Chapter 17

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Dysis made her way down the hallways with a slight smile on her face. It had been a very long time since she'd done anything like that with music, and it had been the first time she'd done it in front of people. It had taken a lot of energy, but Dysis's werewolf healing also tended to fill her energy quite quickly as well so she was alright.

It had been the first time she'd done anything remotely big in front of the Professor, and it had paid off. Professor Flitwick now wanted her to be a musician in his singing group—well actually he wanted her to be the only musician in the group if she could continue to play that many instruments on her own.

She had said yes of course, because she loved playing like that and the sound it made, but she had made it very clear that she wouldn't sing. Flitwick didn't mind that and had been so excited he had squealed.

Dysis rolled her eyes to herself and continued up to Gryffindor Tower to get changed for dinner, a light happy feeling in her chest for the first time in a long time.


Remus was panting and sweating beside Dysis by the time they stopped at the door and he put his hands on his knees, regaining his breath.

He wasn't as winded as he had been a week ago, Dysis noticed with satisfaction and pointed it out to Remus. He looked up at her with a grin, his face shiny with sweat in the light of dawn. "I guess so," he panted. "I've stopped throwing up anyway."

Dysis laughed, remembering the numerous times Remus had stopped to puke his guts up, then continue.

She'd told him numerous times that it would have been worse if he'd had breakfast and he always grumbled and pushed off whatever it was he was leaning on.

Now he straightened and made his way to the door. "Are you coming to the game today?" he asked and Dysis snorted.

"Everyone goes to the quidditch matches," she replied. "I'm quiet and antisocial, but I'm not one of the ghosts."

Remus snorted and pushed the door open, striding into the castle with a lopsided grin thrown over his shoulder. Dysis couldn't help grinning back and followed him in.

"You don't play, do you?" she asked and Remus shook his head.

"Sirius and James do and sometimes we go over to James's house and play, but playing with them just makes me more certain about not playing," he said with a laugh and Dysis chuckled.

"James is seeker and Sirius is Keeper, right?" she asked.

"James is captain now. He was made captain last year," Remus replied and Dysis raised her eyebrows.

"A fifth year captain? That's young," she commented and Remus shrugged.

"McGonagall thought he was fit for it, and she hasn't been wrong so far."

"Did you win the quidditch cup last year?" she asked and Remus scowled, which made Dysis laugh.

"The only reason we didn't win was because James got the flu from training out in the rain so much and couldn't play the last game," he defended and Dysis laughed again, rolling her eyes at the idea.

They continued up to the common room, chatting about what had happened last quidditch season and betting on the match that was happening today.

When the Fat Lady opened up for them, voices reached Dysis and she paused, frowning at the passageway in front of her.

It was nearly seven in the morning, which meant nobody should be awake yet. It was Saturday morning—nobody except poor Remus would be up at this time.

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