A New Day. (1)

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MudaLurks POV, before the disappearances. 19 moons old.;
I woke up on a cold morning, rubbing my eyes as I sat up straight. I glare around the WindClan camp before standing,  finding a seat next to my bestfriend. Her name was SaharaHues. "Morning, SaharaHues." I spoke, meowing with a raspy morning-toned voice. Her ears perked before looking at me in surprise. "MudaLurk! You're up so soon, goodmorning!" SaharaHues spoke, she'd clearly been up for a while. She was /ALWAYS/ up early. Something I think youd call.. An "Earlybird"..?  I was quickly dragged from my thoughts as SaharaHues spoke once again. "I heard EgyptianTrip got into trouble again for trying to flirt her way out of trouble with the deputy." Sahara spoke through a laugh, she always laughed about EgyptianTrip. Sometimes I felt like SaharaHues had a crush on that feline, which I could never really understand. All EgyptianTrip was known for was being annoying. "Thats not a surprise, she'll prey on any damsel she sees." I reply,  joining in on the laugh. SaharaHues knew /ALL/ of the gossip, if anyone knew anything itd be her. "So, what do you plan on doing today? Think we'll go for patrols?" She asks, and as a reply I only give a simple shrug. She raised her brows at me before speaking again. "Could probably grab hunting with LappingLeech and BrassNose? Or just make groups with all of us." She continued yapping about on all of our other friends, I hadnt been as close with the others but I did speak with them. "Yeah, I guess it wouldnt hurt. We can go ask YewStream and then grab them all." I say, nodding as I rise to all four paws. SaharaHues trailed off to the deputy as I went to gather LappingLeech, BrassNose, CollieHip, and EgyptianTrip. First, I approached LappingLeech. He was sleeping like an ancient statue, per usual, even if we were all similar ages. I gathered a stick and started poking him with it as if he were a pig being roasted above a fire. He made some kind of weird groan, almost like a grizzlybear. He spoke to me while still in his original sleeping position, eyes still closed aswell. "The hell do you want? I know thats you, MudaLurk. Only you'd do stuff like that." I scoffed, am I /THAT/ predictable? "Its time to get up, you're wasting the day." I meow with a stern tone, looking up to the sky. "You're coming with me and Sahara to hunting, and we're getting BrassNose too." I add, taking my two front paws and shaking him constantly. "Im getting up! StarClan, get off of me!" He spoke with a hiss, shoving me back as he got up. The guy was so big, he almost stood taller than me, and im almost the tallest cat in WindClan. "Quit being pissy and come get BrassNose and the others with me, we should get out early so its not late by the time we come back." I spoke back to his rude remarks with an annoyed tone,  fixing my fur that he messed up after shoving me. Before standing, I threw out a little; "LappingLeech is a suitable name for you, you're very similar to a damn leech." under my breath. As I stand, I wave a paw signaling for this little bloodsucker to follow me. After dragging around for about a minute, we spot BrassNose talking EgyptianTrip, CollieHip and SaharaHues' ears off. LappingLeech and I join the group, and EgyptianTrip greets us first of course. "Look who it is! LappingLeech and... Is that beautiful little MudaLurk?" Egyptiantrip mews, she was always trying to flirt with me out of everybody. I wasnt up for it, it honestly just made me more annoyed, annoyed as in I literally want to throw up all over her. "Never call me that ever again, or ill throw you in a pit and let The Place of No Stars decide what to do with you next." I growl back at EgyptianTrip, my brows furrowed. She quickly went quiet as I greeted my other friends. "Are we ready to go out for hunting? We could split up, ill go with SaharaHues and LappingLeech, EgyptianTrip can go with BrassNose and Collie." We all agree, each walking out of camp and going separate ways with our groups. We had decided that my group could do border patrol while the other group did hunting. I was bummed, but it was less work. "So, do you think we'll catch anything out on this patrol? Like anything interesting?" SaharaHues pitched in, she was always a big nerd for being a detective, everytime she tried to predict a death or anything itd be completely wrong. "Sahara, everytime you ask these questions it always has the same answer. We'll probably find crows picking at old dead prey like usual." I shrug, replying to her question. I didnt care if I was too brutal, or too straightforward. Im an honest feline, and I enjoy the truth. "You're a little calico bummer, MudaLurk." LappingLeech finally speaks, always coming for me instead of being on my side. He's a good guy, it just gets annoying how im the one being harshly chased by his immature comments. "Oh, ha ha." I gave a sarcastic laugh back to him, rolling my eyes. We all stop in our tracks as we smell the most foul smell ive ever smelt in my 19 moons of life. "What in the hell is that smell?" I say as I look around the large area of open land, and we all covered our maws almost in-sync. "It smells like something decaying, maybe its prey like MudaLurk said?" SaharaHues meows, sounding more unsettled than I do when someone new decides speaking to me, let me just add that im extremely socially anxious. "StarClan, I think im gonna be..--" I yowl, gagging before quickly turning and vomitting. Believe me when I say that smell was worse than smelling the lingering scent of 10 day rotting prey, and /NOBODY/ enjoys that. After letting out all of the vomit I possibly could, I was still facing away from my two friends before I heard some kind of noise. It was almost like a twig snapping? I decide it was nothing and I wiped my mouth off before turning back around. My two friends were now further ahead of me, looking down at something while having this wide-eyed look. They both looked like they just saw a ghost, it was a bit funny before I walked up to them and saw what it really was. The smell was now much worse, I slowly shift my head downwards and I am now staring at not decaying prey.. but a dead corpse. That corpse was EelSnout, YewStreams brother aswell as a good friend of LappingLeech. "Oh my StarClan and above.." LappingLeech said, his voice appeared muffled since his paw covered his snout. "Look at those marks, that wasnt an animal that killed this guy." I point out, keeping my bodyframe completely to myself. This was definitely some type of murder, I mean, what animal couldve done this? EelSnouts corpse, looking only a few days old, had his larynx torn out. His larynx was ripped out, right, but the culprit to this also ripped out his teeth and theyd been left here next to him. We all heard a twig snap, just like I heard after I finished hurling. All of us were so on edge, we all scrambled away like scared little mice. I stumbled a bit before taking off like a little rabit, LappingLeech and SaharaHues grabbed eachother at the same time while screaming before getting up and running the opposite way of me. Unfortunately for me, we did get split up and I was lost. "SaharaHues?! LappingLeech?!" I called out, my stomach was in knots. I was in some kind of weird spacious forest-like area. It was already getting dark, and the anxiety ive been having recently didnt help out this situation either. I was like a cat on a hot tin roof, more alert and nervous than any other emotion. I had decided to call for the others, too. "EgyptianTrip?! CollieHip?!" I paused for a second when I heard noises from some bushes. Out of pure fright, I screamed the last friends name like I was a little apprentice again. "BRASSNOSE!!" I quickly ran to a random direction, which happened to be to my left, which was /STILL/ some kind of forest. I thought this was the end of my sad little calico life.

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