The Strange Cats Secret. (3)

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MudaLurks POV, 19 moons.;

I barely got any sleep that night after witnessing LappingLeechs body. Well, that and BrassNoses very loud crying. SaharaHues and I were both already up by the time the sun started rising. "Do you think it was some kind of animal? I feel like its a traitor." SaharaHues said, she still sounded a bit unsettled by it. I mean, it did happen last night. Me and Sahara spoke through whispers, since the topic probably would upset BrassNose even more. "I dont know, this is all so weird. First it was EelSnout and then it was LappingLeech. Whos next?" I reply, this whole murder mystery thing was sickening. "What if its me? Or you, even? What if EgyptianTrip dies?" SaharaHues asked millions of questions every second, she really wasnt afraid of anything. She just didnt want to die. "I feel like I know whos doing this..--" EgyptianTrips voice came from nowhere.. Me and SaharaHues let out a loud scream, EgyptianTrip almost scared the prey out of us. "Starclan, you cant keep sneaking up on us while theres a murderer on the loose." I hiss, letting out a sigh afterwards. "I think that Zephyr cat is doing it, remember she came in all bloody? What if she was the one that kept snapping twigs and messing around in the bushes spying on us?" EgyptianTrip meows, shrugging as she discreetly pointed at Zephyr. Like always, she happened to be staring at us... Or me. "She just got here and you're already pinpointing the crimes on her? Maybe it was that little weirdo AshenSmirk." I grumble, the accusations on Zephyr started to annoy me. She seems so sweet, and I happened to be the only one who noticed that besides SaharaHues. "Yeah, shes new here. We should do investigating and shit before pointing blame on Zephyr." SaharaHues agrees, she also noticed how Zephyr had been staring at us during this whole conversation. She obviously felt unsettled just like I did. "Whatever, maybe you guys are right." EgyptianTrip sighs, our conversation cut short by YewStream calling some names for patrol groups. "MudaLurk, BeechBelly, CollieHip, and CrystalGaze." YewStream shouts. "You four are on hunting patrol." She adds, waving us out. BeechBelly was SheepBirds sister, and I guess CrystalGaze was just some ordinary clan member. We all head out together, we spoke a bit to get to know eachother on the way. "We could get some prey from around the kittypet area, just have to be careful not to get caught by any of the pets. All of the good prey hides there." BeechBelly says, she was probably the smartest one here other than me. "Yeah, we can do that. Alot of cats talk about the prey that goes there." CrystalGaze said as a reply, she didnt really care where we went. We all head alongside of the kittypet area, quickly pausing and crouching down a bit as we spotted a rabbit. CollieHip was the one that was going for it, and she pounced on it faster than the speed of light. She caught it and it was pretty impressive. CrystalGaze, having been closest to CollieHip already, cheered a bit for her. CollieHip had been standing infront of a chain fence where two German Shepherds sat on the other side of it. They were barking their damned heads off at us, but we ignored it. Unfortunately for us there was an open space under the fence that none of us noticed. "Good job, CollieHip." CrystalGaze mewed, giving her a little push. CollieHip stumbled a bit, and one of the German Sheperds gripped her with their gigantic canines and dragged her onto the other side of the fence with them. They tore poor CollieHip to shreds. The large amount of blood that splattered from her death landed on both BeechBelly, and CrystalGaze. CollieHip was officially dead, and now there were only three of us. "What the FUCK?!" BeechBelly shouted to CrystalGaze. Im sure it was an accident, but CollieHip was still dead and BeechBelly decided that it was infact Crystal that we would blame. "I didnt mean to..!" CrystalGaze spoke with a shaked up voice, wiping the blood from her face hesitantly. "We have to go, NOW!" I hiss, I wasnt trying to get blamed even more than all of us already had been for this crime. The three of us decided not to tell anybody about what happened besides BrassNose. BeechBelly and CrystalGaze dipped themselves in one of the small rivers so the blood wouldnt be visible on them anymore. Sooner or later, we got back. We left the rabbit CollieHip caught in the prey pile and lied saying that we left early due to finding nothing else. I sat beside BrassNose, whispering to them. "CollieHip is dead." They looked at me like I was crazy. "Dogs ate her like kibble." I said, still whispering. BrassNose broke down immediately, leaving the group and laying far behind on their own. They wont leave the group forever, they just need to get it together. SaharaHues and EgyptianTrip did ask us what was wrong with Brass, but we told them that BrassNose was only still crying about LappingLeech. It was only afternoon by the time we got back, so we decided to hang out a bit. "After you guys left, Zephyr AND AshenSmirk were staring at me and SaharaHues." EgyptianTrip said, breaking our awkward silence. "Thats definitely weird.. Maybe they heard you talking about Zephyr earlier today." I reply. It was weird that Zephyr was always staring, but AshenSmirk this time too? It made me nervous. "Yeah, StarClan only knows what they could be planning." EgyptianTrip says with a shrug. SheepBird joins the group and sat besides her sister, BeechBelly. Our friendgroup was well known due to all of the gossip and rumors, so we needed no introductions. "Hello, everyone." SheepBird greets, and we all say hello back. "Hey, Sheep." SaharaHues meowed, Sahara knew SheepBird pretty well. SaharaHues was also popular among the clan, so about 99% of them knew who she was and she knew who they were. EgyptianTrip left without a word and BrassNose followed. I watched as they left, and I couldve sworn Zephyr and AshenSmirk followed. They're probably just working together to figure out whats going on.

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