The Party

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It was the night of the party, and you were standing in the bedroom of your apartment, getting ready. You didn't live with your parents any more, but had moved out a few months ago, prior to your graduation. After all, you were over 18, and to be fair you had been getting sick of being in the same house as your noisy siblings, so you had rented a small apartment, not too far from your childhood home. 

However, now, you were independent. (More or less), which was why you were so nervous so go your first ever party, that did not involve your parents, or school. You had just finished doing up the buttons on your shirt, when you heard a knock on the door. Already having an idea of who it was, you walked through your apartment to the front door, before opening it, only to be greeted by an enormous warm hug from a certain Dragoness...

"Y/N! How are you? Its soooo nice to see you again! Are you ready for the party! I am! I just can't wait-" The tsunami of enthusiastic words were cut off, as Sarah hugging you realized that she was squeezing you tightly. 

"O-Oh. Heh, sorry about that." She said, sounding a bit embarrassed, as she placed you back on your feet. You felt sightly dizzy from the sudden unexpected hug, but also, from who had just hugged you. 

You were blushing quite a lot, from the unexpected welcome, but Sarah didn't even seem to be fazed. Probably because she hadn't just been hug attacked by an Anthro that's nearly twice her size. Her grey and red tail swishing back and forwards in excitement. She grinned politely, as she asked if she could come in. 

You rubbed the back of your head, grinning back. 

"Oh, Sarah. How could I say no to you." You said, as you stood aside, gesturing for her to come in. 

"That's the thing. Ya can't!" She said happily, as she walked in, ducking her head through the door, before entering into the hallway. 

You were smiling to yourself. You knew Leo had also invited Sarah to the party, and that the two of you were going to walk to his house, but you certainly hadn't expected the greeting to go like that.

Than again, I probably should've expected something like that from Sarah. You thought to yourself, as you looked back, seeing her make herself at home on the couch, you asked in she wanted anything to eat or drink before you and her left for the party. 

Sarah seemed to think for a moment, before giving an answer. 

"Do you have any water?" She asked, as you nodded, before walking off to the kitchen to get yourself and her some water to drink. 

Like Leo, you and Sarah had been best friends for as long as you could remember. Despite Leo's teasing for you and Sarah to go on a date, and his remarks about, 'how cute you were together,' you could not imagine ever being on a date with the innocent, bouncy, enthusiastic Dragoness you had befriended all those years ago. 

Even thought she was bigger than you, you still saw her as utterly adorable. In actions and in personality. Not to mention Sarah herself was beautiful. 

Besides, you and Sarah were just best friends. Nothing more... right? Or at least that was in your opinion. 

You came back from the kitchen, with too glasses of water. One for you, one for Sarah. She sat up when you walked in, before taking the glass from you, and downing it in a few seconds. You drank yours slower, as you and Sarah laughed, and told stories of when they were younger and still in middle school. 

Finally, you checked your watch, and knew it was time to go. Otherwise you and Sarah would be late for the party. 

"I'm guessing its time to go?" Asked Sarah, as you stood up, putting your empty glass away. 

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