The Stalker. (2)

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MudaLurks POV, part two. 19 moons old.;

I decided that I was never going to find my way back. I was severely afraid, lost and couldnt find my friends nor my clan, and I just saw a dead body. I curled myself up in a small little spot, there wasnt really any hidden places, so if this murderer found me while I was asleep id be a goner for good. I slowly close my eyes and I doze off.

SaharaHues POV, 19 moons old.;

LappingLeech and I lost MudaLurk. We heard a teeny twig snap and we all scrambled like squirrels. We met up with the others of the group and told them about the body we saw. They agreed to help us find Mudalurk, but it finally hit night and she was nowhere to be seen. We decide to call it a day and head back, all curling to our nests and catching some shuteye.

The next day, dawn. SaharaHues POV.;

Its a new day, and im the first one to wake up. I blink a few times before getting up and waking the rest of my friends. We need to find MudaLurk so she doesnt brutally die like EelSnout did. "Guys! Wake up!" I shout, all of them quickly jumping up at the same time like little birds on a tree after a scream echoes through an empty forest. "Goodmorning, guys." CollieHip meows, getting up with a stretch. We all say our goodmornings and head out first thing to find MudaLurk. We already told YewStream about her brothers passing, so we didnt worry about that. "MudaLurk?! Are you out here?!" BrassNose shouts, they were probably the only one who actually wasnt afraid to be doing this. Well, besides CollieHip. BrassNose and CollieHip were always super close, theyre like peanutbutter and jelly. EgyptianTrip and LappingLeech walked beside me while BrassNose and CollieHip stayed a bit behind. "Do you think shes already dead? I feel like she cant fight." EgyptianTrip speaks out of the blue, we all jumped a bit at the sudden voice. "You'll say that until she whoops your ass," LappingLeech laughed louder than the rest of us did, he sounded like a hyena. "You all should shut up and do more searching.." CollieHip butts in, BrassNose agreeing like usual. "MudaLurk? Mudalurk!!?" BrassNose continues to shout out, they seemed pretty desperate to find MudaLurk. After a bit of walking, we end up in this weird forest. I spotted a black cat with brown spots, exactly like MudaLurk. "Look, guys!" I give out an excited mew, pointing at that furry little feline. We all called her little, but she was the second tallest. LappingLeech was the first. She was curled up, I already guess someone would think shes dead. "We found her!!" BrassNose let out a happy little squeal, they always were the super jumpy kind. I stepped up to MudaLurk slowly, and poked her. She quickly jumped up, pointing a sharp stick at me. I screamed, where the hell did MudaLurk find a stick this sharp and why was she sleeping with it?! "Oh, its only you guys." She let out a sigh of relief, but I still wanted to know where this stick came from..

MudaLurks POV;

