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Ashley knocked on Tim's door, and instead of him answering, Chris Sanford answered. What in the hell was he doing here? She thought.

"Oh- Tim! Ashley's here!" Chris shouted into the house and the sound of a football game and cheering rang through the house. She heard heavy footsteps then Tim appeared behind him, giving him a more than annoyed look as he walked away.

"We're having a- uh... guys... get together..." He muttered.

"I'm coming here from 'Girl's Night.' I assume John, Chris, Wesley, and Nyla's... husband I think are all in there?" Ashley sighed as she looked down at her hands clutching her phone.

"Yeah... Wade too. Luna couldn't make it to the bar tonight. We... We know about their girl's night thing. It's a whole story- Lucy wanted to make a thing with all the girls to be able to hang out without us and so we started watching games when they went out to party- it's not important um... why are you here?" He kept the door close to him, an obvious sign Ashley wasn't going to be invited in.

"Can you just like, step outside? We need to talk." She rolled her eyes at the childish man in front of her, who was sliding between the door and slowly walking to the outdoor furniture.

"I know what this is about. I'm sorry I've been blowing you off I just- I needed to figure something out." He wouldn't look up at her, only at his shoes as he leaned back and forth on the balls of his feet.

"Tim, it's not completely about that. Do you... do you love me? I can't figure it out it's so hot and cold with you! One minute we're smitten and the next... you're off talking about Lucy again. I heard Nyla and Lucy talking earlier at the bar and I think you've been thinking about your feelings for her. I'm not stupid, Tim. I see it. You and Lucy have something that we don't, and I'm not gonna stand in the way of that. I'm sorry, Tim. I- I can't just be your second option. I'm worth more." Ashley rants as she sits down on the small chair next to the coffee table. Tim sat down and put his elbows on his knees as he leaned on his hands.

"You were right, Ash. I... I do have feelings for her. And I thought that I was over it and I- I'm not-... I didn't want to hurt you because yes, I like you but... it's just not gonna work anymore. Plus, I want to get married and have kids so, it wouldn't have worked out regardless."

"Thank you for being honest. I'm going to go home and... try and go to sleep. Have a good night, Tim." She gave him a quick smile as she walked away, the Uber she ordered still waiting there per request. She made a mental note to tip them well later and climbed into the car.


Tim: Hey Ash just wanted to let you know I dropped off all the things you left at my house. Thank you. I'm talking to Lucy tonight.

Ashley: Good. You deserve to be happy Tim. Tell me how it goes!

   Ashley smiled at her phone as she sat on the lifeguard chair on the beach. She was happy for Tim for finally gathering the courage to talk to Lucy, and was genuinely curious about how it would turn out. She knew how Lucy felt, but sometimes the right person comes at the wrong time. It had been a week since Ashley broke up with Tim and she was sad, of course, but she was ready to find out if their breakup would lead to his happiness.

   "Hi! I'm sorry, do you guys have water?" A man asked as he was panting and looking up at Ashley from the ground below.

   "Yeah I have emergency waters, are you okay?" She climbed down and looked at him. He had dirty blonde hair and brown eyes, he was extremely good-looking.

   "Yeah! I'm fine. My friends forgot to bring water for me since all they wanted was alcohol. I don't think I'm supposed to tell you that, though, " He smiled as he put his hands on his knees and took in a deep breath, "sorry, I ran over here."

   "It's okay, take these. But next time I might not have any left. What's your name?" Ashley handed him the water bottles and they locked eyes. She felt her heart flutter a little as he smirked.

   "Taylor, you?"

   "Ashley. You come around here often?"

   "I will now. I'll see you around, Ashley." He turned around and ran back to his friends, all of them sunbathing or playing volleyball. I think I'm going to move on pretty quickly, she thought.

1 year later

   Ashley and Taylor were going on their weekly date, tonight being their first anniversary. The two immediately hit it off after that day on the beach and had a spark like no other. They started dating and found out quickly that they were meant for each other, and Ashley had almost forgotten the absurd relationship with Tim Bradford.

   "Ash, which appetizer do you want? I was thinking... the loaded fries maybe? No, how about the oysters?" He was staring at the menu intently and trying to find the best option.

   "That's fine, whatever you want Babe," Ashley smiled and glanced to the door opening on the other side of the room, and stopped breathing as she saw who walked in. Lucy Chen.

   "Oh. My. God. Babe, you remember when I told you about that guy I was dating and the girl I was sure he was in love with? That's her!" Ashley whispered, partially laughing and partially shocked. There were no hard feelings between the two because she was grateful for Lucy, if she and Tim hadn't fallen in love then she and Taylor would've never gotten together.

   After Lucy stood there for a while, the door opened again, and a young woman walked in with none other than Tim on her heels, with a little baby carrier in his hand.

   "Hey, sorry we're late. We got held up at the station because Angela wouldn't stop gushing over her." He motioned to the baby carrier and gave Lucy a kiss on the cheek.

   "I mean, Angela hadn't seen her before! I gushed over her when I saw her too. It took me hours to give the baby back to Lucy." The young girl spoke.

   "Hey, I was grateful! I got to take a nap. It's really hard to take a nap when you have a newborn with you at all times." Lucy argued. Soon the hostess came over and took them to a table, and Ashley was taken aback by the small family.

   "I'm guessing the guy was your ex? He's a little too... serious looking to be your boyfriend, Ash. Just saying." Taylor glanced at her over the menu and Ashley snorted.

   "I know, right? You're a major upgrade, T. I love you."

   "I love you too, Ash." Taylor smiled. Ashley was right last year. She was so happy that she left Tim, everything that happened led to her meeting the love of her life and finally finding happiness. Maybe it was only because she didn't know what had happened to Tim and Lucy, but she will always feel like she was the one who lucked out after their breakup. She was happy, and that's all that mattered.

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