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It is him! The White Leopard, Wakasa Imaushi. He's the first Husband I encountered. And also he's much more handsome than I thought look at those eyelash, body and structure.

"So are you the one who help her?" Wakasa ask looking back at the white haired girl with yellow eyes.

"Yes daddy"


She blurted it out unconsciously.

Realizing the words she answered. She immiadiately covered her mouth.
Even Ichiro was giving her a "wtf" look.

Wakasa chuckled "Do I look like a father to you?"
Good thing Im a child he didn't think any of the words I blurted out. This is the effect of reading fanfics in my previous life.

"Yes they were the one's who help me Wakasa-ni-san. Resulting her getting injured" Emma talk. Making Wakasa check you out for any injuries.

"Ah! Its no biggie its just a scratch!"You shake your head smiling.
Wakasa step closer to you and checks your feet.
"Hmmm, that doesn't look like a scratch to me" Wakasa said as he lifts you up. "What's your name?"

"Im Nari Kenshin!" You answered.

'Calm down! We should be no simp!' You thought hiding the romantic excitement you felt.
"Where do you guys live? Me and my brothers here will drop you off" Wakasa putting down Nari at his motorcycle.

"Ah.. I live by ******* at the Kenshin Residence" you answered.
"Drop me off at *******" Ichiro said, making the boys chuckle.

' This ungrateful brat!' You thought even now Ichiro is so blunt.

"Ichiro huh? Are you the one who beat this guys?" Wakasa ask Ichiro.

"What does it have to do to you?" Ichiro muttered.
Wakasa just smirk, amaze by the little boy's fighting skills and rudeness.

"As for you Emma your riding with us, your big brother has just taken care of some business" Wakasa started his motor as we and Ichiro part ways.

"So you lived by Kenshin's Residence? Im guessing your Mrs.Kato's only grandchild" Wakasa asked, driving the motor at a gentle speed.
"You know my lala?" You questioned back.
"Your Family is known for good traditional weapons and pshysical abilities, too bad Mr. Kato pass away" Wakasa stop the motor at a unfamiliar building.

"Sir? This isn't my house." You stated.
Making Wakasa again chuckle.
"Dont worry Im just gonna show you to Shinichiro, Emma's brother" Gaining an O expression from you.

Wakasa supported you and Emma to get down. As Emma held your hand and about to lead you inside.

You stop making Emma stop too.
'But Wakasa said Sinichiro isn't home yet, if this is the Sano household. I might meet Mikey, I'm not prepared for that yet.'

"U-Um Emma-chan? Im not feeling very well my injuries hurt can I back out?" You said making an excuse

"Ehhh, that's perfect! Let us heal you first befo-" you cut off Emma saying "Ah!haha no its fine. My Lala must be worried sick I really need to go"

Wakasa Sigh "Sorry Emma-chan It seems like this princess is right, better thank her next time okay?"
'Omg Imaushi just called me a princess!' You a simping hoe just thought of that.


Emma pouted and nod, letting go of your hand.
"Then Nari? Promise me to let me thank you next time!" Emma grin, making you no choice but to agree.

Wakasa is now driving you home .
"Neh?Leopard-san Can you speed up"you said irritared at the slow speed.

Wakasa was shock at the nickname you gave him and the thing you ordered. Normaly kids on your age would be balling their eyes out at a fast motorcycle ride. That's why he put up a speed suitable for you and safe.
"Oh, why Am I a leopard hmm?" Wakasa smiled.

You realized again that he didn't say anything that his nickname being a White Leaopard.
"Cause you look like one, except your white!" You answered grinning puting up an innocent child act.

At this Wakasa speed up, wanting to make you regret the words you said to him after all your still a child. Instead of crying and telling him to stop you shouted in excitement. This made Wakasa shock as he smirks.

Thinking 'Now this is A Kenshin's generation'

Imaushi stop the motorbike in front of your house.
Seconds later you heard footsteps running towards you.

"Ahh!My babyy! What did you come home so late!" And your guess was it was Mrs.Kato worried sick.
"Gomenne Lala, It won't happen again" Nari said hugging her Lala back.

Mrs.Kato notice Imaushi
"Oh my! Wakasa! Thankyou very much for taking my baby home! Do you want to come in and have some refreshments? Its been so long since I saw you" Mrs.Kato said to Wakasa. You wondering what's Mrs.Kato and Wakasa's connection.

"Its okay Madam Kato,thankyou but I just wanted to take her home safely after I saw her with Sinichiro's sister" Wakasa politely declined.

"Sinichiro? How's that boy doing anyway? Then visit us when you have time okay?" Mrs.Kato answered.

Hearing the conversation made you think that maybe they were close before.

"Goodbye Mrs.Kato and Hime-sama! I would like to see you and Ichiro soon" Wakasa's final word as he drove off.

Again you were prepared for Mrs.Kato's nagging.

"RaiNari Kenshin Kato! Do you know how worried I was? You are usually here before 6 now you arrived 9o'clock in the evening?!Look at those injuries!"

Mrs.Kato was nagging while healing your injuries, you wondered if Ichiro have arrived. And is Izana and Kaku doing okay? I should visit them tomorrow.

"And you should prepare tomorrow, we will be having visitors" Mrs.Kato said making you snap out of your thoughts.

"Okay Lala, what time will they be here?" Nari asked

"They'll be here at lunch time okay? They'll be taking the weapon as a gift to their grandson" Mrs.Kato answered.

Then I'll have to visit Izana and Kaku in the morning.

"What weapon Lala? Did you make it?" Nari tilting her head.

Mrs.Kato laugh "Did you hit your head darling? We made that baton together you know. You insisted on making it with me since you have a "crush" on this boy" Mrs.Kato tease.

You were confuse, the previous Nari has a crush on someone?

"I did? Who's gonna visit tomorrow Lala?" Nari once again asked.

"Oh your really unloyal, Its just A year since you three didn't play and you already forgot you like him?" Mrs.Kato joke.
"Eh? Lala come on, maybe Im too young that day so I forgot" you answered.

"Hahaha okay just be prepare, THE HAITANI FAMILY will be visiting tomorrow"


:>hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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