Chapter Nine

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(*The host goes outside while holding Baby Anansi who is wrapped up in a blanket*)

Dixie the Fox: *is playing in the yard with Cinnamon and Casper the white wolf*

Me: Dixie! It's our Dixie-do!

Dixie the fox: *swishes her fluffy fox tail happily while yipping as she runs over to me*

Me: Hi Dixie! *giggles as Dixie the fox sniffs my face and then licks my hand when I pet her* It's time for you to meet our new friend Madeline, oh yes it is!

Dixie the fox: *lies down on the ground and lets me rub her belly while yipping*

Me: She is a nice girl and you gotta be nice to her, okay?

Madeline: *walks outside with Gene* Hello Emily!

Me: *looks up* Oh, hey Madeline. I would like you to meet my pet fox. Her name is Dixie!

Madeline: Aw! *giggles* She's cute. I've never met a fox before.

Me: Cool! Okay, Dixie, go and say hi to Madeline.

Madeline: *gets down on her knees and extends out her hand to allow Dixie the fox to sniff her scent*

Dixie the fox: *climbs up on Madeline's shoulders and looks around*

Madeline: Um...what exactly is she doing Emily?

Me: She's just trying to get to know you. Dixie has her own way of figuring out things.

Madeline: *looks up and sees that Dixie the fox is licking the back of neck and sniffing her hair* Oh okay! 😅 Gotcha!

Gene: She is a nice fox, though. Despite the mischievous side of her personality where she enjoys stealing me and the guys's stuff and tries to bury them in the backyard.

Me: *giggles* Yep! That's my Dixie, alright!

Dixie the fox: *pants heavily like a fox would do and then hops down off of Madeline's shoulders, and continued to get to know her by sniffing her all over*

Madeleine: *notices that there are various toys in the backyard* Hey Emily, can I play with Dixie? Maybe she'll get to know me more.

Me: Good idea Madeline! *picks up a squeaky neon orange colored ball and gives it to Madeline*

Madeline: *throws the squeaky ball across the backyard yard* Go get it Dixie!

Dixie the fox: *yips happily and goes after the toy and then grabs it with her mouth and then brings it back to Madeline*

Madeline: *giggles* Good girl, Dixie.

Dixie the fox: *yips happily and licks Madeline's hand*

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