~*Chapter 64:Niall*~

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"Holy hells bells.....Jesus, Mary and Joseph! I asked you to keep an eye on him Matilda!"

"Don't yell at me Harry ! He slipped out when I wasn't looking!!"

"FOOK! That little shit is trying to make his way to Liam ! EVERYONE....spread out! Look for him!"

"Um, Harry ...who the hell are you telling to spread out to...it is just you, Matilda, Denise and me." Olivia said with a laugh. "Remember Shawn had to leave."

I started to laugh as I opened the bathroom door. "Um, guys I just went to the bathroom!"

"Jesus Niall , stop doing that. I know you are just trying to throw us off you and your fooking horny little self trying to get to Liam . Once Matilda hear slipped and said he was two miles down the road it has been your mission to leave! Do. Not. Lie. To. Me!"

"I have no idea what you are talking about Harry."

"For Christ sakes if he wants to go see Liam I say we just take him! We can make a quick trip up there and say hi to the guys and then come back here." Olivia said as she downed another beer.

We all turned and stared at Olivia . What was going on with her?

"Ahhh, are you drunk?" Harry asked as he walked over and took the empty beer out of Olivia's hand.

"NO! I'm not drunk! I was just saying if Niall wanted to see his fiancé that bad who are we to stop him, that's all. Gesh...."

"Oh holy hell....."

Why was Harry smiling at Olivia that way?

"Why are you looking at me like that Harry ?"

"Mother fooker...you want to see Josh DON'T YOU!" Harry practically yelled out.

Matilda jumped up and down and was clapping her hands. "I KNEW you like him! I knew it when I saw you all dancing at the wedding!"

"Denise just sat there laughing at what was unfolding in front of her."

"Wait...what? You like JOSH Olivia ?? Since when? I thought you couldn't stand him! Oh my god....where have I been that I didn't know this!" I couldn't  believe Olivia was falling for......Josh......playboy Josh!

Olivia just blushed and shrugged her shoulders. "He has a certain something that I might find attractive,"I don't know."

"Well you know, Charlie told me that ever since the wedding, Josh has pretty much given up his playboy ways! The guys keep teasing him about losing his touch with the ladies!"

We all looked at each other. Harry raised his eyebrow at me and I looked over at Matilda and then Olivia.

"Hey Matilda how many bedrooms does Charlie's parents cabin have?" Denise asked.

"Six why?" Matilda says.

"Well I'm just thinking we all want to see our guys, and have a little fun. And they're only 2 miles away. So why don't we go surprise them and have a party with them?"Denise says with a wink.

"Denise I love you and I like your logic. But when you're talking about going to have sex with my brother it's a little sickening."I say making them laugh.

"Oh Niall,Let's go. Louis text me that he was sorry. And you better believe he's gonna make it up to me with sex." Harry says grabbing his keys and wallet.

"OH MY GOD! I am not sleeping with JOSH!" Olivia screamed.

"Don't then.....all I know is my arse is wanting me some Greg ......"

"Yeah I'm with Denise need Louis." Harry laughs

"EEEWWW! OHMYGOD! Louis' like a brother to me, and Greg is my brother for fook sake! GROSS."

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