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"We don't want revenge"

The small group reaches the abandoned building in a hurry. As soon as they enter, guns were held to their heads.

"Where's our brother?" Masaki asks the man in front of him.


"I said, where's our brother?" The male only smirks. Soon, the four had blocked and grabbed the guns and took their opponents down in a few actions. Continuing their way in, more Kamizono men approached the four, but were once again easily taken out. Masaki easily emptied the guns as they were walking deeper into the church. In the middle of the church, the eldest Amamiya and youngest Hitome were already gathered with the Kamizono men.

"What do you want? Money?"

"First, let me say something." Walking up a flight of stairs, the Amamiyas and twins were hurrying along to try to catch up to their brother and sister. They soon found theirselves in a passageway, arriving at the scene.

"Takeru? "


"Kei? Oh my god Kei it is you!" Miku breathes out. But before they could take any step further, guns were pointed to the four.

"Hey." The leader of the Kamizono signaled, making the men put their guns down.

"Kamizono Tatsuomi," Takeru started, "10 years ago, you didn't kill us all. For that, I'm grateful."

"Ten years ago?"

"You don't remember do you? They were only 4 people out of dozens. But those four people, were our precious family and their's. They were our parents. "

"Don't tell me you infiltrated our organization to get revenge on me. You even got my daughter to help you," Tatsuomi laughs, "It takes guts and tenacity."

"Why did you kill them?!" He screamed. The teen girl holding onto the eldest Amamiya flinched at the loudness of the scream.

"You're right, I don't remember what happened ten years ago. They were probably just in my way," He says sarcastically, "Enough of this chitchat. Handover the USB flash drive and my daugther."

"You won't need this now, " Takeru holds up the USB, "And she doesn't even consider you as her father. Kamizono, I'm going to kill you!" He then throws the USB and pushes the teen girl behind him, also grabbing his gun and started firing. Running to take shield, he uses himself to cover Kei and takes cover by the a broken wall. However, the male gets shot on his arm. The Hitome twins and Amamiya brothers greet their siblings in a rush.


"Kei are you okay?"

"Stay back!" Takeru shouts at the four. Takeru runs and uses his body to push the the four back before any of them got shot. In the midst of the panic, none of them had noticed that the youngest Hitome was left behind as they ran for cover and stopping as they soon got a bit further away. Catching their breathes, the twins did not listen to the Amamiyas little argument, instead, they had noticed someone was missing.

"Where's Kei?" Miku panics, but was dragged behind a pillar by her twin as the Kamizono men started shooting them. It was soon stopped as Tatsuomi walked up to the front, showing the USB flash drive and holding onto Kei. Trying to attack, Takeru was forced to take cover as the men started shooting once more.

"Hiroto, stay with Takeru." Masaki runs away, finding an exit of the church.

"I'm going with him." Amaya runs after Masaki, leaving the two younger ones with the oldest Amamiya. Amaya and Masaki dives for the stairs, doing their best to avoid the gunshots. They spot the Kamizono and started to run after them, doing their best to catch up to the car. They were forced to stop as one of the men started firing at them. Masaki grabs Amaya and covers her from the car that had just exploded behind them. The car had just managed to escape in the explosion, leaving them both out of breathe. In the distance, a storm was heard coming their way. Back at the trio, Takeru had starting firing back.

"We don't want revenge," Hiroto tells his brother, "Isn't that what you said?" Ignoring his little brother, Takeru continued to fire back at the Kamizono men, finishing the rest of them. It was quiet for a while, before Takeru sees a Kamizono holding a rifle gun.

"Hiroto! Miku! " He moves his brother and the Hitome and drags them both to cover. They had reached the middle of the church once more where the statue had soon fallen. There were now rubble around them, and as soon as the smoke clears, Hiroto had covered Miku's head as much as he could with his hand, while the oldest Amamiya hand his hand on Hiroto's back. Takeru stood up, with Miku and Hiroto looking up at him.

"No one else but me," He started, "Should have to rot." More Kamizono men came to them with guns in their hands, ready to shoot. The first shot was taken by the Amamiya, shooting one of the men. With this action, multiple gunshots pierced through his body, the sound of blood confirming the shot.

"Be strong," he said after killing the other men. He kept repeating the sentence, getting louder each time. The last man from the Kamizono had done the same action as Takeru. No matter how many times they both got shot, they stood still, with the gun in their hand, shooting one another.

"Live strong!"

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