Chapter 15

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Mia's POV

After another day on location, we had to go back home. Danielle said I could stay with her for a bit so that I didn't have to go back to my house. We arrived at her house and I was greeted with a very excited dog. "Mia, this is my dog Ford." Danielle said as Ford was jumping on me. I crouched down and started petting him. 

"He's so cute!" I said. 

"Ok, so why don't we have some food and get ready for bed. You can stay in the guest room." She said. I nodded and kept petting Ford. Danielle made some pasta while I kept playing with Ford. We ate our dinner and then both started getting ready for bed. I got on my pajamas that I had in my suitcase from filming on location and I got into bed. Danielle came into the room and sat down on the bed. 

"Goodnight sweetie. I'll be right down the hall if you need anything." She said, turning the lights off but leaving one small one on. Once Danielle left, I set an alarm for 4 in the morning because I knew she wouldn't be awake yet. I had a plan, but she couldn't know. I grabbed my stuffed bunny and fell asleep quickly, prepared to get up at 4.

When my alarm went off, I quickly turned it off and got dressed. I packed up a small bag and snuck outside. I started on my long walk. After about 50 minutes I had reached my destination, my house. I grabbed the spare key from under the welcome mat and unlocked the door. Wehn I walked inside, I couldn't believe my eyes. My dad and Katherine were sitting on the couch watching tv. They were laughing. They looked happy, and sober. But from what I've learned, looks can be decieving. I tried to walk upstairs without making any noise. but one of the floorboards creaked. causing my dad to turn around. He got up off the couch and walked over to me. I prepared myself for whatever he was going to do. 

"Mia, where have you been, I've been worried sick about you." He said, wrapping me in a hug. 

"I-I was filming on location for the show I'm working on. I came over to grab a few things because the cast is going to have a party and then we are going to sleepover on set." I lied, knowing that would be able to let me be away from home for a few days before he started asking questions. 

"Well why don't we help you pack a bag." He said as Katherine walked over. I agreed and went up to my room with them to pack a duffel bag. I put my meds, some pajamas, a few outfits, and some of my favorite stuffed animals and small blankets. I looked at my phone and saw that I had to be on set in 20 minutes. I also saw that I had 5 texts and 3 missed calls from Danielle. I told my dad and Katherine that I had to step out and take a call, and they surprisingly let me. I called Danielle back and told her that I was at my house and I was safe. My dad and Katherine  were both sober and I was going to head to set soon. She hesitantly said that was ok but to text her updates and she would come if anything went wrong. I headed back into my room and picked up my bag.

"I have to head out, I'm already going to be late if I don't start walking soon." I said, starting to head out of my room.

"Well why don't we drive you. You can give me the directions and then you won't be late." My dad replied. I accepted the offer and we all headed downstairs. I got in the car and was shocked to see that my booster seat was still in it. I got buckled in and my dad got ready to drive with Katherine in the passenger seat. We started to drive and I realized how much my dad was acting like the dad I used to love, the dad that cared, the dad that promised he would never hurt me or leave my side. The dad who would come to all of my dance recitals and cheer me on even when I forgot my first solo. The dad who would comfort me and carry me home after I fell off my bike. The dad I knew before everything changed. It felt like I lost my mom and my dad that day. I was taken out of my thoughts when I heard a loud bang and felt the car roll over, until I blacked out. 

Jaina's POV

I was on my way to set, when I saw 2 cars that had crashed. One car looked almost completly ok, but the other one was wrecked. The whole drivers side of the car was smashed in. I quickly pulled over and got out of my car, calling 911. I gave them all of the information, and once I hung up I went over to the cars to see if the people were ok. I first went to the car that was fine, and of course, the man driving was drunk. He was almost perfectly fine, so I went over to the other car. And that's when I saw it, saw her. Mia was in that car. I ran over to her side of the car, and the window was completly shattered, so I could talk to her. She began to wake up and cry in pain. 

"Mia, Mia baby I need you to stay still, ok. There is a lot of glass and I don't want you getting even more hurt." I said to her, reaching through the window to stroke her hair. 

"Jaina?" She said, so quietly.

"Yeah, it's me. I'm here. I need you to stay awake for me, ok?" 

"It hurts." Mia mumbled as her eyes started to close.

"Mija, I need you to try to stay awake can you do that for me?" She nodded as the paramedics arrived. They first got out Mia's step mom and her dad while I stayed comforting Mia. Once they got her out and onto the gurney, I was about to go back to my car but Mia grabbed onto me as tight as she could. 

"Stay." Mia said to me, crying. 

"Can I come in the ambulance with her? I work with Mia so I know her pretty well." I asked the paramedics. The paramedic agreed and I got into the ambulance with Mia. She was finally starting to calm down on the way to the hospital. But then the moniter displayed a flat line as the paramedic began CPR.


Sorry I kinda disapeared, I just started school again and needed a break for my own mental health as well as physical health. I also didn't really have ideas so I always appreciate you leaving comments with ideas and opinions. Thanks!

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