Bloody Woods. (4)

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MudaLurks POV, 19 moons.;

EgyptianTrip is now back. She had dry blood on her face that looked like it came from her head. Clearly she had been knocked out with something, and id assume it was a rock. "She was in some kind of hole or something." SaharaHues meowed, and she gave Zephyr some dirty glare every few seconds while she spoke. "Strangely, Zephyr here was walking straight towards it. Maybe a weird coincidence." Sahara adds, she obviously thought Zephyr did everything now too. How the hell would Zephyr find time to throw EgyptianTrip into some hole and then proceed to kill BrassNose, LappingLeech, and EelSnout? I swear none of these cats have smart thoughts.. Ever. "So she found the hole, and you're blaming her for what happened? Shouldnt we thank her for finding EgyptianTrip..?" Beechbelly asks, scratching at her head like some caveman. Surprisingly, EgyptianTrip began speaking. "I dont remember anything right now, I just remember how I saw BrassNose up there and then it all just went black. The woods were all bloody. I didnt even see a cat anyways, so I dont really think itd help if I /DID/ remember." EgyptianTrip was the 'only' one there when BrassNose died, yet she doesnt even know who hit her in the head with a rock? Id assume she got more braindamage than she already probably had... Something tapped my shoulder, and as I turn around I see that damned albino, the one that literally everyone hates. AshenSmirk? What the hell does he want? All he talks about is ghosts and all of that freaky stuff. "Can I help you?" I ask. I did not want to be seen near this weirdo.. Nobody talks to him for a reason, I dont even know the reason but ill follow everyone else on this situation. "No, can I help YOU? You and your friends look like death." He says. StarClan, I am already so annoyed with this guy. Why is it his business? Hes friends with Zephyr, yeah, but still. "I dont think we need your help.. You're weird." BeechBelly said. I have no idea why, but BeechBellys remark made me laugh louder than a hyena. Wiping my tears of laughter, I eventually agree. "Nobody talks to you for a reason.. The only one that talks to you is Zephyr." I meow, still kind of catching my breath. After we messed around with AshenSmirk, Zephyr looked kinda mad. Like, steam blowing out of her ears type of mad. I was kinda scared honestly. "You'll regret talking to me like that. Watch your back.." AshenSmirk said, narrowing his eyes at me as he turned and headed back to the camp. What was he going to do? Poison me..? Funny. "What a guy." EgyptianTrip says with a laugh. "Right? He wont do anything. He'll probably apologize for it later." I shrug, simply agreeing. I wasnt all that scared of AshenSmirk. "Im sure he didnt mean it," Zephyr butted in with a pause. "He will apologize." She shrugs after finishing her sentence. I nod briefly, quickly setting my eyes on EgyptianTrip as she spoke to Zephyr. "Thank you Zephyr, you're cute." EgyptianTrip shot a wink to Zephyr after she blurted out her idiotic comment. It made me kinda angry. I thought Zephyr was cute, too! Zephyr was soft to the touch, but StarClan... It burned. Atleast it was in a good way. Im sure I thought she was cute first. I blink as Zephyr gave a reply. "Thank you, EgyptianTrip. I suppose you're okay too." After I heard Zephyr return the compliment, thats when I KNEW I was angry. I simply just walked back to camp instead of arguing about it. SaharaHues followed along, considering she was my best friend. As soon as I sat down, AshenSmirk approached me with a fish. He sat infront of me, pushing it to me. "Here, as an apology, I got you some fish." He shoved it at me a bit more before quickly padding away. With a shrug, I started to eat and tear at the fish he gave me. I was starving, I finished that fish scales and all. "That fish was pretty good," I say to Sahara, I felt a bit bad that I hadnt shared. A few minutes pass and I feel kind of dizzy, like I could hardly walk. I also had the most killer stomach-ache like I had eaten something bad. I just thought I had eaten too fast, I had barely chewed that fish honestly. Id be embarrassed if Zephyr saw how crazily I tore that fish up. I was still so dizzy and I had still been aching like hell, I actually cant exactly describe how I feel but its not quite right. It leaves me cold. When I looked up, there were twice as many stars. As soon as I stood up I kinda knocked out, it all had gone black.

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