Chapter Fifteen

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Me: Okay, you knuckleheads! Time to do some more dares! We also have a BIG DARE coming up real soon. But first, let's see what I've got for Vinnie.

Vinnie-the Ankh Warrior is a skunk for five dares! 🦨

Vinnie: NO NO NO! DON'T YOU DARE! 😱😠


*The Ankh Warrior is now a skunk*

Vinnie: *watches as the other KISS guys all freak out and back away from him* (You're gonna pay for this, Emily!) *does a hand stand as a warning to stay away*

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Vinnie: *watches as the other KISS guys all freak out and back away from him* (You're gonna pay for this, Emily!) *does a hand stand as a warning to stay away*

Me: But you're so cute as a whittle skunk! 🤣

Vinnie: (No I'm not!) (I smell like rotten eggs and smelly blue cheese!) 😵

Paul: Uh...I don't think that would describe Vinnie as a skunk, Emily.

Gene: *can already smell the stinky odor coming from Vinnie's skunk tail even though he hasn't sprayed yet* And we better not scare him or else we'll be smelling like skunk for months...

Vinnie: *stomps his skunk feet on the floor* (You better not!)

Eric Singer: *walks away with KellerSinger19 and their kids*

Eli: *also walks away with Peter and their kids*

Tommy: Why is Vinnie stomping on the floor?

Vixen91: It's another warning that a skunk gives before spraying.

Tommy: Yuck!

(*Two hours later...*)

Vinnie: *goes outside to look for something to eat from the trash can outside* (Hmm...looks like it's leftovers for dinner tonight...) *knocks down the trash can, causing a loud noise to be heard*

Me: *looks up from reading a story book to Baby Anansi and Anubis* What was that??

Eric Carr: Something must have knocked over the trash can outside.

Paul: I'm gonna go see what's going on. *grabs a flashlight and walks out the front door*

(*Meanwhile...with the Ankh Warrior...*)

Vinnie: *is digging through the trash looking for something to eat* (Mmm!...delicious!) 😋

Paul: *turns on his flashlight and then walks over to where the noise came from, and then he sees something* Oh crud! What is that thing?!

Vinnie: *looks up and panics* (Aaah!) *sprays Paul Stanley with his skunk spray*


Vinnie: *realizes that he accidentally sprayed the Starchild* (Oh no!) (I'm sorry about that Paul!) (I thought you were a predator!)

Paul: *glares at Vinnie* DO I LOOK LIKE A PREDATOR TO YOU?!! 😡

Vinnie: (I told you and the others not to scare me!) (But you didn't listen!)

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