them and looked at me and just shrugged. I was standing in the middle of the kitchen talking to Charlie and Matilda. I looked back up and saw Seth walking over to Harry and Niall. What was that fooker up to? I watched as he put his hand on Niall's arm. I immediately saw him tense up.

I couldn't tell what they were talking about, but Niall kept shaking his head no but held a polite smile on his face. He then leaned down closer to the side of his face and said something that made him laugh.

"Dude, are you even listening to me?" Charlie asked pushing my shoulder back. I tore my eyes away from Niall and Seth and looked at Charlie.

"Oh yeah sorry, I was distracted by something," I said looking back over towards Niall. Seth was clearly up to something, that fooker.

"Listen Liam, you better keep an eye on Seth. That Fooker is a man whore. Once he sees something he wants he won't stop at anything until he gets it in his bed," Charlie said staring over at Seth and Niall.

"I know all about Seth, but thanks for the warning Charlie. Looks like he has eye on the one thing he won't be taking to bed, so if you'll excuse me, Matilda,Charlie...I have a guy to save," I say starting to walk towards Niall.

I felt heat moving up my body the more I watched him try to move closer and closer to him. I noticed Niall take a step backward away from Seth. I was already fisting my hands up so I needed to get a grip. When I walked up behind him I heard what he was saying.

"I really wish you would change your mind my dear and dance with me. I would really love to get to know you better."

Motherfooker. In my own fooking house going after my boy, oh hell no. I looked over at Louis and gave him  a nod. If I lost it, he better be fooking ready to pull me the hell off of this prick. Louis was on his way and walked up to Harry and whispered something in his ear. Seth didn't even notice Louis walk up.

"Hey sweetheart, are you ready for that dance?" I never took my eyes off of Niall for one second the entire time I walked over to where they were standing. Niall saw me giving me a smile I'd move heaven and earth to see that damn smile every second of every day.

I slapped Seth on the back...hard causing his beer to spill a little bit of his beer on the hardwood floor. He looked pissed, but once he saw it was me he relaxed. Fooker better not think I'm harmless because I'll break him in two.

Niall tried to hide his giggle. I'm more than ready for that dance! Niall said with a smile.

"Well,hold on a minute, my dear.... I just asked you to dance and you said no. Now you're gonna run off and dance with Liam? What's the deal?" Seth ask with a laugh. Harry took Niall by the arm and started leading him away. Louis must've told him to when he walked up. Niall looked confused.

"It's ok, sweetheart, go on outside with Harry, I'll be right there," I said leaning down and kissing him on the cheek.

Once they started to walk away, I turned and stood in front of Seth. He was giving me a shit-eating grin, the fooker.

"Hey bro, it was all harmless. I just wanted to dance with him, that's all," Seth said taking a sip of beer.

"Listen Seth, I put up with your shit because your friends with Josh and that's the only reason why. I don't really give two shits who you hit on, but if you ever lay a finger on Niall again or call him anything other than Niall, I'll break both your arms and  you'll never play rugby again? Do you understand me?

Seth started laughing. "Ok, sure mate, whatever, but in my defense, I always thought you were
Fook'em and leave'em kind of guy. You've never kept them around for more than a few dates."

Just then I heard a gasp making me look up. Niall was still inside standing there and Harry was trying to get him to go outside. He had a look of horror on his face. Fook! This fooking prick. I was gonna kill him.

I was ready to punch the shit out of him. I was so mad I didn't notice Greg come in the room.

"Whoa. Hey dude."Greg says walking up to us. "You're one to talk. I think you need to either knock it the fook off or leave our house. You don't talk like that to one of my best friends and you sure as shit,don't mess with my little brother." Greg said stepping between us. Seth gave me another fooking grin again.

"Sure, you're right. Sorry Liam mate, didn't mean to get you all upset. Put those guns away dude. I'll stay clear of him for as long as he's yours."

"You're damn right you will!" I practically shouted.

"Li, man just cool off. You need to go talk to Niall. Harry got him to go outside," Louis said.

I gave that prick one more look and started to walk off. I hit his shoulder as hard as I could as I walked by.

Fooking great. Now what was Niall going to think about me after this prick pretty much just painted me out to be no better than him?

When I walked outside, Niall, Harry and Olivia were talking and laughing. Maybe everything was ok. He wouldn't believe that arsehole, would he? I mean, I'm not saying I've not slept with my fair share of guys, but fook, it's not like I was a man whore. Fook, I think Louis and Greg have hooked up more than I have.

Just then the music changed to an oldie but goodie. Christina Aguilera's "Dirty" started playing and I smiled and made my way over to Niall.

He smiled at me as soon as he saw me walking up to him. Fook it just about brought me to my knees. I leaned down and asked against his ear. "Please tell me you don't believe him. I'm not like that, I promise.

Next thing I knew Niall's smile turned to a very sexy grin. He started dancing, and I mean he was really dancing. I did the only thing I could think of. I grabbed him and pulled him closer to me. He started to move his hips as he looked up at me with those beautiful blue eyes.

Fook me, I had no idea he could dance like this he turned around in my arms and started grinding against me and I thought I was going to explode. He reached up and put his hand behind my neck as he looked back at me with the most seductive look I'd ever seen in my life. I moved my hands up and down his body and never in my life have I felt my dick this hard. Holy shit this boy had the power to just blow me over. My whole body felt like it was on fire from his body being so close to mine

He closed his eyes moving his arse as close to my dick as he could. I didn't give a flying fook that I was hard. I'm not sure how long we danced like that before he finally turned around and faced me. I was silently hoping Greg was still inside. I'm pretty sure my face was giving away the fact that I wanted this boy more than my next breath. Next thing I knew, Niall had his arms around me and was moving against me like nothing I'd ever experienced. Fook I hope he never danced with Zayn this way.

The way he was dancing....It looked so fooking hot. His hands hands were up and down his body then he put his hands on my chest and started to move....

I had to stop. Holy shit. I had to stop before I did something I regret. I began to push him back a little. I needed to break this contact right now. Just then the music changed.

Ok thank the fook... I stood there as ran my fingers through my hair.

"Holy fook Niall, I think I need a beer and I know I need to sit down." Niall let out laugh and reached up to kiss me. His lips were so soft and it was one of the most tender kisses I've ever received.

He smiled against my lips.

"That's to make sure you remember that you only have me bewitched Mr.Payne."

Right at that moment it hit me and it hit me harder than I would've ever expected.

I loved Niall.

I loved him more than I loved anything in this world. He'd forever be my whole life.

AN:Please vote and give me some feedback I love to hear your comments.

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