ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟙𝟙

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"So we are partners now" I exclaimed with the excitement of new found project

"yes ! I am so glad I got the best partner I am sure I wont have to do a lot of work " Cedric chuckled

"I am not letting you pile up the the whole project on me huh , you have to help me out"

"Of course Y/n I was just joking . So we should start working from today itself shouldn't we?

"Yes how about you come over at my dorms tonight we can discuss it then "

"Yeah sure I will be there after dinner"

I made sure I was speaking loud enough so Mattheo hears me and i knew I was successful from the look he had on his face the moment the word rolled off my mouth. Due to him sitting alone he had no partner which left with no choice other than to partner up with the one boy who  looked nerdy and also had no partner.

"Desperate enough to call him at your dorm tonight " I heard a growl beside me as I walked out the class

"What I do and what I don't  doesn't matter you Riddle" I said completely ignoring his presence

"When I talk to you , You need to look at me. Get the shit inside your small little brain" He growled again holding my hand tight which made me look at him.

"What is your problem , Why do you keep annoying me ? "

"You are my problem .  I fucking hate you . Everytime I see your face disgust fills my mind"

"Then you don't have to , Stay away from me Mattheo . Spare the sufferings for both of us . you mind your business and let me mind mine "

"I mind my own business but even your existence boils my blood ."

"then just pretend like I don't exist stay away Theo and I promise I would keep my distance too "

Theo ? why did I call him Theo . what is wrong with me ? but whatever it was it cooled mattheo a bit down . for a second he left my wrist and I took it as a opportunity to leave before he tightens it again. 

I walked straight until I could . I was breathless and there was a ache in my heart . what is it and why is this so ? why do i feel this unfamiliar feeling in my chest.  I stopped and catch my breath . why does he hates me so much ? It should be me who hates him.His father had killed my parents not only my parents but he also tried killing me and Harry . I still don't let this judge him but he hates me for god knows what. But what really breaks my heart is that his hating me affects me in so many ways it shouldn't. I don't feel anything when Draco does such things .Then why do i feel such with him ?

I headed toward my next class which was herbology.It was my least favourite subject and what made it even worse was that I was late.

"Sit next Mr. Riddle as you are late Miss Potter"Professor said and that is what made it worst

I took my seat next to Mattheo prepared for enduring his torture. After all that happened I am sure he had a lot of insults to say to me and I had no other option that listening it .To my surprise as i landed on the seat mattheo shifted his body away from me and kept his gaze straight at the professor. I sighed and concentrated on the class and he didn't even spoke a word to me or glanced towards me. This was good right ? I mean he is not messing with me minding his own business but why did it felt wrong? Silence is pleasing but this silence was anything else than it . this silence bothered me which should not be really happening. 

"okay the class is over you may leave" 

Everyone headed out and searched for my friends so we could head towards the great hall for dinner .  I looked at Mattheo he still seems too determined to not look at me. We went on with the day and at night we I laid in my bed with Esme and Bella next to mine. 

Fire And Ice (Mattheo Riddle× YN)Where stories live. Discover now