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"Hey guys, long time no see."


"Go home please." Fujio tries to convince his sister, who was standing just outside the property of Oya High.

"No, I'm not here for you anyway." The female answers.

"Huh? Then who are you here for?" The older Hanaoka questions.

"Kei, where is she?" 

"Kei?!" The male screams in disbelief. Sighing, the female walks past her brother and heads for the entrance of the school, where the sight of the female causes the rest to stop what they were doing and stare at the teen. 

"Kiko?!" Tsukasa and Jamuo stares at the teen.

"Hey guys, long time no see," She smiles, approaching the two as Fujio joins the three, "Do you know where Kei is? She isn't answering my phone and I have something important for her." The female's words left the other three in even more disbelief.

"Huh? Kiko, is that you?" The familiar voice of the teen Hitome was heard from behind the four.

"Kei! Finally, you haven't answered any of my calls and messages so I came here to find you," The younger Hanaoka jogs to the female, "I have what you wanted. I still want an explanation why you need these." Looking at the males around the two, the teen holds Kiko's wrist.

"Why not go somewhere more private." Dragging the female, Kei leads her to the highest rooftop of the school. Sitting down, the youngest Hitome removes her hoodie to reveal a bloody shirt that was wrapped around the female's side.

"Holy shit what happened to you?" Kiko rushes to the teen Hitome's side. Removing the shirt, the wound had barely stopped bleeding, but was still very wet and sticky.

"Can you patch it up?" The female questions.

"I'm not sure. It looks too deep." 

"Please? I have a feeling we'll be getting ourselves into a fight soon. I can't afford to go to the hospital and stay there. You're part of the advanced class, can you do something for me please?" Sighing, the youngest Hanaoka nods.

"Fine, I'll do my best," Kiko cleans the wound before putting in anesthesia and then stitching it up. During the process, the female was curious enough to ask her friend what had happened.

"Kidra happened," The female answers, "Apparently, a new group of teenage kids are trying to make profit and have been creating trouble around the streets. They ambushed me last night, one of them had been able to stab me." Finishing her work, Kiko wraps a bandage around the females body.

"I'll treat you tonight, but I need to go. I'll drop you off." Nodding, the two return back to the ground, where Fujio was waiting with the other males that had also known the female from the housing estate. Seeing the two, the males excitedly greeted the female.

"Kiko! You look prettier than ever!"

"Kiko, you're back!"

"Wow, how are you?" The males all surrounded the female. Fujio squeezes past the males.

"No, nobody has my permission to date my sister."  He looks at them, shielding her sister. Laughing, the younger pats her brother on his back.

"I'm glad to see you all. Unfortunately I have to go, but if any of you want to talk to me, Kei will give you my number." 

"Why me?" The said girl looks at her friend, who smiles in return. Rolling her eyes, Kei grabs the market that was in her pocket and goes to a nearby wall and writes the teen's number on it messily.

"Anyone who can read that gets her number. Anyone who doesn't, well, you can cry or whatever." Leaving, the two males make their leave, leaving Fujio to try to cover up the number and the rest of the males attempting to read the writing.

Night rolled in, and that was when all hell broke loose. In two different streets, Yasushi was ganged on by men dressed in the uniform of Housen while one of the leaders of Housen, Sawamura, was being badly beaten by men in blue.

"Hey! Leave him alone or I'll call the police! " The voice of Kiko managed to get the males to run. Rushing to the blonde man, the female recognizes the face.

"Yasushi, hold on let me help you." The female holds the blonde teen's head and inspected the wound.

"It's a bit deep but I think I can patch it up long enough to get you to the hospital without too much blood loss." Grabbing her bag, the female looks for the first aid kit in her bag. Taking it out, the female cleans the blood from the wound.

"Kiko, what are you doing here?" The male mumbles.

"I was just coming back from school. Don't move too much," The female answers, "This is gonna sting a bit, it's alcohol." Dabbing the cotton pad that was wet with alcohol on the males head, she does her best to clean the wound. She finishes it by wrapping a bandage on the male's head.

"That should do it for now, but we have to get you to a hospital to get that checked. " Helping the male up, the two head straight to the nearest hospital. The doctors took the male in to check up the wound, in which ended up with him getting it stitched up. Later that night, Kiko was joined by Kiyoshi. Arriving at the room, he spots his captain asleep and Kiko doing her best to stay awake.

"Kiko, what happened?" The male questions, shocking the female awake.

"Oh, Kiyoshi, " She sighs, "I saw him being by some bald men. I managed to scare them away by threatening to all the cops, but they might come back so I'm trying to stay awake." Smiling, the male approaches Yasushi who was starting to wake up.

"Kiko, thanks for helping him, " He said, seeing the female.

"It's no problem." She smiles. The night ends with Kiko falling asleep on the couch of the room as the two other males fell asleep beside each other.

The next day, Kiyoshi headed to school with Yasushi's necklace in hand. Kiko had stayed with the other male in the hospital. 

"Kiko?" The male calls out, seeing the female's figure.

"You're awake. The doctors stitched you up last night. Come have some food."

"Thank you, " The male looked at the girl, who gave him a reassuring smile in return, "I might have not made it here if it weren't for you."

"Don't worry about it, we are friends after all." The day passed easily as the two conversed theirselves. The male latter was checked out later that day. Heading home, the female was walking alone when someone had covered her mouth from the back.

"You're coming with us."

Happy New Years everyone <3 Let's hope 2023 will be a great year for all of us. Thank you everyone to all the support you've given me, it really means a lot. I am also currently working on an Alice in Borderland fanfic that I started a few years back when it first came out. That will be soon uploaded after this book is fully published. Again, thank you everyone for the support you've given this book and I hope all of you enjoyed it. Happy New Years to all of you :>

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