"Oh, its only you guys." I let out a sigh of relief, dropping my stick that I decided to keep for self defense. "Why the hell do you have a pointy stick and why are you sleeping with it?!" SaharaHues narrows her eyes, meowing with a concerned tone. "Well I was scared that id get murdered." I shrug. "Whatever, lets go back guys." CollieHip jumps into the conversation, turning to head back and the rest of us follow. Later, we get back to camp and all sit together. Throughout the loud chatter of every WindClan cat there, we hear the meeting call. "Let all cats old enough to run the moor gather around the Tall Rock for a clan meeting!" EsmaeStar calls. We all sat in the back everytime we were out here, so we scoot up to hear his words. EgyptianTrip nudges me while pointing to an unfamiliar cat, they looked all bloody.. It seemed strange. EgyptianTrip then whispers to me. "She looks super freaky. Do you think she killed EelSnout?" EgyptianTrips voice sounds like a faint echo in my brain as I space out staring at the new cat. She shakes me abruptly. "Hello?! Earth to Mudalurk!!" She whispers, a bit loud. I shake my head and reply to what she asked before. "I dunno, maybe she didnt and she got attacked. It looks like EsmaeStars meeting call was to welcome her into our clan." I blink, shrugging. After I finished spacing out, my hearing adjusts back to EsmaeStar. I missed some of his words, but now he's telling this strange feline the warrior code.  "Defend your Clan, even with your life. You may have friendships with cats from other Clans, but your loyalty must remain to your Clan, as one day you may meet them in battle. Do not hunt or tresspass into another territory, and elders, queens, sick or injured cats and kits must be fed before apprentices and warriors. Unless they have permission, apprentices may not eat until they have hunted to feed the elders." EsmaeStar meows loud enough for /ALL/ of us to hear, like we all needed to hear this newbie lesson too. The meeting is soon dismissed, and that strange bloody cat goes to sit with a different tom of the clan. AshenSmirk. AshenSmirk was the outcast of WindClan. Why was she sitting with him..? I shrug, my thoughts quickly cut off as the rest of my friend group is heard arguing about something. "You cant go accusing people of being traitors when they just joined, all you think of is yourself!" I hear SaharaHues yelling at LappingLeech. "IM the one who only thinks about myself? You're so over your head about EgyptianTrip that you'd leave us over her any day!" LappingLeech shouts back, the whole group goes quiet as the rest of WindClan has their eyes on us.. Including the new feline of WindClan. "Cant you all stop acting like kits everytime a small assumption breaks loose?" BrassNose speaks, breaking the silence. I felt so embarrassed. That was not a great first impression for me. EgyptianTrip didnt speak during this whole argument, she just stared at SaharaHues with a confused look while the rest of us continued to argue like we were newly made apprentices. I was apart of the argument, too. Which I later realized everyone was still watching and it made me look like more of a weirdo. They stared at me way worse than they ever would stare at AshenSmirk. Ive heard plenty rumors on that little albino. Per usual, im dragged from my thoughts once hearing my name throughout their yelling. "And MudaLurk isnt ever paying attention, all she does is think! Think, think, think! Thats all shes built of, she feels nothing because shes always stuck in her goddamned head." LappingLeech calls from the top of his voice. Why was I apart of this? I said nothing to any of them. "Wait a second, what?! I didnt say shit to you, Leech. Who gives a single thought of StarClan what I do? You dont yell at BrassNose or CollieHip for doing something even remotely stupid." I hiss back, why would someone feel the need to bring that up? I stand to my fours, and he does aswell as if he was ready to fight me. BrassNose drags me back and CollieHip does the same to LappingLeech. Along with that, I guess EgyptianTrip told SaharaHues she only wanted to be friends for now. She pulled the; "Its not you, its me." card. That was the shittiest someone could pull. I felt terrible, but I knew theyd be together at some point. EgyptianTrip liked SaharaHues, we all knew that besides Sahara herself. EgyptianTrip was just confused on her sexuality, by the time SaharaHues got outed by LappingLeech atleast. "Hes such a prick, he knew SaharaHues wasnt ready for anybody to know that yet. If you guys didnt pull us apart I wouldve gutted him infront of the whole clan." I spoke to BrassNose, I was still pretty pissed. "Dont let him get to you, MudaLurk. You know youd get exiled if you threw a huge fit like that." BrassNose mews, they were always good at comforting me. They were one of my closest friends in the group, besides SaharaHues of course. "Okay, I guess you're right." I sigh, shrugging. As I sat with BrassNose, I glared around the camp like I usually did to see who was around. While I did that, the new feline that had recently joined was full-on staring at me... A real deep stare, at that. We accidentally made eye contact, and I couldnt even tell if that was good or bad. I assumed it was bad, only because she hung around AshenSmirk. Before looking away, this cat is starting to walk towards me and BrassNose. "Brass, that new cats coming over here." I gulp, staring at her as I grab onto BrassNose. "Just dont embarrass yourself." Brass laughs. She finally made her way to me and BrassNose, she sat infront of us like she was some kind of modest twoleg. "What you did during that argument was pretty badass, I just wanted to say." She spoke to us in a kind tone. I was either under a spell or this furry feline was some kind of angel. I nod, my jaw dropped as I tried getting a few words out. I was unable to speak, and she walked off before I was able to catch my voice. Before she completely left, her head peered over her shoulder back at me and BrassNose. "Oh, and im Zephyr." There it was again, her soft tone of voice that spoke to us one last time before she returned back to her seat with Ashensmirk. Me and BrassNose decide to go regroup with SaharaHues, EgyptianTrip, and CollieHip. One was missing.. LappingLeech. "We havent seen him since that fight between you two, he left with AshenSmirk and that new girl. They came back without him." EgyptianTrip tells us, with a shrug. "I heard they got sent on border together, maybe they got split up during patrol like you guys did and they lost him." CollieHip meows, her answer was probably the most reasonable. We decided to all go look out to find him. Right on the edge of what separates RiverClan and WindClan, we catch the same foul smell that we found when we saw EelSnouts dead body. CollieHip, having keen senses like a dog, sniffs it out and waves us over nervously when she finds something. We all look down, the same exact way we did for EelSnout. It was LappingLeech. He was just laying there, dead. It was a fresh kill, the blood was still wet. "Holy StarClan..." I gulped. This murder was worse than EelSnouts. LappingLeech was nearly unrecognizable. His snout looked like it was torn off, and his face was smashed into a rock nearby repeatedly. They tore off one of his hind legs and they sliced him open, only taking out his intestines. BrassNose, having been one of the closest friends to LappingLeech, fell to the floor with a sob. CollieHip took BrassNose back to camp so they wouldnt have to keep seeing him like this. They didnt want to accept that it was real, honestly I wouldnt either. I began to carry more guilt than I already had after this death, me and LappingLeech ended off on a fight. Sometimes, I think about how it wouldve been if I was the one that wouldve layed there dead. If I was the one with a missing leg, intestine, and snout. I let out a sigh as we head back and told the deputy, YewStream. She told us she would look into it and we all just gave a nod. I could tell that sighting scarred us all, and BrassNose continued to cry. Before going to sleep, I noticed that the new member was staring at me again. I think her name was Zephyr. I gave her a weird look, and an awkward wave. She quickly waved back to me and I shrugged as I curled up preparing for bed. I was majorly unsettled by how she acted, but I decided to ignore it. We all eventually fall asleep, but BrassNose refused to after seeing LappingLeech die like that.

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