Fuck up the Friendship- Steve Harrington SMUT

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(Y/N)'s POV:

I work alongside Robin and Steve at the family video store. Keith hired me a little before he hired them. I trained them but then we got really close and I became fast friends with both of them. Steve eventually flirted with me and we went out on one date. It went well but it wasn't enough for me to want to go on another date with him. 

We kissed and made out a little bit but after that, the rest of sort of an awkward experience. Don't get me wrong, I like Steve. I mean I really like him. But, we are better off as friends.

That doesn't stop me from staring at him, though. He stares back every once in a while. 

Everyone assumes that we are together. Like, dating. We aren't, obviously. 

We just spend all of our time together or with Robin or with the kids. 

He's my best friend. My other half. My person.

"What are you doing tonight?" Steve asked Robin as she and I stocked the shelves. "I've got loads of studying to do before my final and you assholes already graduated so Nancy Wheeler is going to help me instead," Robin snickered at Steve and me as I just threw up my hands in defense. 

"Well, don't look at me, I've got no plans tonight. Just me, my book, some tunes, and maybe my dog," I said as Steve smiled. "Why? You doing something?" I asked as he shook his head. "Nah, I was just wondering if either of you wanted to spend tonight at my place," He said and by the sound of how he said it, I could tell he is alone tonight.

His parents leave him alone a lot but most recently it feels like almost every other week. He used to like the alone time to invite friends over for parties but ever since he changed as a person it just seems more lonely than before. 

"I mean, I can come over. I don't mind," I said as Steve's eyes lit up and we then all continued our shifts. Steve then drove Robin and me home.

I was going home first just to pick up some clothes and lie to my mom telling her some bullshit about spending the night at Robin's. Robin of course has held up the other side of the lie many times before saying that I was staying with her and if my mom called she would say I was asleep.

Steve then drove us to his house. There was no car in the driveway until Steve pulled in and the lights were all off until he turned some on. I walked in the door and immediately took off my shoes. I always made myself at home when I was at Steve's since I'd been here so many times before. 

"Wanna watch a movie?" Steve asked as he took off his video store vest. I had changed when I went home so he looked like he was about to go get changed. I nodded and then he put on some dumb movie that he was obviously more into than I was. 

I sort of dozed out and was just sitting there next to him watching him fanboy over this movie and his smile, god damn, that smile. I felt my tummy light up with sparks as I saw his smile get bigger and bigger as he laughed at the dumbest jokes I'd ever heard but that didn't matter since they made him happy. 

"Are you enjoying the movie?" He asked as he smiled at me. I smiled back and nodded. I hadn't really said a word since we got here because I was just here to keep him company. 

"I'm gonna go take a shower," I said as Steve nodded and I got up to go shower in his bathroom upstairs. 

The water pressure at Steve's house is so nice. It must be a rich person thing.

When I got out of the shower I decided I'll just borrow some of Steve's clothes. Not the first time. 

You see this is what I meant by after our date things got awkward. Because we kissed. A lot. And we both decided not to date after that. We just were better suited as friends. But now we have this weird relationship where the boundary lines are sort of blurred. 

"Are you wearing my shirt and boxers?" Steve asked as I sat on his bed and skimmed through some porny magazine I found under his bed. "Do you really get off to this shit?" I asked as he rolled his eyes and just stood there with his arms crossed.

"Why are you going through all my shit?" He asked as smiled. "If you didn't want me to find it then you would have put it away in a drawer." "No, because you would have just opened the drawer," He stated as I nodded and smiled. He was right.

"And no. I don't," He said as I looked up at him. "What?" "Get off to that shit. I don't. Don't get me wrong the girls are hot. And boobs. God, I love boobs. But they aren't real and I seem to only be able to get off to real things," He said as I nodded and skimmed through the magazine some more. 

"So like porn?" I asked as he coughed on air. "No! I mean- yeah," He said as I laughed at the fact that he said no first. He was embarrassed. "There is nothing wrong with getting off to porn, Steven," I said as he smirked. 

"Why? You get off to porn?" He asked as he leaned against his wall. I put away the magazine as I smiled up at him from his bed. I was laying on my stomach and my feet were in the air, my head resting in the palm of my hands. 

"Yeah, what about it?" I asked as he rolled his eyes. "You are such a liar. No girl gets off to porn." "Depends on the type of girl I suppose," I said as he nodded. "Right. Are you that type of girl?" He asked. A sort of stutter in his voice. "Yeah, is that a problem?" I asked as shook his head very quickly. 

"No, I was just asking," he responded as he then took some clothes out of his dresser and went to go get changed in the bathroom. 

I just sat in his bed and I flipped over. I was now laying there staring at his ceiling fan. I watched it spin till I was dizzy. I then saw the bathroom door open and Steve was in his pajamas. A loose white tee with blue sweats. No socks and his briefs were visible.

"What do you want to do now?" He asked as I laughed at the dumb statement. "You invited me over and you didn't have anything planned? What were you going to do if Robin was here? She has the attention span of a four-year-old," I said as he chuckled.

"You're right, I guess I just didn't want to be alone," He smiled and I nodded. "I know, that's why I'm here." 

"Is that the only reason you're here?" He whispered. The lust was heard in his voice. My spine ached. My tummy fluttered. My eyes glowed. My heart raced. 

"No," I said as he then got closer to the bed and I sat up. He kissed me softly and then I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him onto the bed with me. "Are you sure-" "Shut up and kiss me," I told him and he listened. 

He took off his shirt and I stared mesmerizingly at his toned chest filled with hair. Our kiss deepened and he slid his hands up through my shirt and found their way to my breasts since I wasn't wearing a bra.

He massaged them as we kissed. I felt his hard boner through his sweats as he rubbed his whole body against me. "Take off your pants, big boy," I said as he nodded and then did as I told. In the amount of time, it took for him to take off his pants I took off the boxers I was wearing.

We kissed some more and then his entered me and our bodies rocked together so perfectly. "God you feel so perfect," He moaned as I held onto him by wrapping my legs around him. "Say my name," I moaned as he nodded and then moaned my name. 

"Louder," I instructed as he nodded again and this time he shut his eyes as he moaned my name with more vigor, and with one final thrust, he came into me only after he practically screamed my name. 

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