Prologue (The Invitation)

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In a world where Humans and Anthros coexist together, you would probably expect them to be at each other throats. However, this is not the case. In fact, its quite the opposite. In this world, Humans and Anthros actually get along with each other very well. Both species live in the same society, same cities, and same countries. Of course there are issues every now and then, mainly regarding racism and discrimination, but other than that, everything goes smoothly. 

The only thing that makes Anthros and Humans different, is the fact that Anthros are naturally much larger, with most of them towering over the average Human. However, that doesn't bother Humanity, although, it does make some Humans slightly nervous about being around Anthros.

Since History first began, Humans and Anthros had always gotten along, and it seemed they always would. However, just one party, was about to change a Human's life forever. 


Your name is Y/N, and you have been going to school for the past 12 years. Or at least you were going to school. However, finally, after so long, you had graduated. You had finished your tests, you had attended your graduation ceremony, and now you were free with your life. 

However, it was only after the ceremony had finished, you were walking back with your family, who had gone to watch you graduate, when suddenly, you were stopped by an Anthro. It was a wolf, standing 6 feet tall, with light grey fur, and with a bit of white fur across his muzzle. He was wearing a black collared shirt with blue jeans. 

He smiled at you, in a friendly manner, before saying, "Hello Y/N

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He smiled at you, in a friendly manner, before saying, "Hello Y/N. It's been while, hasn't it?"

You stopped, thinking for a second. You were trying to remember his name, as you felt like you had seen him before, before it suddenly clicked. 

The Anthro's name was Leo, and he had graduated the year before you, as you went to an Anthro and Human school, which accepted both species. Leo was older than you, but not by a lot. Although, he was much bigger. However, to be fair, most Anthros were bigger than Humans, with the tallest being 7 foot. 

"Oh! Uh, hi... Leo? It has been a while. If fact, its been over a year! What are you doing here?" You asked, sounding a bit suprised and confused, but also happy that you were seeing your friend again. Leo laughed, as he patted you on the shoulders. 

"Heh, took you long enough to remember my name. Have you and Sarah gone on that date yet? I hope so." 

You blushed deeply, as you thought of your other friend, Sarah, who was an Anthro Dragoness, whom you had also been great friends with, along with Leo. You thought briefly back to all those times where you would all sit in the courtyard together, along with everyone else, at break times. 

It wasn't unusual for Humans and Anthros to start an interspecies relationship, but that didn't make it any less embarrassing. 

"Leo! Sarah is our friend! And you know that! I'm not in love with her!" You snapped at him, feeling annoyed. Leo just put his paws up, in a peace gesture, while laughing. 

You looked back at your family, who were waiting, and you gestured for them to go on ahead.

"Well, to be honest, I was actually looking for you. Congrats on graduating, by the way. Anyway, I'm hosting a party at my house. Its for all the people that graduated. Along with some of my other friends. Other than you and Sarah. Think of it kind of like an end of school celebration. Either way, I was hoping you could come." He said. 

There was a hopeful look in his eyes, which did make you feel like he really wanted you to come along. After all, the two of you had been good friends all through school. Besides, it wouldn't hurt to take one night of partying. Right? Not to mention school was also finished, so you didn't exactly have any homework or study. 

You thought about it for a second longer. "Alright. Sure. I'd love to come. When is it exactly?"

"Tomorrow night. It starts at 6:00pm. I've invited Sarah too. Its going to be a friend reunion!" Said Leo enthusiastically, as he handed you a scrap of paper. It had his address scrawled on it. Although, you didn't really need it, as you had been to his house before, and knew where it was. You took it anyway. 

"Thank you so much! I'll see you there!" You said, trying to keep your cool. Leo nodded, smiling as he walked away. He knew that you were barely containing your excitement. 

"Heh, cute." He muttered to himself as he walked off. Meanwhile, you were bubbling with excitement, and feared you were going to explode. You had never been to a Graduation Party before. You were already wondering what it would be like, and who else would be there. 

Immediately, you rushed off to tell to join your family ahead, and tell them the good news. 

This party was going to be awesome! You were sure of it...


What you didn't know, was that this party was going to be like no other before...

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