𝑺𝑾𝑶𝑹𝑫 𝑨𝒍𝒍𝒊𝒂𝒏𝒄𝒆

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"There really should be more females in fights like these."

The fight seemed to take a turn, SWORD gaining the upperhand. With the only girls in the fight, they had seemed to keep up with each other.

"You know," The female in heels started, "Not everyone is skilled enough to keep up with me." She boasted.

"Perks of being half Kamizono," The teen replied with a smirk, "Not proud of the name, but atleast I grew up to fit in fights like these." Another kick, Kei had managed to land a blow on the other female's chest, causing her to stumble back.

"Oh yea, that's gonna hurt." She hissed. Looking around, the two females notice how SWORD was gaining an advantage with all 5 gangs gathered together. This sight caused the teen to let out a small smile.

'Finally, they came to their senses' Kei thought to herself.

"Distracted are we?" The older female kicked the girl to the side, causing her to fall back onto the train's side.

"Not fair." The teen jokingly pouted, causing the female to let out a chuckle.

"That's how life works." Shrugging in agreement, the teen ran inside the train and out the other side, the female following her. A small chase began between the two. As Kei spots Rocky and Ranmaru, she exits and slides behind the Doubt leader, slightly pushing him from behind causing him to stumble. Rocky gave the female a look, who just grinned and continued to run.

As she ran, she spotted more SWORD members, Rude Boys flying from one spot to another, Oya High being the loud but brightful figthers, Daruma Ikkai members working together in a very cooperated manner while Sannoh members all had their own styles. The former clean white clothing of White Rascals had now been very dirtied, as they struggled to fight, but continued to hold out.

She stops as she spots two blondes, one familiar and the other, not so much. Running, she kicked the unfamiliar blonde before gliding beside the Sannoh leader.

"Where have you been?" He questions the teen.

"Made a friend." She slightly smiles as the other female arrives.

"Cherry, what are you doing?" Nodding towards the teen, both of them looked at the girl, who waved in return. Giving one another a look, the four had returned to fighting. The two males each gave each other hard blows as the two females continued to dodge and kick one another. Holding out the best they could, bruises and cuts on each other, they did not dare to take a quick break.

"God, those heels are a pain. " The teen complained as the other female made contact Kei's face, leaving a cut on her cheek.

"They are, it's hard to fight in them." Smirking, Kei drops down and slides a feet under the older female, causing her to fall. Seeing this, the unfamiliar male goes to attack the teen, but was stopped by Cobra.

"She's not your opponent," He punches the other male, "I am." Soon enough, the Doubt members were down, and other SWORD members surrounded the four, mainly their two opponents.

"What? We're in trouble?" The blonde sarcastically questions, and the other female smirks as she hears men shouting and grunting. Turning towards this, the crowd around them falls to the ground, the Mighty Warriors appearing to be the only ones standing. Both sides were now even, as Mighty Warriors joined in. Kei had noticed the short haired female with the Mighty Warriors.

"Omg there's more girls? " She says in amusement, "There really should be more females in fights like these." She looks at the first female.

"Now I can agree with that." Returning to their fight, the two females were now burnt out. They had been fighting for who knows how long, and are now starting to feel the pain in their body. It was a mess, half of the people in the station were down, both SWORD and Doubt members.

Cobra was now against the car as the blonde male continued to throw punches on his body. Kei, who had received a more aggressive and intense training than the fight, had gained an upperhand against the other female.

Although, this wasn't enough, as the sun began to set. It was obvious to others that Mighty Warriors had gained an upperhand, and was now slowly bringing their side to victory. A sound of glass shattering had gained the attention of both girls. They spot the blonde male in white on the ground as glass surrounded him.

"I guess this fight is over," The older female turns back to the teen, "That dude's done for."

"No," Kei disagrees, bending over and kicking the female in her stomach, "I may not know the leader of White Rascals much, but I know he won't lose. Not like this." She pants. Receiving a punch to her face, the female stumbles back.

"How so?"

"He was prepared from the get-go," Cobra glares at his opponent. Every member of the SWORD alliance continued to fight, holding their ground, "You're just strays. Are you as prepared as he is?" The male once more continues to attack his opponent.

"That man, his humanity is gone," She glances at the male in the red fur coat, who was shouting and continued to hit the White Rascals leader, "But Rocky, he's still here. As long as he's standing, we haven't lost." She kicked the female, who was about to stand, back down.

Looking, Kei spots as Rocky lands a final blow to his opponent, finishing the fight before laying down on the ground in both pain and exhausted. The sun was now set as the fight began to slow down. Cobra and the the blonde male were about to attack one another but was disrupted by the leader of Mighty Warriors.

"Yo Jesse!" Looking back, the male signals, before turning away to leave the fight. As they retreated, the sound of cars filled the station, males stumbling back to not get hit. Stopping at the end, males in black suits piled out in front of them, the rest of SWORD gathering in curiosity, the leaders and Kei taking up the front.

"Hey!" An old male's voice rung out from behind the men in suits, "Punks. Fighting over business like you think you're adults." The male says as he walks to the front.

"Now, it's time for a boss fight."

"Well if it isn't Kuryu." The leaders of Oya High and Daruma Ikkai comments.

"Yoshitatsu Zenshin." Kei's eyes widened at the old male, who smirks at the teen in return. The males in suit drags Ranmaru and drops him in front of Zenshin. He crouches down and seem to exchange a few words before standing back up and kicking the male, who lets out screams of pain.

"Listen," He says in a threatening way, "You shouldn't be making trouble for us. The commotion you created is messing things up for us."

"Stop it!" Cobra screams, not being able to handle the scene. Kei winces, remembering her traumatic experience with the Zenshin Family.

"Acting tough, are we?" The older male turns his attention to the Sannoh leader, "When you antagonise the bad guy, you got to look more miserable. You're lowlife scumbags who think you're worth something by bunching up together. Stupid brats. Do SWORD losers have to die before they understand. The stupid leader of Mugen, we snuffed him out to set an example. But it didn't stop the infestation of worms like you guys. So, he died for nothing." Cobra has a look on his face as the male mentions the late leader.

"No matter how many of you die, I suppose it won't change a thing. And you!" He turns to the teen, "You Kamizono brat. I know that you know very well what happens when people mess with Kuryu."

"But you know nothing about SWORD." She glares at Zenshin, who slaps her in return.

"You bastard." Cobra glares, gaining the attention of the male and approaches him.

"What? You want to fight us?" Zenshin taunts, "You want to know the difference between your fights and ours? We can cover up ours. No matter how many of you guys die, we can make them disappear. " He walks away and turns back to the rest of SWORD.

"The entire Kuryu Group will come down on you! " He threatens, "Flee or suck up to us." As he turns his back on the men, every Doubt member runs away, cowarding. Cobra rushes behind the male, who was kicked back by the blonde leader as soon as he turns around, causing him to fly back. SWORD joins the Sannoh leader, supporting his words to the Kuryu male, including Kei.

"This is our answer."

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