Chapter 69

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Dysis barely noticed the weeks blurring by until they were slipping into March, the weather finally starting to warm.

Her time was spent focusing on classes, which were all about non-verbal spells that none of them could do yet, helping Augusta with her self-defence, working out with Remus and Sirius and training Remus to control and live with the heightened senses.

She knew it was incredibly overwhelming, now being able to hear and smell everything. He'd told her that he now couldn't go back to what he had been like before the invisibility cloak. He had passed another milestone in his path to full control, and now couldn't physically go back even if he wanted to.

It was taking him a while to get used to it, but that was natural. Dysis gave him her earmuffs to use for when he was sleeping, seeing as she didn't use them at that time, and used different techniques to help him control it, like sniffing out the bad beans in Bertie Botts Every Flavoured Beans, which they fed to a very unamused James, and exposing him to different sounds to get him used to them.

He adjusted a lot quicker than she had, she had to admit. It had taken her almost two months to stop wincing at every loud noise, and even then she still couldn't fully control that. He also seemed a lot better with smells than she had been. She remembered feeling nauseous for weeks because of the smells, but Remus seemed alright. He went a bit green from time to time, but hadn't thrown up yet. And of course flowers still upset him, but that was as expected. At least it wasn't as bad as it had been on Valentine's.

Dysis smiled to herself as she thought about it just as the bell rang in the school far up the hill. She turned to see Remus's head jerk to look up at it.

He caught her eye and grinned, his eyes sparking with excitement. He was in a very good mood, which was strange considering the full moon would be rising in just a few hours.

She wondered if this moon would be different from the others now that he had his senses. Would he have more control? Would he remember more of it? Surely he wouldn't go backwards, but maybe he'd just stay where he was at the moment.

Dysis shook the thoughts away and began packing her things from where they were laid out in the grass around her, mixed in with the boy's things as well.

"Here," Sirius said as he passed her her pencil case. She took it with a murmured thanks, her stomach fluttering as her fingers brushed his. She cursed herself and shoved the flutters down, taking a deep breath.

The past few weeks had been....difficult and odd when it came to Sirius.

She'd pushed the potion class away as much as possible, but that was difficult when her body rebelled against her every time Sirius was around, and that kiss kept swimming up everytime she glanced at his lips. It had been a silent understanding that they didn't speak of the kiss, and they continued on as normal—as if it had never happened. Still, Dysis found herself thinking about it more than she had ever thought about something in her entire life.

She pushed it all away as much as she could, but it had become exceedingly more difficult to do with every week that passed.

She found herself thinking about it more and more often. It kept her up at night and distracted her in class. It annoyed her that she couldn't get it out of her head. Or him.

She couldn't get him out of her head.

And it killed her, because a very small part of her knew what it meant. That part kept screaming it at her, and Dysis kept ignoring it completely. She couldn't listen to it, because she knew it would hurt her. Hurt her more than it already had by just existing.

So she ignored it, but continued to spend time with Sirius even though she knew she should distance herself if she wanted to stay unscathed.

But she couldn't.

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