~*Chapter 34: Liam*~

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I sat there with Niall sitting on my on my lap and I was in pure heaven. Listening to him and Harry talk and laugh, I was never more content. Every time he laughed or smiled I stopped breathing.

I love him...

I had to smile every time I thought about how my world just turned upside down. I knew Niall still wanted to take things slow, but damn if I didn't wanna just tell him, to just shout it out for the world to know.

Harry asked if Niall wanted to dance and he looked at me. "You mind?"

"No! Go and have fun. I'll just sit here and talk to Greg. We'll wait for Louis to come back from whatever he had to take care of," I say wiggling my eyebrows up and down and smiled at Harry.

Harry laughed but Niall didn't think that comment was too funny.

"Oh for the love of the all things good, that man's like a brother to me! Eww gross!" Niall slapped my arm. I laughed and pulled him back down to me and whispering up against his ear, "Don't let Seth anywhere near you, ok?"

He looked up at me with such a sweet tender smile.

"Ok, babe!

He got up and walked out into the yard and hugged Matilda and started dancing. Holy fook, he just called me "babe." I sat back in my chair and drank my beer while I looked over towards where Seth was standing and noticed the fooker watching him too.

"Thanks mate," Greg says looking at me. "Uhh? What'd I do?" I ask confused. "I've never seen him this happy,"he says taking drink of his beer. "Greg, you have nothing to thank me for. I feel like I've just won lottery." I say with a smile, and grabbing another beer.

"Jesus dude, you trying to get drunk? You got Ni so what's the reason for you getting wasted?" Louis said coming back over to where Greg and I are, grabbing another beer from the cooler.

"Fook off. I'm celebrating, douchebag." I looked over at Louis and smiled. "So, what'd you have to take care of so fast?" I laugh, making Greg Laugh.

"Very funny, dickhead but that's not what I was doing. Guys, I swear that guys gonna be the death of me. Shit! I saw Josh in the house and had to sit and listen to him go on and on about Olivia so I could try to lose my hard on."

I threw my head back and laughed. "That must've been entertaining."

"Fook...to say the least. Dude has it bad for that girl. Jesus, I've never in my life saw Josh this interested in a girl and this fooking nervous to actually talk to her."

"Yeah he has it pretty bad for her. Stupid fooker hasn't even talked to her all night. Speaking of stupid fookers, what're you gonna do about Harry?"

Louis took a drink of his beer looking toward Niall and Harry dancing.


"What the fook do you mean nothing?"

"I mean nothing. I'm not gonna do anything. He told me tonight that he never slept with Ed, which was a relief because I would've hated myself the rest of my life knowing he just slept with him to get back at me. So, now I know we're all right, I'm just gonna move on," Louis said taking another drink from his beer. This time he damn near finished it.

"You've gotta be fooking kidding me," I said shaking my head and looking at him in disbelief. "Louis, can you not see that he has a thing for you. I mean holy hell that kiss he gave you I'm pretty sure was more than just for show. Why do you insist on pushing him away?"

Louis stared out at Harry. He looked over once and smiled and Louis then turned away. "I can't do it, guys. I can't risk losing him if things didn't turn out he'd be gone for good. I don't think I could live my life if he wasn't in it, even if that just means being friends.

I pushed my hand through hair and let out a sigh.

"Louis, I get that you don't wanna lose him. I mean I really get it. When I met Denise I struggled the same way," Greg said. "But what are you gonna do when he gets tired of waiting for you. When he ends up with someone like Ed Sheeran? He'll get married, have kids, live a life in the long run you won't be a part of. Do you think you can handle that? Are you gonna be ready when that happens?"

Louis tipped his head finishing off his beer. "I don't know Greg. I honestly don't fooking know.

"Well Louis, you better fooking figure it out, and do it soon that boy isn't gonna just sit and wait for you. If you want him, you better fight for him and let him know how you feel." I tell him, finishing off my own beer and got up walking over to Steve. I needed to dance with Niall.

"Hey Steve, you got any Vince Gill?" I yelled into his ear over the music.

"I want you to play 'Whenever You Come Around' next, ok?"

Steve gave me a big smile and nodded. "You got it dude."

I walked back over to Greg and Louis. Shit, I was starting to get a little drunk. I sat down and looked at him. I was gonna bite the fooking bullet.

"I love him."

Greg snapped his head and looked at me.


"No Harry... of course Niall, who the fook else would I be talking about!"

Greg just smiled at me. "When did this come about?"

"Earlier. It just fooking hit me like a brick wall. Scared the fook out of me and it was good three or four minutes before I could even talk or move." I looked over at, Niall who was now just standing in the middle of the dance crowd talking to Olivia and Harry. God, there wasn't a damn thing I wouldn't do for him.

"Liam, you know I trust you with my  brother, I really do. I love you like a brother and there's nothing on earth I'd rather see than my brother happy with you. Just take care of him dude, don't hurt him and please just be patient. He's been through a lot you know? Just....just don't push him into anything too fast, ok?"

I looked over at Greg. " I'd die first before I let anything or anyone hurt him. I need you to know that Greg. I really need you to know that I love him, and I'll protect him with everything I have."

Greg got up and slapped my back. "Well fook, mate, Thats all I needed to hear. No wonder you're getting drunk!"

Just then Steve started to talk.

"All right you all, I'm gonna slow it down again with a little Vince Gill."

I got up walking towards Niall who was now heading my way.

"Sweetheart, dance with me?" I asked running my hand down his face.

"Of course I will Liam." He smiled at me and my knees just about went out from under me. Would these intense feelings ever settle down.

The song started and I pulled him as close to me as I could. He buried his head in my chest and held me tighter.We danced slowly to the song as I started to sing the lyrics to him as I held onto him.

I loved this boy, and I'll spend the rest of my life proving to him how much I love and want him.

Niall looked at me with tears running down his face and my heart stopped.

"Oh baby, please don't cry, please, please don't cry," I said wiping away his tears.

"Liam, I...I've never felt like this before. You're so amazing and the things you say and do just leave me breathless. I'm so afraid I'm gonna wake up and find out it's all a dream."

I smiled down at him and pulled him back into me as we finished dancing to the song while I sang along with Vince. "I promise sweetheart, this isn't a dream."

AN:Please vote and give me some feedback I love to hear your comments.

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