You Know I Won't Eat Them Myself

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Note :

- I'm not done read King of Scars and haven't touched Rule of Wolves when I made this story. (But now done them both)

- Sorry for the grammar. English is not my native languange

She's not good at history. Maybe 100 years? 150 years? 200 years? Whereas just last month Ravka celebrated the end of the civil war. Celebrating the heroism of their legendary young king. But she doesn't remember the numbers. She had been living away from Ravka since four years ago. Go all the way across the True Sea to Novyi Zem to study.

Hundreds years ago, Novyi Zem was just a country where the Almighty bestowed all the gifts of nature whose crops are still controlled by other countries. Its trade routes are still under the control of other powerful countries.

Hundreds years passed after Ravka was no longer a battlefield. Hundreds of years passed after Shu Han was crushed by his greed. Hundreds of years passed after Ice Court's the mighty walls collapsed. Hundreds of years passed after the Zemeni merchant ships were slaughtered by Kerch. Hundreds of years after collapse, Kerch was finally able to reclaim his monopoly over the oceans.

Today the world order runs much more peacefully.

There is no more war in Ravka or its frontier. No more the Fold and its curse. No more monster eating human. ALMOST no more Grisha kidnappings. ALMOST.

The nightlife and entertainment venues in Ketterdam have become much better. The harbor have growing rapidly. The university district is getting busier and is becoming a center for higher education. Students from all over the world come to Ketterdam to study. The Kerch merchants remain in control of the trade.

Novyi Zem is developing fast. Can control their crops and sell them all over the world. The capital city of Novyi Zem also became large and centralized. The harbor are busy loading and unloading crops ready to be shipped. The city near the capital became a university district. Almost as big as Ketterdam but studying agriculture, animal husbandry, mining, all about plants, animals and other treasures of the earth.

Fjerda became more open to the world. Accepting newcomers openly and friendly with Grisha.

Shu Han was still trying to get up. Start repairing his country.

The books she read in the library, in class, in his father's study room were like fiction. The stories she always heard from her mother, pastor, and school teacher were like exaggerated fairy tales. Relics of the Saints and the earlier Grishas are still preserved. Grisha is still here until this moment.

Ivette was grabbed by her mother using a stick when voicing her disbelief in history. While his father just laughed while holding his stomach. Her mother was not Grisha, but her father is an Alchemi, and her younger sister is Inferni.

Her house in Ravka is filled with the symbols of Sankta Alina. His mother, father and younger sister are devotees of Sankta Alina. His younger brother adores Sankt Juris of the Sword . Ivette though reluctantly, she admires Sankta Zoya of the Storm.

There was one legend of Grisha that Ivette admired that she had read in a book from the Library. Nina Zenik. Her name is legendary about one being able to hear corpses talk, controlling bones, 'raising' the dead body to 'obey' her, King Nikolai's master spy, and Grishas's savior living in hiding.

Her small flat near the university consists of a bedroom, a bathroom, a kitchen and living room, and a small balcony. As the first child, Ivette studied at Novyi Zem university majoring in Agribusiness, her younger brother had just been accepted into the Ravka's navy which is famous for its mighty Iron Shark, while her younger sister volunteered to study at the Little Palace.

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