Only Angel- Robin Buckley

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(Y/N)'s POV:

I was sitting on Steve's bed with Robin and we were watching a movie in his room while also talking about people we like. 

Steve obviously was talking about Nancy, Robin was talking about Vicky and I hadn't really said my person's name.

 "I'm still the only one that's been in love with me," I said as Robin visibly rolled her eyes. "That's bullshit and you know it," She added as Steve just watched that all play out. 

"I'm just happy stuck getting you in my teeth," I continued as Robin smirked my way, knowing I was flirting with her. 

We both came out to Steve recently, Robin first, and then me. I came out after Robin and Steve survived the Star Court Mall experience. 

I was so worried about them since Dustin just told me that they were in trouble but he wasn't able to come to get me so I could help. Instead, I just saw them all the next day and Robin informed me that she came out to Steve. I congratulated her and then a few days later I also came out to Steve.

The only thing is that we didn't inform the poor guy that we are dating.

So instead we just send each other flirty looks across the room. 

"Do you know that (Y/N) once broke her finger knocking on my bedroom door?" Robin said as I jolted my head towards her. "What? That's cool why were you hitting the door so hard though?" Steve asked as I didn't answer and I just looked at Robin for answers.

"My mom saw her come over while wearing a really short skirt and so she ran up the bedroom because it hurt her feelings but she tripped and fell on the way up and got splinters in her knuckles from crawling across the floor," Robin said as Steve looked at me like I was crazy. Then it clicked. 

"Why were you wearing a short skirt," Steve asked as I smiled and looked back at Robin. "She's an angel," Robin said as I smirked at her. 

"Wait, are you two-" He paused and glanced at both of us. "Together?" Steve continued as I smiled at Robin again.

"I went about my business through the warning signs, and end up meeting in the hallway every time," I said as Steve's jaw nearly fell to the floor. "AT SCHOOL!? You two would kiss at school?" He asked in a shocked tone as Robin turned a dark shade of pink.

"We are telling you now Steve because you are (Y/N)'s brother and you have to just wait and see that she's an angel," Robin said as I smiled at Robin's words.

"Turns out she's a devil in the sheets," I said as Steve and I laughed at Robin.

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