chapter 1: the rise of voltron pt 6

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Last final chapter, I promise—---------------------------------------------------------Allura led the group to another room, and it shows the armor, "Your suits of armor

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Last final chapter, I promise
Allura led the group to another room, and it shows the armor, "Your suits of armor." Everyone went to their respective suits.

Y/n looked at the white armor as she touches the glass tube.

"Oh. Neat!"

The group had to change as y/n coughs a bit. Hunk looked confused but then understood,"oh!"

Hunk blocked the view with his back turned as y/n changed into her suit. She finished wearing it as everyone also finished wearing their suits.

Y/n went over to the table with the group as allura opens the table thingy to show only five colored Bayards. Everyone but Shiro got one.

"The Bayard is the traditional weapon of the paladins of voltron. It takes a distinct shape for each paladin." Explained allura.

Hunk has a big gun, I think it's like a machine gun but im not sure.

Keith gets a sword.

Lance gets another gun, it's a sniper.

Pidge gets something (I have no idea what's it called, I'll say small blade).

Lance teases him, "Aw, you got s cute little bayard." She tapped him making him scream due to the zap. He falls as he looked at his Bayard, "Yeah, it is pretty cute."

Y/n has a bow and arrow. The arrows appear only when y/n uses the bow. However y/n doesn't use it because she thinks it's not ready for that yet. Y/n also puts her nichirin blade just in case in her belt.

Y/n looked to allura as she spoke with Shiro, "Shiro, I'm afraid your Bayard was lost with its paladin." Shiro didn't care as he smiled, "I guess I'll just make do."
Everyone went back to the bridge. Allura says, "You'll need to retrieve the red lion from sendak's ship." Keith then said, "That's a pretty big ship. How are we gonna know what the red lion is?" Pidge turned to him, "It's not a matter of "we." It's a matter of "you."" Hunk nodded, "Pridge he right. Once we get you in, you'll be able to feel jts presence and track it down." Lance also backs this up, "Yeah. You know how you felt that crazy energy while we were in the desert?" "Yeah. You mafe fun of me for that," remarked Keith.

Lance proudly states, "and I'm proud of that, but turns out it's exactly like the mumbo jumbo." Allura turned to keith, "Keith, remember, the red lion is extremely temperamental. You'll have to earn its respect." Keith nods, Shiro puts a hand on Keith's shoulder as he tells the plan, "All right. Here's our plan of attack."
The galra empire knows about the blue and yellow Lion, but they don't know that we have the green and white Lion, too. However, we're leaving the white loom behind just in case. Hunk, Lance. You'll act as a decoy by pretending to give yourselves up.

Lance: Attention, galra ship. Do not fire. We're surrendering our lions.
Lance says to himself, "Hope this works."

While sendak is distracted, keith, pidge, y/n, and I will sneak onto the ship in the green lion. Keith and I will find the red lion while pidge and y/n guards our exit. Hunk. Lance, find some way to take down that ion cannon.
Lance: Pidge, what's your eta?

Pidge answered, "We're in." Y/n also lands next to pidge. Keith also came down while looking at y/n as she spoke to Shiro about the extra defense and stuff. Y/n gave Shiro something on his robot hand as he only nods.
They began to sneak through the ship. Pidge and y/n stay as y/n noticed that Shiro was having past trauma?

Pidge stood up walking over to him, as y/n did the same. "Ives been here before. After I was taken by the galra cruiser off kerberos, they brought us here." "So, that means your other crewmembers, they might be held captive here," said pidge.

"We... we've got to rescue them," Stated pidge. Shiro looked down then turned to pidge, "Pidge, we don't have time. We have to get the red lion and get back to arus." Pidge argued, "But we can't just leave prisoners here!" Y/n looked between them as Shiro sternly states, "Look. No one understands that more than me, but in war, we have to make hard choices. Now, let's get moving."

Before Shiro leaves with Keith, pidge yelled, "No!" Y/n looked to pidge with confusion. "Commander holt is my father. He and my brother were the ones on the kerberos mission with you." Y/n looked unsure as Shiro asked, "Commader holt is your father?" "Yes. I've been searching everywhere for him and my brother. And I'm not going to give up looking when I'm this close. I won't!" Pidge turned away as Shiro says, "Im coming with you." "What?" Questioned y/n.

Shiro said a new order, "I remember where the prisoners are held. Keith, y/n, you two go find the red lion." "By myself?" "You have y/n. It's only a minor change of plans. You two will be fine. Just remember, patience yeids focus. So-- Run!" Everyone spits into two groups running from galra guards.

Y/n was being dragged by Keith as they were trying to find the red lion.
Once they found the red lion, Keith went to go try talking to it. Y/n decides to defend him whole blankly stating, "Would you hurry it up." "I'm trying, y/n!"

"Y/n, can you cover your mouth and nose?" "Yea, why?" "I need to push this button" "fine"

Y/n use the helmet to cover her mouth and nose as he hits the button making a space vacuum. Y/n just holds on with Keith, until some debris hits them as they fly out of the battle ship. Y/n and Keith just stick together and that's when the red lion gets out and saved them as keith goes onto the seat as y/n is just behind his seat.
"You guys made it!" Yelled hunk.
"Kitty rose has left the stage!" Said pidge.
"Lets get the heck out of here."
Hunk says, "I hope I stopped cannon. I could barely make a dent in it." As he followed them.
Ima just end the epside since I've been on this long, long episode for way to long

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