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"First day back and we're already involved in this mess."


"No way, " Cobra states in disbelief as he slowly realizes what was happening, "Are you the one behind this Kohaku?"

"So what if I am?" The twins, still observing the male, now both had blank faces. They did not know what had happened to the former leader, but one thing they knew was that he had been blinded. They knew the incident with his close friends Tatsuya and Tsukumo had developed a major change, but they did not know that it had blinded him to make such actions.

"Wait a second. What's the matter Kohaku?" Yamato approaches the male, but was punched in return. Kohaku punches the younger male in the stomach, causing him to kneel, clutching his body.

"Yamato, " Cobra rushes to his friend's side, then turns to the other male,"What is the matter with you?" Kohaku reaches for the younger's hair and grabs a hold of him.

"Cobra," Yamato calls the leader, he shakes his head warily, indicating to not say nor do anything that would lead to a major fight. But unfortunately, stubbornness was a thing in their gang.

"Why are you doing this? What has happened to you Kohaku?" The male shouts. In result, he too was punched, causing Yamato to fall on the ground. Seeing this, Miku was about to launch at the older male, but was stopped by her twin.

"Don't, it won't end well for us if you join." Amaya whispers to the raven.

"But he's-"

"No, Miku. We are not getting involved. " Sighing, the younger nods and continues to watch, feeling guilty for not defending her friends.

"Now, do as I say. " The older male states, as he heads towards his bike and driving away, leaving the two males to catch their breath. As soon as Kohaku was out of sight, Miku rushes towards the two males. Helping both up to their feet, they were left to ponder the question: What has happened to their old friend?


Back at their place, the 4 were now walking in the garage still in disbelief.

"I've never seen Kohaku like that. What happened to him?" In a state of silence, the group recalls their memories with the male.

"If it isn't the Hitome twins." Smiling, Miku skipped over to the Mugen leader. He was by far the only one to call them by their last name. Everyone else had now known them as the Twin Flames.

"Kohaku~Let's go on a race." The young adult smiles. At this point, the girls had just turned 19. Letting out a small chuckle, the older male smiles and faces the older twin who was sat, staring.

"Hey Amaya, Tatsuya and Tsukumo are inside the diner. Tell them me and Miku are going to race." Nodding, the female stood up and leaves, not before turning to them both.

"Make sure my sister is in one piece. I'll kill you both if she's not." Laughing at the younger female's reaction, Kohaku turns to Miku and smirks.

"Let's go?"

"Let's go."

"A man like Kohaku would never turn against his gang. There must be a reason." Sannoh's leader states, breaking Miku out of her flashback. That had been a few years ago and now the girls are 23, not too young compared to the boys. Their attention turn towards the sound of a bike revving behind them.


"I can't believe this."

"Tsukumo?" The older Hitome perks. Hard to believe, Amaya had her own favourite, it was the only person who'd she pay attention to. Like a brother figure. That favourite was none other than Tsukumo. Softening his look as he sees the younger female, he greets her with a smile, in which she returns, before turning back to the males and greets them with a stern face. In return, the two boys both ask their questions, following their attention to the older.

"You look like crap. Kohaku right?" The male states as he sits down, "I have a favour to ask. 2 days from now, Kohaku and 500 members from Mighty and Doubt will come here to crsuh SWORD."

"What does Kohaku want?" Yamato questions. Once again, the girls find theirselves observing the males.


"Revenge on Kuryu."


"Hold on here. How is crushing SWORD getting revenge on Kuryu?" Cobra questions.

"Tatsuya was killed by Kuryu." This statement caused the group to fall into another state of disbelief.

"What? But the killer was-" Yamato was interrupted by the male,

"I saw the driver."

"What do you mean?" A female voice was heard behind them. Turning towards the owner of the voice, they both saw that it was Naomi, "Kuryu killed my brother?"

Amaya, thinking of the day the male died, rushed out. She hated visiting the past. Miku, knowing this, sighed and followed the older female. She also didn't want to hear anything else. It was too much information for both females who had just gotten back. Sitting by their bikes, Amaya lit a cigarette while Miku popped a lollipop inside.

"First day back and we're already in this mess. Why are we even involved? We weren't even a part of Mugen." The raven sarcastically stated. Sighing, the older blows out.

"Maybe not, but we're still a part of this town. If Kohaku really does want to crush SWORD, it means he'll ruin this town too. We can't have that. Especially not now." Of course, the girls were back in town for a reason. Soon enough, the twins find theirselves back in the garage when a limp body catches their attention.

"I did some digging around. "

Twin Flames |A High&Low Fanfic|Where stories live. Discover now