ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟙𝟘

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"I never thought you would date a Riddle "

" What? Me dating a Riddle?" I let a chuckle out .

"You are kidding me right Cedric?" I say hoping he says yes it was all a joke to tease me and he meant nothing .

"Why would you think I was kidding you ? I am pretty serious" he says shattering all my hopes 

"But that's not true what makes you think so ?"

"Really !that's not true ! it didn't look like that when your boyfriend  grabbed me and told me to stay  away from you and gave me this little gift to remember it " he says finishing off with him pointing towards his jaw. that's when I see a bruise on his perfectly chiseled jaw. I raise my hand to reach his jaw but he grips me wrist

"You better not do this Y/n or else your boyfriend will get jealous and gets a reason to  to give me one more bruise just like this" he starts to walk away from me 

" Its not what you think like Cedric . Atleast hear me out ."

"What are you going to say ? Sorry that me being friendly and nice to you has got me beat up ?"

"No Its nothing like that I don't understand why would he do things like that. He is not my boyfriend ,we literally can't stand each other for more than a minute. "

"Then why would he be so angry with you being with me ?"

"I don't know. I am thinking about it myself . No body knows whats wrong with this guy" I sigh trying to calm my nerves which seemed to have no plans of doing so .

"I am sorry for misunderstanding you Y/n"

"Its okay Cedric I would do the same if I was in your place" I see Mattheo leaving the great hall alone . Great I think it is the time to confront him. I say a quick goodbye to Cedric and march towards Mattheo. The closer I get  the more my blood seems to boil. My eyes meets  his and locks with them . he doesn't make an attempt to break this contact until I reach him and  push him down the wall. I tip toe till I reach his level . he is tall so tall that I cant quite reach him still I try my best to intidimate him with my death glare

"What the hell is wrong is wrong with you Mattheo? why do you have to interfere in my life? Stay away from me !You don't decide  who I talk to and who I not so mind your own business . next time if yo..." I burst out at him until he flips us over and  towers above me . My eyes suddenly shut close and I was freezed for a second . When I came back to my sense I realised what was happening . My lips were sealed with Mattheo's! what the hell is happening ?Mattheo's lips are in mine . He is kissing me ! his kiss this time is wild . It was not gentle like the last one. His kiss screamed anger . he grabbed my neck which made me gasp . He took this as a sign to enter me . his tongue slided in my mouth devouring every inch of it. I was breathless I tried to move away but failed, he gripped me harder. I should have done it earlier but why haven't i ?  He finally releases me from his grip

"what the he..."

"I think I told you very well how to behave Potter. I am the one in charge here you don't ask me questions just obey me. I can do anything i fucking want to no one questions . And when I say no one it includes you Little kitten" he turned around and started moving the opposite direction . I stood there analyzing what exactly had happened . It was too late before I had realised he had already left . He left before answering why did he do that? why would he kiss me just like that? we are not supposed to kiss someone we hate . oh Ofcourse he knew it would piss me off if he did it so he would everything possible to piss me off. but i am not angry why? I am not pissed at the thought of him kissing me but why is it so? I probably liked it!? oh no way nothing like that happened I definitely didn't like it . did I?

I sighed and lead towards my dorm after all this I need a nice good sleep to clear my head . i entered my room and plopped on my bed with my same clothes on . As soon as I laid my eyes shut close and there was nothing else I could remember . 

"Wake up! Wake up Y/n its morning if u don't wake up in a minute  I will do something you wont like" I heard some undistinctable voices near me and decided to not pay attention and focus on my nap . I felt a sudden coolness on my face and realised it was water. Water on my face! oh am I drowning? Or worse we are having an tsunami but I am sure it is something that happens in muggle world not here . I opened my eyes to figure out what was happening. I met the smiling faces of Esme and Bella .

"What is happening why am I in water?" I asked panicking 

"Oh god Y/n you are such an heavy sleeper . look around You are not in water we just poured some water on your face to wake you up  ." Bella said managing to complete her sentence while laughing

"You are so mean why would you do such thing" I said pouting

"Because you wont wake up . We tried waking you up for last half hour so we decided to do it" Esme replied

"Anyways what time is it now?" 

"Uhm its 7.40 "

"what oh no I am so late why didn't you wake me earlier " i said sprinting out of my bed and heading to the bathroom. I undressed myself and hoped in the  shower .I turned the hot water on and it came in contact with the wound on my thighs . It ached and reminded me of everything that took place yesterday . Even after everything taking place I find myself drawn toward him . Why is it so?  What is wrong with you get yourself together Y/n . I excited the bathroom and headed towards the closet . I grabbed  the simple black jeans not giving Mattheo the satisfaction of seeing the wound he gave and a button up red top. Lots of my clothes have been red as I thought I would get sorted as Gryffindor but here I am a Slytherin looks like i will have to go shopping for green clothes. I locked the door and headed towards the great hall and found everyone having their breakfast. I joined them .

"So hows our new friend" Aiden spoke breaking the silence.

"I m great . I am getting used to to this place now I already like it here " I reply with a small smile

"I knew it we are pretty good friends you know" Leo joked

"Yeah I agree but you also have some really Annoying people here" I said making an eye contact with Mattheo. Everyone laughed except him. Something was really wrong with his brain in last 72 hours I haven't seen him smile even once. We completed our breakfast and headed towards our classes . Today my first class was Potions which meant I would meet Cedric . I reached the class and spotted Cedric . He waved to me and gestured towards the seat beside him. I followed my path to him and took the seat beside him.

"I really want to apologize for yesterday Y/n" he spoke

"You don't need to apologize Cedric . It was all my fault . My fights with Mattheo bothered you so I am sorry."

"okay lets not argue about who's mistake it was and forget about it ."

"yes " i say and we shift our gazes to the entry of Professor Snape. I glance around and look at Mattheo . Great he was looking at me too and I am sitting with Cedric which is surely going to piss him off. I have to admit I love the feeling of pissing Mattheo off. 

"okay class attention" Professor says which causes pin drop silence in the class.

"I know its too early for it but you have an assignment . It is not an individual assignment but an assignment of two. You have to make a polyjuice potion and your partners will be the one you are sitting with in the classes. Due to your busy schedule there will be no deadline for you to go to bed you can work at late nights and complete the project . The winning team will be getting a surprise prize. And now lets continue our class"  He finished and I looked over at Cedric . Him and I were partners now we had to work together. I am glad that its him as I know not much people here. Them I realize working on the project is going to increase the amount of interaction between Cedric and I which means It is a great opportunity to  piss Mattheo

It is going to be fun now


Hey guys what do you feel about this chapter ? Do let me know in the comments

Hope you have fun reading it . And lemme know what things you wanna see in future

Happy Reading
~love M

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