What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger -1

722 13 1

Trigger warnings - nightmares, past abuse implied , panic attacks


Blaring lights.

Vivid colours.

Noise. Lots of it.

Unpleasant noise. Not only due to the amount of noise there was but also because of what the noise was, that y/n was hearing. Cries. Muffled screams. Silence. As someone who was quite young these noises were a lot for y/n. Though what happened to all of them seemed unlikely in such a quiet neighbourhood y/n couldn't help think what could of happened to them if it was all normal . That was was the moment that they hadn't realised , the large, warm, salty streams that ran down their face like a river would in a forest ; they were almost thankful for that dream they had .It was in their mind it was much better, than re-living those terrifying moments in their life that had only happened 6 months ago. To y/n and their brothers ,Tommy and Tubbo , it was still very much a fresh wound.

Tommy Sat there hugging y/n. Gently rocking them back and forth in slow careful motions in order to not scare them. He knew about the nightmares but didn't want to worry Tubbo about them since he already has a lot on his mind. He knew that they tormented them every night like it was some sort of punishment for surviving what happened with Max and Abigail at the old house. Fresh wound. Tommy decided it would be better not to think about it any more , the past would always duant over the children but at least it was over with. It hurt him a lot.

Combing through their locks delicately, untangling in a way to calm them both down. Giving them a soft kiss and pressing it into their hair asking them a question in a soft hushed tone "would you like to write Tubbo a note while we go to the bathroom?" He gave them the time they needed to process what he just said and then waited for an indication of some sort either being a nod of the head of a shake. Happily to do so , y/ n nodded. Tommy reached his arm over to the wooden side table that was next to singular bed, and grabbed a piece of scrap paper and a small broken pen that was usable enough. 

Y/n did go to school for a little while but after 'it' happened none of them could bare going. It was too much. Too much noise. Too much attention. Too much information. Just too much. So instead Tommy tried to help y/n with reading and writing. It was a something Tubbo struggled a lot with himself , even when Tommy asked to help him with it he just replied with 'there are other , more useful things I can learn .' He was right. so instead Tommy stuck to teaching and helping out y/n .

After guiding their hand throught they ended up writing a short but successfully informative message. It read " Tommy and I have gone to the toilets"along with a smiley face and a bee from y/n's request as they signed the word for 'smile' and 'bee'. Keeping the message simple enough on purpose for y/n to be able to write It well enough . He hadn't got to teaching them bigger words like ' bathroom ' or 'Shower' but they would eventually get to it.

It was a simple but understanding relationship Tommy and y/n had. He likes it. So do they.

Before going to the bathroom, Tommy grabbed a couple necessities that they would need for their morning shower: toiletries including a bar of soap, toothpaste and a flannel , a couple towels ,(one much softer for y/n , they didn't like rough textures) hairbrush for them both to use , toothbrushes and spare clothes. Although Tommy's were too small and tight at the neck , where as y/n's and Tubbo's clothes were much baggier. He guessed that you can't change what was given you to for free and just was glad he had clothes he could wear and wash and feel clean in. All of them felt grateful that even such places as the fourth orphanage  would take them all in. He understood why the other three had declined them and it lingered in the back of his brain until night time where it slowly slithered to the front of his mind. 

They were all just a bunch of broken kids.


What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.


Omg I've spent all day writing this out an I hope to the probably two people who read this you enjoyed it. I have the next chapters planned out and I just need to write them out. Please let me know what you think of the wring , criticism is allowed please just don't be harsh an telling me my writing sucks. Anymore trigger warnings I might have missed out please let me know I want everyone to feel comfortable. Drink water . Eat something and do an activity you enjoy. Next chapter probably out tomorrow or the day after don't really have a schedule but I'm on my school holiday so I'm free whenever 💗

Word count : 867

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