Party Pooper- Eddie Munson

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(Y/N)'s POV:

"I CAN NOT BELIEVE YOU, STEVE!" I yelled to my brother as I got dressed and put my hair in my high ponytail. Being a cheerleader is tiring just by putting on a tight outfit and trying to get into the bathroom even though my dumb older brother has been hogging the restroom for ages.

"Are you going to try and get Nancy back again tonight?" I asked as Steve chuckled audibly from the restroom and opened the door. "No, Robin and I have work and you have cheer practice. I have much more important things to focus on in my life now," He said as he ran a hand through his hair. 

"Do you know if mom and dad are gonna be home by tonight to see the game?" I asked as he shook his head. 

"No, you know how they can be. I doubt they even know that you are in cheer," He said as he then put on his video store vest.

"Yeah, you are probably right. I'm almost ready by the way. So, when are you planning on dropping me off at school?" I asked as he nodded and then quickly grabbed his keys and we were out the door.

I run a sort of clique at school. There is me, my best friend Chrissy, her boyfriend Jason, all of Jason's friends, and then all of their cheerleader girlfriends.

We walked around the school like we owned the place and it helped that I shared a last name with the coolest guy in all of Hawkins Indiana. 

"Hey, Harrington, you coming to my party tonight? There will be loads of guys there for you to choose from and my dad forgot to lock the liquor cabinet before he left for Cabo with my mom," Jason said to me as I rolled my eyes. 

"Sorry, I don't really feel like partying tonight guys. I just have so much homework and-" "Come on! It'll be fun!" One of the cheerleaders said as I smiled fakely. 

"I'm sorry guys! I've just got so much going on and I don't have time for parties," I said as Chrissy smiled and lightly touched my arm. 

"Come on, guys. (Y/N) already said no and we have other people showing up already. Just leave her be," Chrissy said as I smiled back at her and then they all left.

I walked alone with my hands in my sweater all they way to the woods behind the school. It's where I enjoyed doing all my studying. 

"Oh! Hey! Sorry, I didn't know that anyone else would be out here," A guy said as I turned around and saw the freak Eddie Munson standing behind me.

"Yeah, I like coming out here to study. It gets nice and quiet. Plus the woods make me think of vampires and shit," I said as the shock on Eddie's face was truly visible. 

"Wow, I had no idea that a cheerleader like you would curse like that," He said as he took off his jackets and sat down across from me.

"Do I know you?" I asked as he smiled and then hit himself and pretended to fall backwards. 

"I wouldn't remember me either," He exclaimed as I giggled and slowly closed my notebook. 

"Freshman year, you and your hot shot brother walked into class and I had a fresh tatty that was healing, you noticed it and complimented me on it," he said softly as I smiled and then looked up at him.

"Right, the bats. I still think it's a pretty cool tattoo," I said as he smiled and then pulled up his sleeves. 

I watched as his arms looked firm and tatted. The thought of his hands wrapped around me had me rubbing my thighs together under the table. 

"Do you want to go to a party tonight?" I asked him. I don't know what came over me because I have a history of hating those parties but the thought of seeing Jason and his friends faces when (Y/N) Harrington walks through his house with Eddie "the freak" Munson on her arm is something I am way too excited for.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2022 ⏰

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