•Drown-Chap 80°

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   There's no way I'm not gonna let Lala dead in this life, nor her next life, or the rest of her lives

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   There's no way I'm not gonna let Lala dead in this life, nor her next life, or the rest of her lives.

The girl followed them at the familiar location, Yokohama Bay. Ships and diffirent luxurious cars were park down by the side. Men in black were doing their jobs while Bonten and Natsuku was watching.

        Wow....now I'm gonna be in one of those movies where I'm gonna save someone by a cargos location, baka Cardo Dalisay to.

"Hey you!" Someone spotted me, pointing their flashlight at me.

"Um...." I stop and covered my eyes because the light was blinding me.

    "And you are?" I think they're only 2 or smthing..

"My....my name's Jeff" I smiled weirdly imitating the meme as I remember.

"Jeff who?" He put his flashlight down.

      "Jeff this" I snap his neck, loosing his conscious. The other tried to shoot me but I beat him down.

   Sneeking through the area, I was watching them as Riosha started to struggle.

"Ah shit.." The voice startled me as I smelled cigarettes. Looking at the direction I saw Baji with Mitsuya, Chifuyu and Inui. Damn not you guys too!

   "We can't stop them now..." I was eavesdropping at their conversation.

"Just where the heck is that Birdy anyway!" Someone kick the railings because I could feel it tremble.

     "She's gonna be so angry at us..." Mitsuya sighed "I'm doubting Iekami can save them this time"

This time?

"Don't underestimate that fucker..He'll be here"

  "Cut it!" Someone shouted. The girl's eye jolted towards the rope and saw her beloved Grandma tighted on her wheelchair.

  Are they gonna drown her!

    Just when the rope was cut, she jump in the water with her.



As Natsuku and Bonten was arguing, the men cut off the rope that was holding Mrs.Kato.

As it splashed in the ocean, A bright silver haired jump along with it.

Following with a fading shout.

(Curse you Horny People!)

"Nana?" The empty leader mutted.

"The fuck was that!" Sanzu rushed towards it to look at it. As he saw bubbles bubbling out.

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