chapter 2

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No one's POV

Soon after that encounter with Aizawa, Izuku heads to his dorm to get ready for the fun night up ahead. While he is getting ready he hears a knock on his dorm room.

Izuku's POV
"Who is it?" " Hey Deku-kun it's me Ochako and Iida, we're wondering if you would like to come and hangout with us?" As soon as I heard who it was I opened the door and let them in. They already knew I have a crush on Sensei since the beginning of school and keep trying to get me to tell him. Wait until they hear what happened today... " So you guys know how I have a crush on Aizawa-Sensei?" For a second they just stared at me and then Iida was the first to say something. "Midoriya, yes we know about your crush on the teacher." "Deku-kun did something happen when you stayed after class??" "U-umm y-yeah." "You have to tell us what happened!" They both said at the same time. " "O-okk.... W-wel-ll we en-nded up-p k-kinda k-kiss-sing." For a second they just kind of stared at me and then both shouted at the same time.. "WAIT SO THAT MEANS YOU GUYS ARE TOGETHER NOWW!!!" "I-I g-guess?" " That's great Deku-kun/Midoriya." "Guys there is something else... He wants me to meet with him at his dorm like 15 minutes ago but I don't know what to wear." As soon as I said that Ochako-san stood up and immediately went to my closet. "Deku-kun you should wear this."

"Ochako-san I c-can't w-wear a s-skirt!!" "Midoriya if this is a date I would have to agree with Ochako on her decision

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"Ochako-san I c-can't w-wear a s-skirt!!" "Midoriya if this is a date I would have to agree with Ochako on her decision." "F-fine guys. But I should probably get ready and head to Sensei's room." "Ok Deku-kun/Midoriya." "Oh and Deku-kun text us when you're back at the dorms." "I will Ochako-san."

                     Aizawa's POV

Where is he? He should've been here almost half an hour ago. I decided to go ahead and set up for when Izuku gets here. After setting up I decided to get my self a cup of coffee. But as soon as I got the coffee brewing I heard a faint knock on my door. I hope that it's Izuku at my door and not that annoying Cocktail." I walked over to open the door and seen that it's Izuku. "Hey kitten~ you know that you're late right, you don't want a punishment do you ~~?" "U-umm n-no I d-don-n't." Izuku said while trying to hide the fact he was a blushing mess. " Now now what have I said about stuttering around me Kitten~~?" "To not to." "Exactly now go ahead to the room~ I'll be there once I'm done with my coffee.~" "Can I wait out here with you?" "Sure but no touching me that'll be your punishment for being late. Understand?" "Yes I understand." Izuku then looks away disappointed. "Go ahead and take a seat I'll be ready in a few minutes." "Yes Sensei."

                         Izuku's POV

    This isn't fun I was going to mess with him while he drank his coffee but now I have to sit here and wait.... Actually no I'm gonna mess with him fuck the punishment, I don't care anymore. I thought while looking at Aizawa. A few seconds later I get up and walk over to him swaying my hips a little and sit in the seat beside him. "Don't you even think about it Kitten~~" "What if I already thought about it and decided to just go ahead and do it?~~" " Kitten." He replies growling. Shit I'm in deep trouble for what I'm about to do. Oh well I'm not fixing to back down from this. "You can't stop me Shouta Aizawa." I say this as I start moving hand towards the top of his pants and start pulling them down. ( A/N : Aizawa is in sweat pants and a black shirt.) "You've done it now Kitten." Aizawa replies growing. Oh shit I fucked up bad now. "Kitten room now." "Make me." As soon as the words came out of my mouth I was being pushed against the nearest surface. Which was the counter in front of us. "Kitten stop being such a brat before I make sure you can't even walk for a while." "Hmmm... I'll think about it." After that I was being carried to Aizawa's bedroom. As soon as we made it he threw me on the bed and got on top of me and started kissing me.

                     Aizawa's POV

    He really decided to start acting like a brat and not do his punishment. " Kitten you're going to have to take a new punishment now."
                TO BE CONTINUED....

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