Everyone just give me some space - 8

500 16 5

Trigger warnings - bad thoughts , overstimulation, crying


Still laying there on the floor looking into the eyes of the pink haired teen. I tried not to shake but it just got worse and worse.

I took a couple deep breaths in and tried to get off of my knees but struggling after feeling my wounded leg. Winding in pain I felt two large hands gently pick me up from underneath my armpits and picked me up. Placing me slowly down onto my bed.

'thank you'I signed slowly to him and he looked at me with huge amounts of concern and sorrow. Did he have one of those voices telling him he was worthless. Telling him he should just end it. Telling him he's nothing but he a burden.

A lot of emotions swirled through my mind making me dizzy and tired. He could tell and let me get some rest before leaving he spoke saying " don't listen to it, it's wrong most of the time. Me and my family will be coming to the orphanage tomorrow so we can fully introduce each other. " he sighed again looking so pitiful of me. It made me feel worse.

He left the room leaving do and my thoughts but before I could ponder about anything the doctor walked back in and told me I could only get a couple hours of sleep before I would be taken back to hell- the orphanage for the rest of the night.

Slowly but surely falling into a tiredness I succumbed to the fatigue my body was in a fell deep into unconsciousness. For once I was calm.

Timeskip to evening brought to you buy the  voices 

Being gently shook awake in a familiar way I assumed it was either Tommy or Tubbo. And I was right. A  small brunette with kinds eyes had shook me awake. I could tell that it wasn't morning and he looked at me so sweetly as he gave me time to get used to my surroundings.

I lightly cringed at the sensation in my leg and winced indicating it was hurting. He looked at me and then said something which was so quiet to me for some reason. The doctor swiftly entered and did something in some machinery that was connected to me and feeling a liquid of some sort deep into my bloodstream increasing my anxiety but the pain decreaing.

 I thanked the doctor but all of sudden I was moved upwards and into an upright position and see a few more people waiting outside of the door for me including ...

Miss Jenkins

I was helped up by the doctor so now I was fully into the ground and Tubbo awaited me patiently holding his hand for me to take.

I reluctantly grabbed his hand while he leaded me to the doorway.

Stopping as the doctor had something important to say but my mind still not picking up on what he had said and instead driving off into the distance thinking go out other things like where Tommy was. I just leaned into dunno sof hand still in touch with my bandaged ones.

My body was so fatigued that for the most part Tubbo was pulling me around to the exit.

The blinding white light coming from the door was so different to the small lamp in the room I stayed at. I couldn't see properly and tripped on my own feet multiple times .

Tubbo ended up having to carry me to the small stuffy car of Miss Jenkins. She stomped her way inside and unlocked the car and as soon as I walked in the smell of not only cigarettes but also multiple scents of alcohol lingered.

Tubbo looked very uncomfortable ,but also slightly more used to it; in a way to stop the smell from seeping into my nostrils by burying my head into Tubbos chest and tried to get some sleep not knowing how far away the orphanage was from the hospital drifting off into a light slumber in Tubbo's arms.

Please don't leave again - sbi adoption auWhere stories live. Discover now