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"This is the last time we'll ever see each other."


Amaya and Akahana reached Daruma Ikkai first. The group was chilling, as some Kuryu men were blocking the path.

"You're the first ones here." The leader of Daruma greeted, "Say, I never got your name." The male turned to the female riding behind the older Hitome Twin.

"Rosie. " She replies. In her hand, was her phone. She was watching the conference. She saw as the second were counting down, holding her breath. As the last 10 seconds rolled in, Akahana closed her eyes. There was no way the first bomb would be stopped. Just then, a bit further behind them, a loud explosion was heard. The first bomb went off. This caused everyone of them to turn to see the black smoke get released into the sky.

"Let's hope everything else goes to plan." Amaya reassures the female, who nods in return. A few second later, Cobra and Kohaku turns up with Baba and Eri. Right after them, the Amamiya brothers.

"What took you so long?" Hyuga retorts at the brothers, "You're the last ones." Just then, two other trucks approached the group from behind, the red coats of Daruma Ikkai standing out.

"The Kuryu mob is blocking the way to the press conference."

"Just kick their asses." Masaki states out.

"There's no time." A member of Daruma replies.

"We'll clear the path. I'll give the signal." The leader continues to say.

"What signal?"

"You'll know when you see it," The male chuckles, "Daruma style." The males of the group all release cheers as they move forward to the mob. As the group disappears from the sights of the others, Akahana lets out a sigh.

"The countdown for the second bomb started." She said. As the last five seconds rolled in, the female held her breath, waiting for the explosion from behind them. The countdown had finished, but the explosion never came. Instead, fireworks and different colored smoke bombs were released.

With no words said, the group made their way through, each of them knowing that this was the signal that the leader of the Daruma Ikkai had said. This had caused a domino of confusion in the conference, everyone surprised at the fireworks. The group had made it to the front of the conference. 

"You guys go, I have something to do." Cobra told the rest.

"What are you doing?" Replying with a look, the rest figured out where the male was going.

"I'm coming. You four take care of them." Amaya told the males, following after the leader of Sannoh. Entering the hall, Akahana held Eri in front of her to make sure the girl was kept safe from the people. Beside her was Baba and the rest of the three males surrounded the three to cover them.

"Stop the blasting!" Kohaku demanded upon entering the hall. Kuryu guards rushed to push six out, but they stood their ground, pushing forward. The guards let out an array of "get out of here" and "please get out" but was given no attention.

"Those guys are using the casino to cover up the horrible truth!" Kohaku attempted to say as they pushed forward. The cameras and peoples' attention on the group.

"Freeze! Police!" Saigo ran in, showing his badge. Their attention was now turned the newcomers in the conference.

"This casino project is a cover-up by the government and Kuryu. That man will tell you on stage." He added. The group was able to push through up to the stage, where they were finally released from the men stopping them.

Before heading up to the stage, Hiroto handed the rest of the evidence to Baba while Rosie held Eri's hand to reassure the female. The former director of the comapny who started the toxic waste began to show the evidence and explained everything. Right after him, Akahana went up.

"These documents right here show the experiments done to me when I was a few days old. My mother had been forced to digest the toxic waste," She showed her and her mother's medical reports, "My grandfather was shot and killed the day after he gave my mother the cure. The cure now runs in my veins. " Finishing her part, she rushes to the younger female, giving her a reassuring hug.

"You can do it." She smiles at Eri, who nods and goes up the stage.

"My body is a piece of evidence, and it's not just me," She started. Akahana spots the three males in the crowd and gives a small smile. 

"There were many other victims in Nameless City!" The young girl cried. The people and reporters taking pictures, flashes were everywhere. 

With Cobra and Amaya standing behind him, the two waited by the exit of the underground parking for the rest of Kuryu. Black cars approaching the exit was stopped, the remaining heads of Kuryu exiting the cars.

"You cocky brats!" Minamoto screamed in anger. 

"You're alive." Kurosaki aimed the sentence to Cobra.

"This is the last time we'll ever see each other." The blonde male confidently told the older males. 

"Watch your words, punk." Minamoto threatened the male.

"You think Kuryu can be destroyed that easily?" Katsunari added on.

"Until now when you've already fallen, you're still as arrogant." Amaya sighed, causing the other males in front of them to enrage even more.

"An adults' fight isn't about winning or losing," Cobra said before anyone else can say anything, "It's about life or death. But we're alive and here. Admit it. You lost." A small silence filled the place, the remaining heads not wanting to admit anything.

"We've lost this battle." Kurosaki responded, causing the rest other heads to look at the male with stunned looks. Marching back to their cars in silence, the heads gave the two one last glare. With this parting conversation, the everyone was now at peace.

Watching on the tv, Smoky and Dr. Hakiro sat there, seeing that the justice that was longed for had finally been served. Everyone was sure of this. Friends and family that had died because of Kuryu, because of the toxic waste and because of the government. Justice was finally served.

It was finally over.

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